Recent content by hathor

  1. H

    Trying transdermal cococnut oil extract on cats (ears)

    Just a quick update. The Afghan Kush Ryder (which has more CBD than the first stuff I tried) seems to be preferred by the kits. However all of them seem to do better with it if they don't get it too regularly, so I've dialed it back from a little every day to giving it a couple of times per...
  2. H

    Trying transdermal cococnut oil extract on cats (ears)

    Thanks, Motoco. Where I live, the only weed we can get is what I grow, and I don't do it often because I don't like the risk. The AKR is the first strain I've grown with a known high percentage of CBD, so I hope the results are more like what you've described. I have grain alcohol and will...
  3. H

    Trying transdermal cococnut oil extract on cats (ears)

    Haven't posted an update in a while, sorry. Have continued administering dilute coconut oil, dispensing it from a large feeding syringe since I can eyeball it well that way and mixing it with food so that there are small solid bits rather than melting it in the bowl as I had been. For cat 2...
  4. H

    Relaxed Lester's Garden Photos

    Like Postcards from Eden, Lester... I neglected my garden outside last year but you're inspiring me to get it going again once the weather clears out. We're in the midatlantic so it'll be starting over from scratch, not much will have made it through this winter. Not a jonquil or crocus yet...
  5. H

    Trying transdermal cococnut oil extract on cats (ears)

    Have been continuing with twice daily oral dosages and all continues to go well. Cat 1 (ancient, arthritic, thyroid/kidney) seems to be pulling out of the chronic pain well. She is not able to jump up on furniture again (I had hoped she might, but age is age) she is walking better and is...
  6. H

    Trying transdermal cococnut oil extract on cats (ears)

    Rather than post daily I am going to continue with twice daily administrations and report back weekly unless something happens that warrants notice. Everyone seems to be enjoying gradual improvement and no noticeable side effects. I was concerned about Cat 1 resting so much and then realized...
  7. H

    Trying transdermal cococnut oil extract on cats (ears)

    Day three, and all seems to be well. Another day of two oral administrations about 12 hours apart. Cat 1 (ancient, arthritic, thyroid/kidney) slept comfortably, again ate a little better than she had been but she did seem a little more sedated than the other two and did not venture out much...
  8. H

    Cannabis and Veterinary Use

    I actually just started treating my cats and you have me wondering what will happen if this comes up with either vet. It's not legal at all in my state so I could not ask the vets beforehand. I've known one of the two for a long time, enough to know that if he objected he would dress me down...
  9. H

    Trying transdermal cococnut oil extract on cats (ears)

    Everyone was just fine this morning, perhaps better collectively than usual if you count the reduction in underfootness, excess vocalizing, etc. The wet food left out overnight was mostly finished, more so than it has been (cats 1 and 2, the poor appetite girls, are the only ones who eat that)...
  10. H

    Trying transdermal cococnut oil extract on cats (ears)

    Since cats have higher sensitivities than dogs, and since some medications for pets now include transdermal preparations for applying to the thin skin of the ears, I thought I would try using some fully decarbed (hopefully going into CBN conversion) diluted coconut oil on my cats' ears. This...
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