City of Abby Police vs. Jason Wilcox

Jason Wilcox

New Member
Hi Friends,
In a strange twist of fate I find us entangled with the city of Abbotstford police and inspectors. I ask only that you read the LTE below and check the police show of force at my home via the link at the lower part of the LTE.
For the first time in 3 years we need our subscribers assistance on an issue we have at CinC have taken on. If you disagree with the footage in the video please do me a personal favour and take 5 min to e-mail the Mayor his e-mail is this small town has a By-Law 1611 that is what currently use as public policy with the sick and dieing of Canada.
We as medusers can unite for causes across the globe if we stand together and it must start somewhere so please stand with me and we will make change where change is needed from this point forward for united we stand and divided we fall lets show a new international front for we all know someone somewhere. This fight is personal for me but the win be for BC and moreover Canada. Next could be the UK count me in lets show our strength regardless of how the mayor feels about where the e-mail is from.
In closing thank you for reviewing this important issue of policy abuse!
Jason Wilcox
Founder — Director
The Cannabis in Canada Society

Dear Mr. Mayor, 27/02/2010
On the day of Feb 16th 2010 the EFSI Team wished to inspect my home with several police. Sir you may remember me from over a year ago when I appeared in front of the city police board. In addition I have engaged the police here once already in relation to my legal grow of which I have legally for 7 years been doing to support my medication. This encounter led to a city settlement of $7300 out of court for I did not wish to pursue additional damages incurred.
Sir I have contacted Pat Ross as well as well as City By-Law Enforcement and nobody has responded. After 9 days the stress on me as an HIV and HCV positive person of 17 years has proven counterproductive to my quality of life and liberty. Sir I am a survivor not a criminal and needed to exercise my Charter 8 right not to have police search my home without just cause as can be scene in the footage we captured of the encounter.
In closing Sir it is my hope you will look into this matter for I have had to hire an attorney and borrowing money from family only further serves to hurt my family. Please have a talk with Pat and Dwayne is the city-by law officer who really wants me to allow these officers in for I did offer his team into my home as can be scene in the footage. Finally the police showed up in force as did this team exposing me to the elements around near the 7-11. This could have compromised my personal safety and that of my family. Sir please take a look a legislation from 2006 in by-law 1611 for it makes it nearly impossible for a legal law abiding citizen that wises to grow their herbs and medicine without fear of discrimination and what feels like fear tactics. Moreover it is simply wrong to put qualified medical users your police know exist through some inspection that exotic herb and flower gardens do not have to be subeject to simply for they are not a controlled substance. Sir to me as an HIV positive individual I know what discrimination feels like and indeed this by-law targets me a legal grower just the same as illegal persons and I re-integrate I am not and should not feel like a criminal for legally doing what the federal government has cleared me to do.
Here is the footage YouTube - City of Abby vs Jason Rd 2 Part 2
I look forward to hearing back from you Sir and thank you for taking the time to read this letter.
Part 1 YouTube - City of Abby vs Jason Rd 2 Part 1 (video statement)
Part 2 YouTube - City of Abby vs Jason Rd 2 Part 2 (POLICE FOOTAGE)
Part 3 YouTube - City of Abby vs Jason Rd 2 Part 3 (video statement)
Part 4 YouTube - City of Abby vs Jason Rd 2 Part 4 (video statement)
Part 5 YouTube - City of Abby vs Jason Rd 2 Part 5 of 5.mpg (video statement)

Jason Wilcox
The Cannabis in Canada Society
Abbotsford B.C
Thanks for the props!

This is truly the best forums going IMO:bravo:

Though real busy I look forward to meeting more associates from our culture on the East coast!

I am a TO boy myself!

Take Care!

Jason Wilcox
The Cannabis in Canada Society
I'm really surprised more people have not taken interest in this issue. This really is a serious opportunity to help win the fight. JASON,I wrote the mayor respectively and courteously while making my point in your defense. What else? What else can I do to help? You can e mail me directly as my address should be somewhere around your tube channel. Its seriously impossible to express any form of gratitude worth what your doing for the movement.
Hi Jason, :welcome: to the 420Magazine forums. :welcome:
Sorry to hear of the harassment you are going through.
Sad how people can't accept change.
Enjoy your stay with us, and I hope everything can be worked out.
:thanks: for sharing this with us.
Hope to see you around the forums. :peace:
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