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  • I'm so angsty waiting for my seeds so I can start my first DWC grow! I'm so impatient right now. I guess I better smoke.
    I just got my Northern light auto seeds yesterday but I'm still waiting for critical purple. gonna plant them together.
    Grim Creeper
    Grim Creeper
    I understand. I just don't have the room for 2 plants at one time. I've always read grower's saying "less is more". I'm not sure exactly what they mean (less plants or less light wattage), but this will be the first time I've grown only 1 plant, and the first time indoors, so I will do this run to get a feel for my next. TBH, I hate indoors so far! Would much rather be in the sunshine where I can start in a bucket in January and slap that mess in the ground in May for the reveged monsters.

    Edit: The reason I'm indoors is because of a certain helicopter. GRRRR!!!
    Less nutes is more is usually what I take from that. Check out this strain on New420guy, might suit you. it's called "sour 60" and you can give it 24-0 light. It grows from start to finish in 60 days and doesn't get taller than about a foot and a half.
    About RedZedHead:
    Over the past year I have been diagnosed with GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) and cannabis has saved my life through that painful period. I am since on SSRI's and cannabis helps me control my panic attacks. Ever since middle school, I struggled with gut-wrenching stomach pain. My very busy recession-parents waved it off for many years. It wasn't until I was diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrom) that I knew I had to watch what I was eating.

    If I wasn't a regular user of medical Cannabis my life would be incredibly painful, and my mind, work, and friendships would be tortured. Cannabis makes it so I can enjoy my young life while I'm still young. I know this site is full of wise old stoners and I am listening carefully to their tales and lessons.

    Ever since I was a young boy I loved playing in the dirt and that soon translated to gardening. At the age of 10 I had a wicked 4' x 8' outdoor fenced garden (that I convinced my dad to build). I grew strawberries, watermelon, dill, potatoes, and cucumbers (and the nauseating pickle attempt that followed). I loved gardening. Then puberty hit. Fast forward almost 12 years and I miraculously managed a 1 oz Ak-47 harvest with almost no resources and knowledge. I'm currently working on my first DWC grow.
    Maybe some of you can relate to some of the following details about me
    Favorite way to consume cannabis: RAW 1 1/4 organic hemp cones!
    Favorite music: rap, but I was raised on classic rock
    First smoked cannabis: Too young! but not toooo young. believe it or not, I first consumed cannabis through dabs. after a small dab, I felt nothing. They said "some people don't feel it the first time". As an avid listener of Joe Rogan I said, "that's horse shit. Give me another". Infamous last words. I was in love.
    favorite time to smoke: in the AM, I'm a morning person.
    What smoking tips can a young new member to 420magazine offer?
    1. We're all familiar with the bong, but adding a $20-$30 perc off of amazon makes the hits easier, less coughing, and a more flavorful taste. (just make sure you get either 14mm or 18mm to fit your stem).
    2. Moles! If you are not avert to smoking tobacco, maybe I can import this piece of college wisdom to you. Moles are just smoking tobacco mixed with cannabis in a bowl. usually a 50-50 mix. start slow because you can get a wicked head rush especially if you don't use nicotine regularly. I recommend smoking out of a bong, to make the hits tolerable. Of course, it turns the bowl to a green-brown mix, changing it from a bowl to a 'mole'. I am sure I'm not the first person to hear about/do this, so if you call it something different let me know!
    Indica, Hybrid, or Sativa? Indica alllll the way, sativa sometimes gives me panic attacks, thanks to GAD.
    Unique fact: To add to my list of ailments, during my rough period with anxiety I was also diagnosed with Gilbert's syndrome. This is actually quite harmless but to explain it simply, my liver doesn't pull out dead cells from my eyes as well as they should, so the whites of my eyes will sometimes turn yellow when I'm stressed, hungry, or tired.
    This is important because it tends to block out any eye redness. I have to get very zooted before my eyes turn even the slightest tint of red. Talk about a superpower.
    Thanks for reading. I can't wait to learn more.
    You and I arent too different. Ive been on those reuptake inhibitors.. They nearly killed me., im currently battleing graves disease and an overactive thyroid. Dying from IBS on the daily. Lowfodmap and all that guff. Im growing cucumbers, strawbs, tomatos, basil, rosemary, raspberries and 4 wee magic sproutlings :)
    Ah yes,the low fodmap. I left behind milk, cream, soda pop, coffee, onions, mushrooms, and anything with high fructose corn syrup about a year ago.
    Still got cheese tho :blunt:
    I have anxiety, depression and a few other things and Marijuana saved me!!!
    I'm a 21-year-old Finance student with roots in gardening. I had one successful harvest in Nov 2019 with Ak-47. I would die for my plants but they have been dieing for me since then. I am starting my first Hydroponic DWC grow when the supplies get here. I've already read a lot on here and I still have much to learn.
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