Relaxed Lester's Garden Photos

Here are some my much anticipated Heirloom Brocolli flowers ( Romanaesco ) into hard bloom, I have been waiting for these flowers since I planted these plants into the ground in ~March of 2013. Following is the lettuce from last years seeds, which I have sowed more seeds next to them to complete the row, they have been fertilized with a 10-3-1 organic solution of bat guano by Dr. Earth, as well as foliar fed with a light solution of SNS-604A (organic) for vegetative growth.
Good cover/camoflage animal for a gardner like us folks, eh?
Some garden photos from today( minus the first two which are flowering hybrid iris at night), it was a very very busy today in the Relaxed Garden. Lots and lots of transplanting, cleaning, and fertilizing things for the big reveg. I repotted all my California Wonder Pepper plants into new pots, pruned the roots, and have started using my new organic soil. Also I transplanted 3 new Jalapeno pepper plants into my new 7 gallon nursery growing bags which were very affordable and seem to be a wise choice. Progress on radish sprouts and carrots are shown, as well as my largest brocolli plant. New lettuce has sprouted up today, still waiting for the green beans. Things are starting to come together finally, what a good day for gardening with 75 degree temperatures, time for a maggie!

I am in love with these broccoli flowers. :circle-of-love:, Also the Black Pearl cherry tomato seedlings all sprouted and are growing like weeds, still waiting for the other things to sprout. Also planted some of that Heirloom Rainbow blend tomatos, we grew them last year and they were amazing, going to have to make sure we get them again, Best damn tomato I ever had.

Also you can notice the broccoli turning purple, seems to be a common theme around here :)
Like Postcards from Eden, Lester... I neglected my garden outside last year but you're inspiring me to get it going again once the weather clears out. We're in the midatlantic so it'll be starting over from scratch, not much will have made it through this winter. Not a jonquil or crocus yet even!

Wish I could grow the 420 outside instead of hiding it in a creepy basement cabinet like it was something shameful. Every time I plant tomatoes and peppers I itch to sneak a little autoflower in there.

Fang is a supermodel. Glad to see you fully appreciate the charms of a cat's Back Feet :) All your pics are wonderful.
Like Postcards from Eden, Lester... I neglected my garden outside last year but you're inspiring me to get it going again once the weather clears out. We're in the midatlantic so it'll be starting over from scratch, not much will have made it through this winter. Not a jonquil or crocus yet even!

Wish I could grow the 420 outside instead of hiding it in a creepy basement cabinet like it was something shameful. Every time I plant tomatoes and peppers I itch to sneak a little autoflower in there.

Fang is a supermodel. Glad to see you fully appreciate the charms of a cat's Back Feet :) All your pics are wonderful.

Thank you very much for the kind words! Also, Welcome to 420 Magazine :) I am so happy I could inspire you a bit and that you enjoyed my garden photos. I won't rub in the good weather any more than I have to, but I'm sure once the weather clears up like you said you'll have a lot of time to get something going :Namaste: I like what you said about the basement, so true.

Also thank you for the compliment about Fang, she definitely is a supermodel :) Thanks again for stopping by, feel free to stay tuned for more regular garden updates as well as my outdoor medical cannabis related updates in my current journal in the link in my signature.

Hope you enjoy the site! :high-five:
Nice Lee. I just planted some strawberries and some texas sweet onions myself. And all my plums, peaches, and nectarines are in full bloom.

The herbs I planted last year all seem to have survived the winter so thats cool. Nice to see your garden is going well too.
Things are well.

I'm still enamored by your garden. So beautiful. I am very envious.


Added: A couple posts back, the one you made on 2-18, that first picture is beautiful. Do you know the species (white flower)?

Good to hear. Thanks again :Namaste: Things are starting to come together slowly. To answer your question about that first picture on the update of 2/18. That is a flower on the Lime Tree :)

Nice Lee. I just planted some strawberries and some texas sweet onions myself. And all my plums, peaches, and nectarines are in full bloom.

The herbs I planted last year all seem to have survived the winter so thats cool. Nice to see your garden is going well too.

Awesome! It's nice to have a large variety of things in the garden. Peaches only bloom hard every so often, I'm sure you've got a bounty coming. Thanks for the kind words. ;)
beautiful. I can't wait to start growing outdoors again. it's still cold here.
Just some more garden pictures, liking the Iris, the flowers only stay open for ~2-3 hours.

More brocolli flowers

Radishes should be ready to harvest in the next 2-3 weeks

Carrots going kind of slow

The naturally growing lettuce is loving the rainy weather, nitrogen in the rainwater
Those iris' are beautiful. And I've always loved looking at mature broccoli. The bees around these parts love broccoli flowers. And now, you've gone and made me hungry, I've gotta go plant a bunch of radishes now! I love how quickly radishes finish. Good work on your garden, may it be green and bountiful throughout the year. :)

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