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  • You know, I was looking thru your pics. There are a lot more of Julie than I realized! In any case I just realised how lucky we must be for us to be able to get two beautiful girls stripped butt naked walking thru an itchy ass room full of pot. And not only do they sit there and wait for us to take pics all the while naked (or mostly so), but they let us post it here and not bitch about it at all. Its crazy that girls are willing to do such things for us. Do you think they just like our pot or is it really that much fun posing for a cameras next to a bunch of pot plants? lol. On my side I think I know why my girl allows this and its that she likes to smoke my stuff. And plus were nearly married now so she just lets me snap away because I asked her to...nicely...with a packed bowl ready to go, of course, lol. Their just so eager to please!! And Im am pleased to death. Greta pics and great setups man. I wish you the best of luck with the member of the month contest. Stay Hi man!
    The pic on your page is soo cute! Yes, it is time for another grow. I'm dying to grow! We're currently looking for a new home. The one we live at now, out of respect, we don't grow in.
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