Recent content by TheStygian

  1. TheStygian

    Not Grandma's usual cooking, Help!

    Re: Not Grandma's usual cooking,,HELP! once i use the hash butter method, the remaining seed can be easily turned into a flour buy grinding them then used, about a pound of butter per Oz of bud, is what i use but im sure you can tone that down, my butter is pretty strong. Also i dont use...
  2. TheStygian

    Cheesy nuggets

    Ingredients: 1/2 cup of marijuana butter 1 cup of whole wheat or regular flour 1 cup of old aged cheddar 1 tsp. of curry powder 1 large egg yolk 1 large egg white (beaten) toasted sesame or hemp seeds Mix flour and butter thoroughly. Add cheese and curry powder, mix. Stir in egg...
  3. TheStygian

    CannaButter In 7 Easy Steps!

    I cook a lot using a method much like this, 1 difference i liek to soak whatever it is I'm using in water for about a day before i start this process, reason being all the Chlorophyll will drain & yet all the THC remains in the weed. since THC is not water soluble and when the butter...
  4. TheStygian

    Greetings from Indiana

    Ok so Ive been a smoker for 25 years plus, I make bowls, Bongs, old school vaporizers, Grafix design, grower, chemist, i make leather outfits for stripper friends, just to name a few talents. Feel free to hit me up
  5. TheStygian

    Methods To Beat A Hair Drug Test

    Hair tests are not used to get pot smokers, It is used for other drugs tho. there is no definitive way to tell how much pot you smoke thru a hair test, True story.
  6. TheStygian

    Certo to help pass test?

    Ok, Certo.. also known as fruit pectin is used to make jelly/jam's , this is my method never had it fail. get any type/brand of jello make it as directed add about half a pack of fruit pectin. drink it the night before your test, drink some water or Gatorade , piss a few times, wake up piss...
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