Recent content by smoking_r1

  1. S

    Loner stoner?

    agreed some more. if they have it and can match. im down to smoke. but damn taking care of 4 homies with no buds.. leaves us with shit. and and expensive habit that we dont even get for ourselves. ive told the homies already and they understand. (most of them) and the ones who dont can just go...
  2. S

    Loner stoner?

    i have to agree with thelife. to many people leech now adays. they expect for u to smoke them out when they aint got shit. so i always tell my friends now that if u aint got any to put in or it gunna take u a month to smoke me out. u aint hitting it. it sounds like im being fucked up to them...
  3. S

    Stoner Skill

    true stoner question that takes up to much thinking fuck up ur lungs for that high... phonebook paper or bible papers roll that bitch up... only take one match to light it up
  4. S

    Stoner Skill

    car keys wallat and cell phone.
  5. S

    new pictures of problem

    wow ur plants look bad man....j/k... u worry to much from these pics it dont look like much is wrong with them. maybe it the picture or im just to higght to see what u typing bout
  6. S

    Looking for stress in socal?

    man the farmacy in west hollywood carries some low end like 35 an eighth... i wouldnt call it stress more like maybe pretendo or shit like that
  7. S

    How much longer?

    if u having doubts bout it... give it another two weeks
  8. S

    Probation Meeting Question

    damn probation sucks. better hope u got a coo po. and that he dont test you. i just completed 3 years of probation this past may... but luckily i didnt get tested.... come to think of it... i dint have a po either..just be smart man.... no bud and freedom is alot better then no bud with no freedom
  9. S

    C-note Og Kush

    imma have to try a few of these places..........i go to the other place on santa monica just be4 fairfax... and been to a few more... but stay there...but the one u talking bout will definately be visited soon .
  10. S

    If you could get stoned with 3 people

    woody harrelson obvious why. anyone who says they dont and wont smoke arial from the farmacy in west hollywood small hot tatted chics r cool
  11. S

    Indoor closet grow (floro's)

    Re: Indoor closet grow (floro's)=( man just get the good lights and run ur bill up.... once u have ur finished product it'll be all woth it... i started out with floros and i didnt like the end results... but when i switched to hps and mh;s man the difference in size. density, and overall...
  12. S

    When did YOU Start?

    i started at 13. and now at 28 good times
  13. S

    i need help on a hydro sys.

    yeah u need nutrients. find a local hydro shop near u and go pick sum up. along with ph balance testers and ph up or down depndin on ur water
  14. S

    knee surgery

    yeah it cool man i blazed the day be4 my surgery... shit was cool
  15. S

    How do i know

    if ur plant outdoors, and u say it get a lil amopunt of light. and they just started budding. u still got a ways too go man.
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