Recent content by Jason Wilcox

  1. Jason Wilcox

    New Room 14x14x7ft in hight

    The post was made about a month ago frind! Sorry to ruffle any feathers... Jason
  2. Jason Wilcox

    New Room 14x14x7ft in hight

    Sorry man just trying to learn the forums. I do have a full thread started for our Society. :rollit: Jason Wilcox The Cannabis in Canada Society
  3. Jason Wilcox

    The Cannabis in Canada Channel 2010

    Hard Stress Training a 7ft Cannabis Plant In this video Jason grabs a 7 foot cannabis plant and with a 16 inch piece of twine hard stress trains the plant at 6 feet. This is done through a process known as rerouting the floral hormones or auxins if you have it. YouTube - Hard Stress...
  4. Jason Wilcox

    The Cannabis in Canada Channel 2010

    Plant Tissue Culture is here.... In this video Jason opens the topic of clonning by plantlet hence we have cutting edge Bio-Science for all. The kit Jason discusses can be found at Plant Tissue Culture or conatct YouTube - Plant Tissue Culture...
  5. Jason Wilcox

    The Cannabis in Canada Channel 2010

    Hi Friends, In a strange twist of fate I find us entangled with the city of Abbotstford police and inspectors. I ask only that you read the LTE below and check the police show of force at my home via the link at the lower part of the LTE. For the first time in 3 years we need our...
  6. Jason Wilcox

    The Cannabis in Canada Channel 2010

    New Project 14x14x7ft H In this video Jason begins building a new room for his mother plants and future flower room. The room will be full equipped when completed with the assistance of Jason and his sponsors The Cannabis in Canada Society will be able to bring you better quality and...
  7. Jason Wilcox

    The Cannabis in Canada Channel 2010

    Part 1,2 and 3 Vermi T Extractor 5-10-100% Organic Tea Product Overview:rollit:- Vermi T (Logo) is a proven method to achieving high levels of beneficial biology. Vermicrops Vermi T Extraction process teamed with its living Bio-Cartridge packed with beneficial bacteria colonies, fungi...
  8. Jason Wilcox

    The Cannabis in Canada Channel 2010

    Free 2L Sample Update + Thanks :bravo: In this video Jason thanks his sponsors for running the nutrient promo through The Cannabis in Canada Society media arm. The Cannabis in Canada Society YouTube - Free 2L Sample Update + Thanks
  9. Jason Wilcox

    The Cannabis in Canada Channel 2010

    Soil Experiment Conclusion In this video Jason finishes the experiment on two soils to compare. This was done in a controlled environment with the genotype (strain) being the same in both pots Sunshine Mix Organic was Dwarfed by the new Green Planet Starter Mix. I was so impressed with...
  10. Jason Wilcox

    City of Abby Police vs. Jason Wilcox

    Thanks for the props! This is truly the best forums going IMO:bravo: Though real busy I look forward to meeting more associates from our culture on the East coast! I am a TO boy myself! Take Care! Jason Wilcox The Cannabis in Canada Society
  11. Jason Wilcox

    City of Abby Police vs. Jason Wilcox

    Hi Friends, In a strange twist of fate I find us entangled with the city of Abbotstford police and inspectors. I ask only that you read the LTE below and check the police show of force at my home via the link at the lower part of the LTE. For the first time in 3 years we need our subscribers...
  12. Jason Wilcox

    New Room 14x14x7ft in hight

    I will be covering Vermi T in a host of future videos for studies and general vigorous growth do to Vermi Ts uptake advantages and essential oil increase the overall plant vigor. The beneficial micros in Vermi T work as a great protective shield from the root to the fruit. Wow you guys are doing...
  13. Jason Wilcox

    Vermi T Extractor 5-10 You-Tube Demo

    I will be covering Vermi T in a host of future videos for studies and general vigorous growth do to Vermi Ts uptake advantages and essential oil increase the overall plant vigor. The beneficial micros in Vermi T work as a great protective shield from the root to the fruit. Wow you guys are doing...
  14. Jason Wilcox

    Vermi T Extractor 5-10 You-Tube Demo

    I will be covering Vermi T in a host of future videos for studies and general vigorous growth do to Vermi Ts uptake advantages and essential oil increase the overall plant vigor. The beneficial micros in Vermi T work as a great protective shield from the root to the fruit. Wow you guys are doing...
  15. Jason Wilcox

    The Cannabis in Canada Channel 2010 HD

    Geno & Pheno whats all the Hype :cheer: Phenotype :cool: The appearance of an organism resulting from the interaction of the genotype and the environment. Genotype :bong: The sum total of genes transmitted from parent to offspring. The Cannabis in Canada Society :grinjoint: Q&A with...
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