Recent content by rondd5

  1. R

    Colorado, Washington First States To Legalize Recreational Pot

    .....congrats to all for this important victory....insanely jealous...
  2. R

    Obama's War On Marijuana Turns To Public Employees can't expect anyone in any of these two "parties" to do anything for anyone ....other than their corporate/rich backers/lobbyists...
  3. R

    Obama is a POS

    ...fair enough...I have no desire to fight with you...We both agree that this weed we love-appreciate has been unfairly targeted for prosecution by bullshit...hopefully we can build on that to find common ground on other things we can agree...peace man.
  4. R

    Obama is a POS

    ...well the tone of your post suggested that somehow lying what strictly a phenomena of is not... or going against "the will of the people" was only a obama is not...check any president..any..there were problems...the right like reagan...who funneled illegal drugs...
  5. R

    Obama is a POS

    ....nice to interact with a constitutional attorney. Why don't you file a brief with the supreme court? I have a hard time taking anyone seriously who still brings this insipid point up..
  6. R

    Obama is a POS

    Yeah right... why don't you just pass a law that says "blacks cannot be president"..unless they pass muster with us.. and be done with it..
  7. R

    Obama is a POS

    " It is not the role of politicians to disagree with millions of Americans because of their own personal beliefs." are aware that obama is NOT the 1st president to do this.....right?
  8. R

    Sick and tired of the BS being fed

    ... Nobody is changing this...the 2 parties will not solve our problems...
  9. R

    Eric Holder is one Creepy Dude

    ...holder is no friend of mine....but neither is beck...2 assholes as far as I'm concerned, but holder isn't a racist, right wing the other "guy"..if beck said "water is wet"....I would have to doubt it...
  10. R

    Eric Holder is one Creepy Dude

    ...glenn beck IS a horse's a.....
  11. R

    Taking the "Vapor Challenge"

    ...just sprung for a go with my ssv...vaping is the way to go...
  12. R

    Cannabis Activists Are Ready To Say 'No Obama'

    ....I concur jakester....our whole political discussion in this country has been reduced (if you listen to the powers that be) to TWO cogent, repulbican...that's it...the only legitimate of them got us in this mess...and according to them...
  13. R

    Delivering Medical Marijuana Under The Law In San Francisco

    ...I have used both green cross and medithrive...many times...vapor room too's the most interesting experience we have left..
  14. R

    California Medical Marijuana Initiative Polls At Nearly 60%

    I'm with you man....I certainly would like to see the model we have in the bay area expanded....I assume you're reasonably happy in santa clara county....?
  15. R

    High Times In The Bronx: 593 Marijuana Plants Found me....there's a million more "farms" in the bronx....
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