Recent content by Giladcohen12

  1. MSSaD9cl.jpg


  2. 5JxCF3Sl.jpg


  3. G

    Is it mold?

    no i bought it from my dealer, he said its fine but i dunno, i think ill trim it a bit and smoke. Thx!!
  4. G

    Is it mold?

    I save it inside of glass jar, sealed, and the jar sealed in plastic bag with zipper. i think it will be fine?
  5. G

    Is it mold?

    So ive got abit more photos, some seem fine but if u look at the photo when ive all the "buds" close, in the front some seems sketchy, or its just the trichomes?
  6. G

    Is it mold?

    So its bad smoking these?
  7. G

    Is it mold?

    So few days ago ive got 3gram of weed for myself, and seems ,like the roots are abit white, and the smell is like mint weed, does it look like mold? is it safe to smoke these? ive smoked abit and nothing happend but then again i dont know....
  8. G

    Is it ok to smoke these?

    How can i make sure there is no mold on it? ive just noticed ive written moist instead mold plus do you think it will be ok storing in plastic sealed container ? for a few weeks.. and tommorow I'll buy some glass jar to store
  9. G

    Is it ok to smoke these?

    So yesterday I walked outside with my stash I got from the dealer and apparently there was some hole in the bag and some weed fell down and I didnt notice. Then I got home and smoked some and went to sleep, the next day Ive noticed some of the weed is missing and went back to look where it was...
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