Recent content by Yancey420

  1. Yancey420

    Too much water?

    I hope not, I think they are looking up now
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  3. Yancey420

    Too much water?

    Thank you everyone! I am definitely going to go find some threads that will better help me, @PK1 idk if I can start a journal yet.
  4. Yancey420

    Too much water?

    Thanks, I did look but not sure I’m reading correctly
  5. Yancey420

    Too much water?

    Hey hey!! So I am using coco, the cal mag was suggested to me, so I just used what I would if I were adding it with my other nutes. Advice on ml per gallon? Solo and with other nutes?
  6. Yancey420

    Too much water?

    So thanks to @MochaBud and @PK1 ive officially properly watered my ladies but I feel like they may be drooping , what do you think? 3ml cal-mag per gallon, took about 5 gallons for all 6, drained runoff, also switched to 18/6 schedule but want to know thoughts on 20/4? Also I’ve realized I’ve...
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  11. Yancey420


    @MochaBud @PK1 thank you!!! So about how much cal-mag per gallon on the non-nute days? Also I’m going to start watering twice a day with runoff, I’m scared
  12. Yancey420

    First indoor grow, help!

    Definitely something I have to look into
  13. Yancey420

    First indoor grow, help!

    But still to much for a 4x2? What coverage would I have with 2 of them?
  14. Yancey420


    I definitely agree! I’ve literally never had runoff, but I’m so scared to overwater that I basically feed 2gallons between all 6‍♂️
  15. Yancey420

    First indoor grow, help!

    I have to get me light to area ratios together
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