
  1. Ron Strider

    Hemp Bill In General Assembly To Allow Legal Growth In Illinois

    A hemp bill is in the General Assembly. It would allow marijuana to grow legally in the state and could mark a major shift for growers if approved. Some say this addresses a lack of marijuana regulations. According to the Hemp Business Journal, hemp products have increased 30 percent to...
  2. Ron Strider

    FL: Collier County Commissioner's Daughter Accused Of Producing Marijuana

    Kelley McDaniel, the daughter of Collier County Commissioner Bill McDaniel, was arrested Wednesday night, along with her live-in boyfriend, after detectives found a pound of marijuana, fertilizer and growing equipment in a garage on the property, deputies said. Kelley McDaniel, 20, was living...
  3. Ron Strider

    MA: Beacon Hill Grapples With Pot Laws

    With a July 1 deadline drifting like a haze of smoke past State House pols, community leaders awaiting guidance on the state's recreational pot laws find themselves unwittingly trapped in their own legislative limbo. Just before Middlesex East went to press this week, a half-dozen lawmakers...
  4. Ron Strider

    Democratic Proposal Would Fully Legalize Marijuana In Wisconsin

    Democratic State Representative Melissa Sargent of Madison has announced legislation to fully legalize marijuana in Wisconsin. The bill would include employment and benefit protections for marijuana users. It would also require insurance coverage for medical marijuana for those with terminal...
  5. Ron Strider

    NH: Marijuana Advocates Urge Sununu To Veto Bill To Study Legalization

    The backers of marijuana legalization think the study commission set up by legislation that's soon hitting Governor Sununu's desk will be stacked against relaxing marijuana laws. In its original form, House Bill 215 included clear opponents of legalization, like the Association of Chiefs of...
  6. H

    Help with staying low on electric usage radar

    Hey guys, so to start off i'm growing 15 plants in 7gallon pots , all inside of a 10X10 ft growing tent (100 sq ft). I'll have the plants in a section under five 300W LED lights (spaced out evenly of course). Eventually I definitely want to expand however I'm concerned with getting detected via...
  7. Ron Strider

    Ireland: Dáil Briefly Suspended Amid Row Over Medicinal Cannabis Bill

    The Dáil was briefly suspended this afternoon this afternoon amid complaints about the handling of a bill proposing the legalization of medicinal cannabis. Yesterday, it was revealed that the Oireachtas Health Committee had recommended that the bill should not proceed to committee stage...
  8. Ron Strider

    Ireland: Campaigner Calls Cannabis Bill Rejection A 'Betrayal' Of Daughter

    Campaigner Vera Twomey has called the rejection of the Bill to legalize cannabis for medicinal use by the Oireachtas Health Committee "a betrayal" of her daughter, Ava (9). Ava, who has epilepsy, and her family are in the Netherlands to have her condition treated with medicinal cannabis...
  9. Ron Strider

    NY: Cuomo Signs Bill To Promote Industrial Hemp Production

    Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed legislation on Wednesday that is aimed at promoting the growth of industrial hemp in New York. The new law amends existing statute to ensure that industrial hemp is considered an agricultural product and is treated in the same way that other crops and seeds are...
  10. Ron Strider

    Ireland: Health Committee Rejects Bill To Legalize Medical Cannabis

    The Oireachtas Health committee has voted to reject People Before Profit TD Gino Kenny's Bill to legalize medical cannabis and said the Bill "should not proceed to committee stage". The report by the committee on the proposals says the Bill has major legal issues and the proposed framework...
  11. Ron Strider

    Lawmakers Resume Talks On Compromise Marijuana Bill

    House and Senate negotiators struck a cautious tone Monday as they resumed negotiations over legislation that would overhaul the state's voter-approved recreational marijuana law. The six-member conference committee met behind closed doors in a continued effort to resolve differences between...
  12. Ron Strider

    NY: Cuomo Urged To Sign Bill Giving PTSD Patients Access To Medical Marijuana

    Governor Andrew Cuomo is being urged to sign a bill that would expand eligibility for the state's medical marijuana program to include patients undergoing treatment for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The state Senate and Assembly have both approved it. The question is when it may arrive on...
  13. Ron Strider

    Industrial Hemp On The Horizon In Wyoming

    House Bill 230, introduced in the Wyoming State Legislature in January and passed into law without Governor Matt Mead's signature earlier this year, could offer Wyoming the chance to grow industrial hemp for research purposes, joining 20 others states in the development of what was once a...
  14. Ron Strider

    MA: State Legislature Stalls On Revising Marijuana Law

    The Massachusetts State Senate and House of Representatives are a week beyond their self-imposed deadline of last Friday, June 30, to send a compromise bill to Governor Charles D. Baker Jr. to repeal and replace the voter-passed recreational marijuana law. A six-member bipartisan conference...
  15. Ron Strider

    Veterans To Cuomo: Allow Medical Marijuana For PTSD

    Veterans groups are pressing Gov. Andrew Cuomo to allow those with post-traumatic stress disorder to use medical marijuana, urging him to sign a bill that will soon head to his desk. The state Senate voted late last month to add PTSD to the list of illnesses and ailments eligible for the...
  16. Ron Strider

    MA: No Decision Yet On Recreational Marijuana Law

    Friday was the self-imposed deadline to come to an agreement on the marijuana bill but a final proposal has yet to come out of Conference Committee. Lawmakers are racing against the clock to get a final bill to revise Massachusetts marijuana law to Governor Charlie Baker's desk, but they'll...
  17. Ron Strider

    Talks On Revamped Marijuana Bill To Resume After Missed Deadline

    House and Senate negotiators hoping to hammer out a compromise over the state’s recreational marijuana law failed to meet a self-imposed deadline Friday aimed at getting a final bill to Republican Gov. Charlie Baker’s desk and plan to get back to negotiations next week. A six-member conference...
  18. Ron Strider

    PTSD Still Not Added To NY's Medical Marijuana Program

    The legislative session in Albany officially ended last week and medical marijuana advocacy groups are wondering where one of the laws that was passed stands. The bill would add post-traumatic stress disorder to the list of conditions allowed to be treated with medical marijuana. That bill...
  19. Ron Strider

    Is It OK For Marijuana Businesses To Advertise On Their Merchandise

    Call it the "Joe Camel" effect on marijuana. A California Senate bill would ban state-licensed businesses from offering T-shirts, hats and other merchandise that advertise marijuana products. The legislation, introduced by Sen. Ben Allen, builds on provisions under Proposition 64 aimed...
  20. Ron Strider

    Is Congressional Threat To Medical Pot Biz Protection Real Or A "Nothingburger"

    The most prominent anti-marijuana group in the country is touting the absence of language in a key Congressional funding bill that has protected the medical marijuana industry in Colorado and beyond from federal prosecution in recent years. But a cannabis advocate dismisses the suggestion that...
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