Recent content by greengo840

  1. greengo840

    Obama Breaks Promises On Medical Marijuana Laws

    Hemp resin, not pot. Nice try though. :thumb:
  2. greengo840

    Couple Wants Canada to Pay for Marijuana

    Um yes, now that I've thought about it, I'd like $2500 too. Also, $100 quarterly wont make or break me, but I'll take that as well.
  3. greengo840

    Obama Breaks Promises On Medical Marijuana Laws

    Clinton is guilty of the same thing--deception. A different topic related deception but a deceiver no doubt. Also, ignoring medical data in the face of politics is another form of deception. He followed right down Nixon's path of convenient truth. Almost everyone has admirable qualities if we...
  4. greengo840

    Obama Breaks Promises On Medical Marijuana Laws

    Bill Clinton was no righteous man. As our first pot smoking president, he ignored the medical studies coming out in the 90's, opposed prop 215, attacked it constantly before and after it's passing, and doubled the amount of Marijuana related arrests in the country. How can anyone justify...
  5. greengo840

    Whittier Police Tactics in Medical Marijuana Raids Questioned

    Your logic is beyond my comprehension. Prop 19 failed and the raids have continued. There were raids before and now. What tv? What gadgets? How would legalization mean more raids? Please explain, I have my own imagination.:bong:
  6. greengo840

    Colorado May Become the New Pot Legalization Battleground

    As far as the larger picture goes, I believe the "non-white" thing to do is nonsense. American culture embraces a hard-work ethos and tends to be very skeptical of people whom are perceived to be "down on their luck." Pot culture tends to embrace the unproductive appearing adventures of fun...
  7. greengo840

    And Justice For All? No, Son, Justice For Some

    Jesus lady, go sit in the crying room. I imagine there's always another side to every story, but get real. 1. Kids shouldn't be brought up to curse or argue with the police even when the police are wrong; that's the parent's job. Most adults lack the emotional and intellectual control needed...
  8. greengo840

    New Federal Crackdown Confounds States That Allow Medical Marijuana

    You had to suffer before you changed you mind. I'm not going to wait for the world to get sick enough so that I can toke. Apology accepted.:winkyface: It's not mute when you say it's the only way to promote cannabis decriminalization. You agree that Doctors "push" drugs for money and yet...
  9. greengo840

    Mexican Protesters Demand an End to the Drug War

    I have a friend that lives in Mexico City. He told me how things changed when Calderon took office. People that live in one house or another simply vanished over a weekend, and a new family moves in. No one asked questions because the people that vanish are supposedly drug dealers. Crime in his...
  10. greengo840

    New Federal Crackdown Confounds States That Allow Medical Marijuana

    Like politicians, doctors can be bought. It's not helping persuade conservatives in mass. Doctors have in the past recommended tobacco, heroin, ecstasy, and today push hundreds of pharmaceutical products across this country that often have catastrophic consequences. The cannabis debate should...
  11. greengo840

    Driving High Bill Dies in Senate

    We see ads like that from Pfizer or Johnson & Johnson? They're kind enough to warn us that their products may lead to our deaths, but I've never seen them place a PSA about friends intervening to stop the abuse of their products. Mr. King, you can go fug yourself as soon as you get that...
  12. greengo840

    Free at last

    A government sponsored hiatus does have a way of inspiring appreciation. Plus it feels sooooo good one you haven't taken a toke in a long while.
  13. greengo840

    Marchers Demand Legalization Of Marijuana

    Vive Mexico!!! :thumb: Fuck Calderon!RoorRip
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