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  • Hey you were asking about the pepper/tobacco/garlic mix.... I usually use 1 liter of RO or otherwise filtered water with if possible ppm below 100 just as clean as possible, then i use about 3-4 garlic cloves or 1/3 bulb, then i use either seeds from 1-2 jalapenos or habaneros, or you can use the crushed pepper mix from pizza places. now take all that and crush it up , i use the side of a knife, or if you have one of those medicine makers with the stone bowl and stone crusher thing that works great. and make a little paste out of it. then you can either put that paste into something like a cheesecloth, or into a rosin press bag those are good filters, or put it directly in the water, mix and then filter the water through something after but you just want to get the pieces out that will clog your sprayer. It smells delicious like hot pizza and if you taste it should be spicy. additional ingredients or substitutes include rosemary oil, lemongrass oil and peppermint. i actually start the garlic/peppers+ recipe by heating water and throwing in a bag of peppermint tea and then using that liquid to mix in the other ingredients. Good luck! Let me know how it went!
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