Recent content by Kidicarus

  1. K

    My plant is sick help me!

    i forgot, one thing that bothers me is that the ones growing in coco never get that "upward pointing eager to grow" looking leaves like the soil grown does..should i up the nutes? i halved them when the problems started..
  2. K

    My plant is sick help me!

    ok so heres how they look now, i believe the main problem actually was fungus gnats, they were treated with nematodes but some sensi cal/mag+ was also added and they seem to be recovering and getting a more healthier darker green color, it hard to tell but you can compare with my soil grown...
  3. saved them

    saved them

    after using nematodes and sensi cal/mag+
  4. saved them

    saved them

    after using nematodes and sensi cal/mag+
  5. saved them

    saved them

    after using nematodes and sensi cal/mag+
  6. K

    My plant is sick help me!

    bumping my own thread sorry! could it be wind burn? i have a pivoting fan blowing on them 24/7...changed it so it doesnt pivot and aimed it at the wall instead, should it be on a timer? and ill ask again, is spraying them with water when the lights are on bad?
  7. K

    My plant is sick help me!

    Thanks for the advice guys! i believe i read somwhere that you could dissolve magnesium in water and spray them for faster results but maybe it was another kind of magnesium.. well i will give them a proper cleaning tomorrow and get ahold of a magnifyingglass, calibrate my PH meter, and order...
  8. K

    My plant is sick help me!

    yes sorry about that powdery stuff i kind of paniced:bigblush:, its my first ever grow..i have checked for pest but cant see any, only with the naked eye though, i did however have a small problem with fungus gnats in the beginning on my own plants growing in soil but they seem to have...
  9. K

    My plant is sick help me!

    Hello! can some one help me identify what my plant is suffering from.. im growing in soil but i recently adopted a large plant growing in coco the previous owner was using "canna" coco a+b 40ml of each in 10 litres of water so thats what i have been using according to my ebay bought PH meter...
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