
  1. Ron Strider

    US And Mexico Host Talks To Reboot Drugs War

    Senior officials from the United States and Mexico are hosting their Central American neighbors on Thursday to plan ways to build a legal and economic wall against the drug trade. Their two-day Conference on Prosperity and Security in Central America will look at ways of rebuilding...
  2. Tihoman

    Hello marijuana community

    Hello people, i come from a small country where smoking and using marijuana for recreational use is forbidden, but live in a big country where also is forbidden but it is not that strict i think, use for medicinal purpose is alowed in a form of oil. I like to smoke from time to time to...
  3. G


    Bless up, V.I representer in the Nor Cal region, just looking to make a few contacts with other passionate and skilled growers to trade knowledge, learn and hopefully spread some of the knowledge I have, I am also willing to test strains and give accurate feedback, and very open to suggestions...
  4. Ron Strider

    DE: Sparks Fly Over Marijuana Legalization

    Politically influential opponents of Delaware's marijuana legalization bill voiced their concerns Thursday in a roundtable conversation with Gov. John Carney and the bill's sponsors. A gaggle of cannabis legalization activists watched on and many offered opinions during a comment session...
  5. T

    Drug test tomorrow

    i havent smoked for 15 days and was told today by a new employer that i have a drug test tomorrow to go work at the site c dam. seeing as i havent smoked for 15 ddays and my last job i was sweting like crazy in the sun, today i also hit the sauna for 2 hrs to sweat any toxins out also the...
  6. Blazinjones

    Mighty Grow Madness Autos & Photos Blazes Sponsored Grow Current

    Ok so this will be my sponsored grow hopefully we get some outstanding results with these soil nutrients/amendments from Mighty Grow Organics Nutrients: The grow will be done using mighty grow all natural plant food grow, bloom and amend also humatrace bio-available micronutrients trace...
  7. Ron Strider

    Cayman Islands: Candidates Support Leniency On Marijuana

    The concept of decriminalizing marijuana received universal support from all four candidates at Tuesday evening's national election debate. Finance Minister Marco Archer and independent candidates Matthew Leslie, Kenneth Bryan and Austin Harris all said they support a more lenient approach when...
  8. S


    Is reflecting light not a good idea with a mirror either outdoor sun or indoor led. I.e. Reflecting towards bottom. Also, which side of the aluminum foil is best to reflect with? Thanx.
  9. Ron Strider

    UK: The Liberal Democrats Want Legalized Cannabis And Another Brexit Vote

    The Liberal Democrats are promising another Brexit vote and the legalisation of cannabis as part of their election manifesto. Launching the manifesto in London today, party leader Tim Farron pledged to hold a referendum on the final Brexit deal following two years of negotiations between London...
  10. Ron Strider

    FL: New Rules Approved For Medical Marijuana Dispensaries In St. Lucie County

    St. Lucie County Commissioners voted Tuesday to approve a new ordinance that would set some rules for medical marijuana dispensaries in the county. The rules limit how many dispensaries can open, and where they can open. The dispensaries will have to be no less than 1,000 feet from any...
  11. Ron Strider

    PayPal Executive Ditches Mainstream Life For The Cannabis Industry

    Numerous executives in mainstream companies are jumping ship and going to work in the cannabis industry. The latest defection is PayPal's Global Head of Social and Digital Media David Peck who is leaving to become the Chief Marketing Officer at KIND Financial. KIND is a cannabis compliance...
  12. Ron Strider

    Cannabis May Help, Not Harm, Narcotics Addicts

    It is time for politicians to put to rest the myth that cannabis is a gateway to the use of other controlled substances – a theory that is neither supported by modern science or empirical data. Over 60 percent of American adults acknowledge having tried cannabis, but the overwhelming majority...
  13. B

    Need help identifying whats going on with my plants!

    Hey guys, I've recently started my first grow ever and I just started experiencing some issues with my plants. The lower leaves seems to become more yellow-ish, aswell as some leaves has gotten a more "noticeble" burn or what ever I should call it. Some of the upper leaves also have a bit of...
  14. Ron Strider

    Evidence Overwhelming: Cannabis Is Exit Drug For Major Addictions, Not A Gateway

    People dependent on cocaine, opioids and other prescription drugs could ease out of their addictions with cannabis. It is time for politicians to put to rest the myth that cannabis is a gateway to the use of other controlled substances — a theory that is neither supported by modern science or...
  15. Ron Strider

    UK: "Cannabis Should Be Legalized To Protect Young People And Push Criminals Out"

    Some people think the Lib Dems are potty after they unveiled one of the most radical policies of the general election campaign so far. The party, led by Tim Farron , said it would legalize cannabis and allow it to be sold openly if it wins. The plan is to "break the grip of criminal gangs"...
  16. Ron Strider

    What Should You Know About CBD Oil?

    There are various products available in the market that offer various advantages for one’s health, and one such product is CBD, and currently, its popularity is on the rise with the consumers in the market. There are various advantages of health when one is using this oil for them. If you are...
  17. C

    Licensed producers in Canada

    Hey everyone! Just wondering if anyone can give me some insight into what are good LPs and ones to stay away from. I'm getting my "green" card soon and would love some feedback. Also looking into growing my own (through the proper channels of course). Thanks and take care!
  18. Ron Strider

    How CBD Works

    Cannabidiol (CBD), a non-psychoactive component of the marijuana plant, has generated significant interest among scientists and physicians in recent years—but how CBD exerts its therapeutic impact on a molecular level is still being sorted out by scientists. Cannabidiol is a pleiotropic drug in...
  19. L

    Outdoor clone issues

    Im gonna make this short and sweet. Not my first grow but it is my first outdoor grow. I have some clones 2 sour d, 8 blue dream, 10 green crack and a white widow. My qiestion is what os going on here? I dont think ots nute burn because i have only fed them once after trans to a 1 gal pot with...
  20. Ron Strider

    11 Highly Influential People Who Support Legalizing Marijuana

    The legal-marijuana industry is on one heck of a run. Last year, five states legalized the use of medical cannabis for select ailments, pushing the number of states that have chosen to allow physicians to prescribe cannabis past the halfway mark (28 states). We also witnessed the number of...
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