Recent content by siqness

  1. S

    New piece! Name suggestions?

    I'm not exactly new around here, but I don't come on these forums often enough to know where to show off my pieces! (so here it is) I still haven't decided what to name it (although I've considered Diablo and Volcano, due to its fiery redness) and I don't want to rush myself or stress over...
  2. S

    Weed bidis. Has anybody tried them?

    It's much, much smaller than a blunt, it's actually the size of a small joint. Bidis are tiny, tiny little things :) In terms of smell, it's rather neutral, more "pure" if you will, compared to a blunt, mostly because there's no scent of cigar leaf in there.
  3. S

    Weed bidis. Has anybody tried them?

    Living in New Delhi, you come across these little "cigars" they make around here called "bidi." Now, a friend of mine who's as big on the herb as myself decided to pull out the contents and fill it with his weed. I was first introduced to it last week, and we wake'n'bake-d with one of those...
  4. S

    Namaste from Delhi!

    thanks for the warm greetings \m/
  5. S

    Namaste from Delhi!

    Hello brothers, hope everyone that's reading this is high. ...and no, in fact, I am not Indian, if you must ask. I moved here 6 years ago. India's fantastic though, it got me into cannabis (which is just incredibly easy to access in forms of hash) and I really had a great time learning about...
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