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  • Hey MochaBud
    Thanks for looking at me. I put you in follow. Dont really know what that means. Will be updating soon. Thanks Cumulos
    Hey thanks for your reply about my gems post. When I go to that website it won’t let me buy it online and there are no stores that carry it when I click on the link.

    by any chance would you know where I can find seeds for it or a similar strain? I would like to try and grow it myself.
    Thanks again!
    Hi Mocha. I'm told you are the one to clearly explain this whole conversion factor business around the tds meters. I'm having trouble wrapping my head around it all. I have 2 different meters. Both have ppm or us/cm mode. I prefer to stick with ppm. In one of threads it was suggested the ppm had a conversion of 0.5.
    I'm a newb. This is second hydroponic grow. Last grow I didn't know anything about this conversion and just read as is. If pen reads 400 ppm. What does that mean? I'm in early veg stage. Should I add nuts or not?
    Hey there mocha bud! I appreciate your help with my grow just wanting to reach out to your personally about what it going on with my grow.
    I do really think you are right I’ve never seen this much bud development before especially in last couple days they all look good, and plant is starting to stink up the room with a nice smell too
    Hi! I just wanted to reach out to you. I took your advice on my plants being root bound placed in new containers. I am now noticing a drooping look?? What do you think
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    How long do you keep your lights on? If they don't get rest, they will droop also.
    They have been on the 24hr cycle. I was doing 18/6 but went straight to 24
    Assuming thes plants have been harvested but they may have been stressed from going to one pot to another.
    If you flipped the flowering cycle and transplanted I would definitely say they were stressed
    Is that one plant????? How old? So I re'read your remarks and your saying you give the cal-mag with epson salts every time you water??? That would make sense calcium but, using lime will bring ph down, right? So does white distilled vinegar.. just saying FYI!
    Everyone Seems to think I need more blue chips, can I just buy the chips? I worry about this light/ gets hot at 30" like 90° so I open windows and doors tent keeping at 82°. I don't want to go through the same plant loss found an old picture of the 6 that just flowered no buds and cut at 100 days. 2.5 z's out of 6 plants, they list their smell. I fertilizer every day for 2 weeks, lights not potent enough. Roots were flesh colored and treated with enzymes. Lost smell. So a lot invested here. This has to work, need a good growing for making editables as I have COPD and fibromyalgia and depression and anxiety and possibly PTSD..... so at an ounce for each oil make I need them all to produce. Read where ph was to be at 7. So coco coir and distilled H20 are 7ph! That was part of my problem plus 1st grow this is second, so need to know basis! Thanks to all for feed back!♥️
    Hey Jenny, yes that's 1 plant :yummy: I'm in organic soil so I don't use vinegar. The Garden Lime will buffer your PH Garden Lime = Calcium ...Epsom Salt = Magnesium. so that's all there is to my Cal-Mag. I don't use LEDs so I don't know anything about them or the "blue chips". And you can't put fertilizer on her everyday o_O that alone will kill her! You are in coco so you have to water everyday, but only put fertilizer in every other day and then only lightly, don't over dose her. And since you are in coco your PH should be 5.3 to 6.0.
    Hi and thanks for you willingness to help.
    The leaves in mu plants are turning White and shrivelling in the plants,
    Is this caused excessive by watering? Or Nutes?
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