Recent content by TestNegative

  1. TestNegative

    Hair detox products - Any input?

    Time is money, calculating the time it takes you to do all your process, gather all your ingredients you are looking at 1.5 - 2 hours perhaps even more. Makes a commercial product that is safe, quick and effective backed with a 200% money back guarantee sound like a deal. You can try to save a...
  2. TestNegative

    How I Pass My DTs in 24h or Less

    When you only have 24 hours (and you know you aren't clean) and it's a pre-employment test your taking, synthetic urine is without a doubt the most consistent method around. Check out our Sub Solution at for one of the very best fake pees on the market. If you know you may end...
  3. TestNegative

    What synthetic urine is the best?

    Not to tout our own horn or anything :volcano-smiley: but our Sub Solution synthetic urine is considered the best on the market by many, for several reasons. To name a few: - Never been detected as synthetic urine at a lab (only low quality formulas will have these problems, and rest assured...
  4. TestNegative

    Help! Places that don't drug test!

    Wanted to chime in here.. That a job drug tests generally shouldn't be reason enough to not apply. Pre-employment tests are actually a lot easier to beat than many people realize. The easiest way being synthetic urine. Check out our Sub Solution at for one of the very best fake...
  5. TestNegative

    Mouth swab drug test?

    In general THC can be detected for a few days max in your saliva since what's screened for is actual THC as opposed to its metabolites which urine tests look for. If you're a heavy regular user however, it can sometimes be detected for a little over a week on a mouth swab test depending on...
  6. TestNegative

    Certo to help pass test?

    Although a lot of people pass with certo, a good amount fail with it as well. So it's sort of a gamble. The safer way to beat a pre-employment test would no doubt be with a good synthetic urine. Check out our Sub Solution at for one of the very best fake pees on the market...
  7. TestNegative

    Do These Detox Drinks Work?

    The way a detox drink works, as briefly touched on above, is not by actually dtoxing you, but rather to temporarily attempt to mask your toxins by diluting your urine while adding needed nutrients tested for to prevent this dilution from being detected. If you have too much toxins in you...
  8. TestNegative

    Pass your urine drug test using niacin at labcorp

    Niacin can certainly help your detox, but on it's own it's not really that consistent. Many detox products contain it, but only as one small piece of the formula. It's good that you passed and all op, but telling everyone that weight and time of consuming does not matter just because you passed...
  9. TestNegative

    Just used Magnum Synthetic urine

    Hey guys! @Weedlover29: most if not all synthetic urines work for both genders since drug tests don't screen for anything gender specific. And by the way, if you want the best synthetic urine on the market you should really check out our Sub Solution (at It has never...
  10. TestNegative

    The cheapest and most efficient way to pass a drug test

    Time to clear a few things up here! You have 2 main ways of passing a drug test consistently, circumstances will decide which one is the best for you (aside from not smoking and thus being clean naturally): 1. Detoxing. This will take some time however. The best way to detox is to combine...
  11. TestNegative

    Are You Subject to Random Drug Tests? We Have The Answer!

    Sorry for the late reply. We are currently restructuring the business. Lots of changes coming to the website including product videos.
  12. TestNegative

    How can I get THC out my system fast?

    I would be cautious using Niacin. Research it first! Here's an article from our website:
  13. TestNegative

    What You Need To Know About Hair Follicle Testing

    The answer is YES but only if you abstain and stay clean during that period of time.
  14. TestNegative

    What You Need To Know About Hair Follicle Testing

    Re: Hair testing Will probably not be detected, however some labs do have a much lower cut off levels than others. So depending which lab you'll be tested by will make a difference. That being said, why chance it? We sell an effective Hair Follicle Shampoo that will solve your problem...
  15. TestNegative

    What synthetic urine is the best?

    Re: What synthetic Piss is the best? Yes most synthetic urine's can be heated repeatedly without compromising its quality.
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