
  1. Ron Strider

    Cannabis For Insomniacs

    With the legalization of cannabis in Nevada, we have a whole new world of compounds that can improve our health and well-being. One of things that can be helped most is sleep and the quality of said sleep. It turns out that a little known substance in cannabis that is usually considered a bad...
  2. Ron Strider

    Is It High Time To Give Cannabis A Try In The Landscape

    When you hear "green industry," you probably think of the current field that you are in and all that pertains to it, but the phrase can also refer to the booming interest in growing marijuana as more states legalize its medicinal and/or recreational use. While most individuals are happy to go...
  3. I

    How does hybrid tincture potency effect my wayfarin INR levels?

    I take comadin blood thinner and I am concerned about the strength of hybrid tincture dose I can take for lower back pain and what rising effect that will have on my INR level. Any help will be most appreciated - including links to articles/research that might help. I am a new MMJ user and am...
  4. Ron Strider

    WA: It's Legal, Now What? A Beginner's Guide To Cannabis

    Washington residents demonstrated their approval of cannabis consumption through medical legalization in 1998 and recreational legalization in 2012, but many have yet to try it. It is legal to purchase, but now what? The legalization of cannabis in Washington state allows adults to enjoy...
  5. 28 Grams

    Can you do any sort of LST in a short 11 week grow?

    My last grow I started with clones, veg'd for 1 week, and flowered for 9. The yield was not too great but it worked. This time around I get a little more wiggle room, 11 weeks after putting clones in the soil. What kind of LST can I do in this short of a grow? I don't think I'll be able to...
  6. C

    Auto's preflowers

    Hi all, I've had preflowers on one of my lady's now for about 5 days when can I expect a change and for to kick of into flowering? Thanks
  7. C

    Help me - My leaf's color is not good

    Hello. Last time I saved my leaf with your help. The leaves that are curled down are much better because they cut off the water. But I need one more help. The color of the leaves does not seem to improve even if we cut the water. Some seem to be getting worse. Looking at the...
  8. SweetSue

    SweetSue's Perpetual 3.0 - The Hempy/HB Hybrid Grow

    Good afternoon everyone :Love: It's time to begin the next installment of the perpetual. After all, I'm transitioning away from soil, so the title change was a necessity. I haven't yet determined if I'll give up soil altogether. I may keep a couple pots running. I've enough soil on hand to...
  9. R

    Brown & yellow spots on sugar leaves

    I have these yellow and brown spots on my sugar leaves. Can some tell me what it can be? I grow in a 2 x 2 1/2 grow tent under 2 450w LEDs use Fox Farm soil and nutrients.
  10. Ron Strider

    How To Use Cannabis To Combat PMS Symptoms

    If you're among the countless women who are forced to endure the wrath of PMS (or you love one who does), with its cramps, bloating, headaches, and mood swings each month, then cannabis just might be the solution you've been looking for. There's no definitive proof yet–largely due to the...
  11. Ron Strider

    This Is How And When You Can Get Medical Marijuana In Pennsylvania

    About one of every seven people in Franklin County has a condition that could qualify them for medical marijuana. Medical marijuana can be used in Pennsylvania to treat any one of 17 serious medical conditions, including two relatively common disorders — severe chronic pain and post-traumatic...
  12. K

    Can U-shaped gardening staples be used to LST plants or will they damage roots?

    i bought these 12 inch ones off of amazon. I also have 6 inch ones. Can they be used to bend and tie down plants for "LST" training or will they damage roots if they pierce them? i've seen pics of people using cut off coat hangers but would like to verify its okay first. i am 3 weeks in...
  13. Ron Strider

    Coming Soon To A Farm Near You - Legal Hemp

    Growing and processing hemp is against the law in the United States. But 6th District Representative Bob Goodlatte wants to see industrial hemp become a legal crop for farmers, and a JMU professor is developing that potential option. WMRA’s Christopher Clymer Kurtz reports. After a while, you...
  14. Ron Strider

    Four Important Facts About Medical Marijuana

    Medical marijuana can do wonders to help many patients who lost all hope for an effective treatment. As an incredibly effective alternative to traditional drug therapies, many studies proved cannabis' safety and effectiveness against diseases such as fibromyalgia, chronic pain, post-traumatic...
  15. Ron Strider

    UK: How Smoking Cannabis Behind Closed Doors Could Get You Evicted From Your Home

    Smoking cannabis behind closed doors could get you evicted from your home, campaigners have dramatically warned. Housing providers in Liverpool have launched a new initiative warning tenants they could be thrown out of their rented home if caught using the illegal drug. Posters and...
  16. C

    CapCity's First Grow - Larry's OG In Soil Under 2x125W CFL's

    Hello all and thanks for clicking on my first ever grow and first ever journal. I'm excited to share my adventure with y'all and learn from all of your expertise. My name is CapCity and I recently moved to a city where I can legally grow! I recently purchased all my supplies at a local grow...
  17. I

    AN Nutrients - Harvest Question - Couple weeks left?

    Hey everyone, Im getting close to my harvest time with my Sensi Star DWC.. Im in week 6 flowering and buds have started to get fat on my plant- Now my question is when should I start using Overdrive- I know its the last 2 weeks before flush but im worried that I'm going to use it too late before...
  18. Ron Strider

    PA: Penn State Researchers Look At Best Ways To Grow Hemp

    Researchers at Penn State have been getting an up-close look at a crop that's been banned for decades in the commonwealth. Industrial hemp was outlawed along with marijuana in the 1930s. The plants are related, but hemp cannot get a person high. It can produce seeds that can be used as a...
  19. N


    Hello everyone my name is jack I'm from NYC looming for advice and to learn what I can to be able to begin a long journey in this industry
  20. Ron Strider

    WA: Colville Tribe Proceeds With Hemp Crop Project

    The Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation are trying a bold experiment this year, growing their first hemp crop. The Colvilles have planted sixty acres in hemp this summer, a project that has taken some time to come to fruition. The crop got planted late in the season, as it took...
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