• Afternoon emilya having an issue with my one girl . Middle flowering and the lowest sets of fan leaves look like this. I was thinkin nitrogen but the stems to the leaves are purple. They just are slowly fading. Now the ph goin in is 6.2 cause the ph in this soil seems to really swing and all the nutes are in order. Every other water gets nutes and every other calmag/water. Is this the start to her falling out? Lmk what u think. Shes healthy otherwise and frosting up. Ty for ur time
    Hi emilya I'm having major probs with my coco grow heavy yellowing during 4th week flower I have underwatered alot and have wiltered twice now I am back on sced watering everyday twice but I'm wondering if I can bring it back ... I have tried to contact cult is there anyone else you can recommend I can talk to I am desperate I'm hoping I haven't gone to far and can save my plants they are still growing well but there is heavy yellowing all my pH has been on 5.8 if I water now like I was without interruption will I get a correction eventually... I'm sorry to sound desperate but I'm desperate if you can help with anything I would appreciate it
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    aerate the water overnight before mixing anything. If you reverse this order, the nutes will simply drop to the bottom and become useless. Mix everything up, and then adjust the pH, right before watering.
    Thank you emz and Orlando u guys are awesome
    Orlando Scout
    Orlando Scout
    I agree just take a deep breath and relax you got this. Cannabis is a hardy plant that can take alot of abuse and come right back. If you stick with what people here are recommending you will be just fine and enjoying a bountiful harvest soon!!!
    Hi emilya. I'm new to growing indoors and having watering issues. I've read your tort and well give it a try. My question is. Less stress the better or so that's what I've been taught growing out doors sp I would drop my beans in 5g pots and let them go. Never had a unhealthy root system. Now I'm new to growing indoors and applied the same knowledge and dropped my beans in 5g pots. Maybe you could give my grow journal a look and offer some advice in correcting my problem?
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    It is perfectly doable to start plants in large containers, but that is not the optimal way to do this thing, even IMHO when working with Autos, and starting in a large container requires extraordinary watering methods to make it work correctly. Some people can just feel this out and make it work, but many people end up overwatering because there is no way to accurately gauge what the water is doing in a large container that has no wet/dry cycle. You may not have ever had an unhealthy root system, but did you have an optimum one? Could you explain to someone how you determine the perfect amount to water with? I will stop in after a while to see what sort of problems you are having and will offer any suggestions that might occur to me.
    Hey emilya. I tried to send a private message but xouldnt figured out how. Any other advice on my grow? Do the plants look like they r recovering well? I'm wondering too if my soul may be running hot? I do have some slight yellowing.
    Hello miss, how are you I just posted my pic I don’t know how to tag you or show other then telling you. They are growing slow but I think I got the watering down I took a look at the roots and they look healthy, also I just pruned so I’d really appreciate your feedback and anything I did wrong thank you, and FYI those seeds germinated and sprouted 12/16
    Hey! Hope Your ok... It's that needy bellend again :) lol.

    I've had your advice since day one and you have helped me a he'll of a lot I need you again I think the mystic blue is flowering and she is still tiny can you take a look and let me know weather she Is or not? I'm getting mixed reviews..... sorry to be a pain in the ars...... again
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    I think I just looked in, but I will make sure to stop by
    Awesome thanks for the heads up I'll keep going with the veg! I was all of a panic again sorry for being a pest but thankyou!
    Hey just an update I haven’t watered my plants since you said something to me I believe Friday or Saturday night. The soils is still moist like three inches down dry on top. A few of the plants that are bigger are putting off a slight pungent weed smell but like I said the roots are in moist soil. If I take some of the soil from the bottom it’s not wet or anything but I can put some between my fingers and squeezed it really hard and you’ll see some water squeeze out, what do you think
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    if you can still feel water weight in the bottom or otherwise discern it, it is not time to water yet.
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    Hi Emily I know you have been following my progress with my blue mystic. I was wandering if there was any more advice you could give? You have saved my bacon already haha. I was wandering when to start introducing some feed? But due to it being over watered I don't wanna water again yet. Its bugging me! I want a good crop and want the plant to grow nicely.
    Thats awesome I'll get some root juice and some grow in there aswell it's only a 5ltr pot so fairly small how much water would you be pooring into something like that? Until water comes out the bottom?
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    Always always always properly water. By this I mean very slowly add water over time so as to completely saturate the soil with water. It always amazes people when they realize how much water that soil will hold if you take your time. Please check out my tutorial on: How much water does soil hold? Water just a bit, guess about 1/3 of what you think she will take, and then step away for 10 minutes and let that water soak in. Give her another third very slowly the next time, concentrating on getting the soil on the edges of the container very wet. Walk away again for 10 minutes. Then slowly give her the rest, drop by drop if you have to, until you are sure that anything else added will simply run off out of the bottom.
    Now you have a standard to go by... a fully saturated container of soil and now you can start judging the health of the plant by how long it takes to use this known standard amount of water. You don't have to measure it, but you know that you give a full soaking each time and that is enough info to go on. Then you can get a good feel as to if the plant is stalling or growing, simply by monitoring this water usage.
    Emily you are a dream come true I'll check out your tutorials! But seriously thanks for all the help!
    Is it ok to put her right back in the tent under the led or should i wait till it soaks in. And i will have calmag by next week. This was just something to try help it get thru till then. I no i should of had this already before the beans even started but i forgot. Big mistake. I learned big time from you.
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    you want them to be pretty dry when you return them to the strong light... each pool of water on a leaf will act as a magnifying glass and could burn them
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    Hey man. I made the solution up do i spray her with it or do i pour it in the soil? Wanted to consult u before i go any further
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    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    it is not the appropriate way to add mag to the soil... the amount of salt it would add would cause problems and you would need to flush soon to get rid of it. You want apply this directly to the leaves, and you want the solution to be mobile to mag immediately... there is no drift on the leaves. PH this spray to 6.5-6.6, right where mag starts being mobile.
    Hey man i was able to get epsom salts calmag not sold in stores around here. I have it on order. But to give them this so it dont die completely how much per half gallon of water do i use? And what should the ph be for my water? I got the meter in mail today
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    for a foliar spray of magnesium, go with about 1tbs / gallon of epsom salt and try not to get it in the soil... salt is bad. Since you want the mag to be mobile, set the pH to about 6.5-6.6, keeping in mind that this would be totally inapproriate for water you would apply to the soil.
    Ok so dont water the soil with it. Only spray her? And im using a full spectrum led wont the moisture cause the leaves to burn?
    I water once a week their autoflowers and dont require a lot of water. If u read the other posts my ph level was almost 8. Clearly to high and caused a nute lock. I flushed her good ph went down now she is healthy and starting to flower. This is a 75day strain. Had to make a quick descision and i made the rite one by flushing her out..
    I kind of had a miracle one of the plants that was very small for its age and i nutrient burnt came back to life, i put it outside for 3 days and it started growing. the leaves are developing fingers. Should i bring it back into my tent under my lights ? I have 2 new plants that just sprouted yesterday so it going to be a tight fit, will i need to add lights ? My tent is 30x18x36 inches w/d/h i have a galaxyhydro 300w 140 true watt led and x2 24w 14.8 true watt led grow bulbs
    didnt realize that people could ask questions here too! The late flowering yellowing from the bottom is usually in the last 2 weeks when the plant is trying to throw everything it has into the buds. Some people even hurry this process along by not giving nutrients during that last week, just water only. Some say it adds to it, some do not... i fall in the camp that does not believe it has much of an effect to starve your plants at the end, and I never do. I simply give water twice at the end, harvest the second time they dry out and are showing me amber trichomes.
    Emilya Green
    Emilya Green
    And then I learned how to grow better pot. Based on more years of experience I now do give only water for 2 weeks at the end. The plant's natural life cycle is ending with the harvest and if done right it throws everything it has into the need to keep the species going, and to that end it develops the buds in its last efforts before the end of the season. Live and learn... not the first time I have changed my opinion on things.
    Hi there Emilya, another user, Rifleman, suggested I inquire with you whether my autos in soil are doing well. Apparently you're experienced in soil and happy to spread the knowledge. Specifically, he's unsure of when yellowing would begin on lower leaves. I had some nutirent and light issues early on, but those have been sorted and they're currently pretty happy. I think.

    Anyway, if you've got the time, I'd love to hear your feedback. I'm eager to learn, so it won't be on deaf ears.

    Thanks for your time! Here's the grow in question: https://www.420magazine.com/forums/journals-progress/258268-sciencegrow-s-fast-vast-autoflower-soil-under-led.html
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