Recent content by Pimptress420

  1. Pimptress420

    Favorite Drug/Pot Quotes

    "I was once in the woods in Georgia, and...I was on Acid. That's not a promotion. That's some kooky shit. You don't--some people it just doesn't fit right with them but whewww...that's my stuff. I had a spotlight, you know like some people spotlight deer and then shoot them. I had a spotlight...
  2. Pimptress420's President

    I vote Clinton!
  3. Pimptress420

    Pimpin Pimptress!

    Hello all! Everyone knows me as Pimptress, but my name is Stephanie. I am 19 years of age. I've been viewing this site for over a year now. But finally joined the fourm ummm.......I think it was in April? Currently I am going to school at a community collage. Just taking the basics. I am not...
  4. Pimptress420

    Most Memorable Member Award

    My vote goes to Rasta. When I first came to this site, we went back and forth posting DMB lyrics. I cannot forget that!
  5. Pimptress420

    Happy birthday to me

    Happy Birthday!
  6. Pimptress420

    Whats your favorite munchie food?

    Pancake batter IS really good! I totally agree. I love food. I could never pick a fav. But I do enjoy Ice Cream! with cookies crunched up in the ice cream. Re-heated Fedachinie(sp, but you can sound out.) That shit is the best when high.
  7. Pimptress420

    Have you ever smoked in a dream?

    Your Dream: Smoking weed Words like smoking: Restricted vision. Cloud. Screen .Looking to hide certain feelings. Words like high: Glamour. Sexual invitation. Flirtation. Power. Words like weed: Useless. Unwanted. Feelings of being undesired . Ha!
  8. Pimptress420

    Have you ever smoked in a dream?

    many times! I got really screwed when I got my first M.I.P. 6 moths probation. 20 hours community service. drug test twice a month, and breath alyzers every other day. You would think I just commeted a crazy crime. But no! I had one drink, and blew a .003. The judge was just a dick. But...
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