
  1. Ron Strider

    Is Smoking Marijuana The Key To Happiness

    Cannabis consumers make more money, spend more time outdoors, volunteer more and are generally more happy about life, according to a study released Thursday. Is smoking marijuana the key to happiness? According to BDS Analytics, the "well-adjusted lifestyles seen among cannabis consumers...
  2. Ron Strider

    Congress's New Approach To The Opioid Epidemic: The Old War On Drugs

    As the US faces its deadliest drug epidemic, the Senate is working on a new approach to deal with the crisis: the old war on drugs. According to a new report by Carrie Johnson for NPR, a bipartisan pair of senators – Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – is working on a...
  3. Ron Strider

    VT: Upper Valley Officials React To Rejection Of Marijuana Legalization

    Gov. Phil Scott’s decision to veto legislation that would have made small amounts of recreational marijuana legal for adults drew mixed reactions on Wednesday from Upper Valley residents long involved in the criminal justice system. “I think it was the most hopeful bad news I have heard in a...
  4. Ron Strider

    MA: Moratorium On Recreational Marijuana Passes In Danvers

    Danvers joined a growing list of Massachusetts towns to pass a temporary moratorium on opening recreational marijuana shops. Town Meeting members voted Monday to accept the moratorium, which Danvers administrators and planners have said will give the town more time to figure out how to handle...
  5. Ron Strider

    "Blazing A New Trail": Olympic Gold Medalist Turned Activist Welcomes Legalization

    A Canadian snowboarder who was temporarily stripped of his Olympic gold medal for having trace amounts of marijuana in his system is now in the medical cannabis business and says the product — set to be legalized next year — could be the new wine. "It was a quick shift," Ross Rebagliati told...
  6. Ron Strider

    NH: New Deal On Marijuana Decriminalization Clears 1st State Senate Hurdle

    The state Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday approved a measure that would decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. Bills to decriminalize small amounts of marijuana have passed through the New Hampshire House of Representatives eight times over the past decade. But they've...
  7. Agemon

    Old news for some

    Check out this article about LED lighting. Source: Author: SARAH ZHANG
  8. Katelyn Baker

    IL: This State Wants To Make A Huge Change To Its Marijuana Laws

    Illinois lawmakers have proposed placing marijuana under the same legal restrictions as alcohol, meaning recreational marijuana would be available for legal purchase in the state to anyone over the age of 21, according to an article published in the Chicago Tribune. The bill, which is...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    MA: Arlington Redevelopment Board Shoots Down Proposed Medical Marijuana Buffer Zone

    Town Meeting will begin voting on many proposed warrant articles starting on April 24, but a medical marijuana buffer zone will not be one of them. The Arlington Redevelopment Board on Monday, March 20 voted no action on the proposed warrant article, eliminating the opportunity for Town Meeting...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Breathalyzer Test Under Development, But Questions About Impairment Remain

    Days before Massachusetts voters approved legalizing marijuana, opponents seized on stoned driving as an issue, warning that law enforcement officials do not have a way to find out if a driver is impaired by the substance. Legalization supporters noted police can pull a vehicle over if they...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Will Humboldt Vote To Free The Weed?

    Residents of the Emerald Triangle began receiving their sample ballots this last week. Inside they will have a number of important and historic votes to make. Some might argue that not one is more important and historic for this region than Proposition 64, the vote to legalize recreational...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Prescription Drug Demand Falls In States With Medical Marijuana, Study Says

    Trenton - The demand for prescription drugs treating pain, nausea and other debilitating symptoms of illness "significantly fell" from 2010 to 2013 among Medicare patients in states where medicinal marijuana is legal, such as New Jersey, according to a study released Wednesday. The decline...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Prescription Drug Demand Falls In States With Medical Marijuana, Study Says

    Trenton - The demand for prescription drugs treating pain, nausea and other debilitating symptoms of illness "significantly fell" from 2010 to 2013 among Medicare patients in states where medicinal marijuana is legal, such as New Jersey, according to a study released Wednesday. The decline...
  14. H

    Is this the place to post Marijuana articles?

    Like this one? Or do I send the article to 420 magazine? DEA Agent: Rabbits Are Getting Stoned - The Daily Beast
  15. R

    Medical Marijuana Growers Call To Expand Mail Order System For Recreational Use

    Medical marijuana growers say there's a simple solution to fast-track selling recreational pot legally — mail it out. Currently, medicinal marijuana can be sold by mail order to those with a prescription. Growers say a quick way to start selling it legally across the country would be to simply...
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