Recent content by TURBOKILLER

  1. T

    Help! Rust & Beige Spots Cannabis Leaf

    I have something that looks similar. But Ca and Mg deficiencies usually only manifest themselves between the veins, the spots don't normally touch the veins (see attachment). Plus, Ca and Mg are mobile nutrients, meaning that if the apical parts of plant start lacking them, lower plant "send" Ca...
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  3. T

    Shiny golden spots on leaves

    Copy that. Next watering/feeding is scheduled for the weekend. Will post an update in a week or so after applying calmag to see how they react. Once again, thx a lot for everybody's input. Much appreciated. PS: is it safe to apply calmag as foliar spray as an extra measure? Sorry for all the...
  4. T

    Shiny golden spots on leaves

    Thx. I'm growing in soil. Water PH is 6.2-6.4. Gave them a nice watering with added NPK amendment that also contains micro nutrients. Still waiting for calmag delivery. The good news is it seems to have stopped spreading for now. New growth is very vigorous. Should I remove affected leaves or...
  5. T

    Shiny golden spots on leaves

    UPDATE: here's the progression, today's pics
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  11. T

    Shiny golden spots on leaves

    From what I've seen online, this seems to be a Mn deficiency and/or over-watering. Can anybody confirm that?
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  13. T

    Shiny golden spots on leaves

    Hi. I've noticed one of my plants has these shiny spots on a pair of leaves. I had the same problem with a seedling this season but have no idea what causes it. In addition to the spots, the seedling's leaves were also yellowish. Initially the spots are shiny and somewhat golden (the color is...
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