
  1. Z

    Too late to correct Nitrogen deficiency?

    So, i have a couple of ladies showing obvious signs of significant N deficiency, it's developed over the last 1-2 week. I've read in a couple of places that N deficiency is bad in veg, but is ok towards the end of flower (apparently lower levels of N at time of harvest is desirable for a better...
  2. MadScience

    Deficiency Photos

    Lets see some deficiency photos, cases where you're absolutely sure about the diagnosis. A good library of these should be quite helpful for everyone. :Namaste:
  3. Z

    Need help!

    So I have these plants for 3 weeks old, they have mag deficiency for a week and I just put some Dolomites lime on the top of them and watered them. But the yellowing in the middle of leaves appeared two days ago, is that sign of mag deficiency or light burn? Ph put in 6.5 Ph runoff...
  4. B

    Nitrogen Deficiency?

    hey is this nitrogen deficiency ? it's just the biggest fan leaves that have turned yellow. should I just pluck them off or leave them alone
  5. W

    What happened? Foxtailing?

    Appreciate all the tips i can get . These are blue cheese autos and were looking absolutly beutiful a week ago. Now all off a sudden they started looking like this? Stretching out and looking more and more leafy. They are in a drip system, hydro. Most of the roots have grown through the huge...
  6. I

    Overwatered & Cal/Mag deficiency?

    3 week old Bianca. HF Potting soil with additional 30% MG Perlite. LED 19" away. 18/6. Container is 6" wide. Temps 73-77 degrees with 35% RH. Opinions? I'm thinking Cal/Mag deficiency along with some over watering.
  7. xave420

    Mobile deficiency in mid flower - Never had this problem this bad before

    I have attached a bunch of pics of my incredible bulk auto that is flowering experiencing some kind of deficiency on leaves. i have the journal in my signature its my current 3rd grow. any help is appreciated
  8. 1ofaKind

    Is this magnesium deficiency?

    It looks more intense than what I see in other photos. Sometimes the leaves cupped up, but it has progressed. Now they are mostly folding down. I started using camg+ in tea a few weeks ago, MagiCal a week and a half ago, and added 1 tsp per gallon Epsom salt 2 days ago... So I was hoping...
  9. F

    Magnesium Deficiency?

    First time growing in a tent, well aired and lit, and the shrub seems strong and healthy. I sometimes add an organic nutrient I got with the whole kit, yet my leaves are slowly turning yellow, and these brown dots appear. According to a chart I found it's probably Magnesium deficiency, but...
  10. T

    Leaves showing deficiency

    Hi Growers, Wondering if you can help me please? Just today i went to look at my plant and i noticed that some leaves are showing some sort of deficiency. From what i can gather from the internet is that it is some sort of a phosphorus deficiency. It says that this...
  11. jimmyclone

    Can someone identify this deficiency? Please

    Im about 8-9 weeks in on some autos, everything has been great, until i noticed the start of a deficiency on a couple of the bottom leaves. Lightening around the viens. I have the deficiency chart but cant seem to nail down the exact cause.. Its only happening on the one plant. U can check...
  12. D

    Is this a potassium deficiency?

    Pure AK grown in FFOF soil with GH Flora nutrients. About 45-50 days into flowering. One 180w UFO LED + four 65W CFLs in a 2' x 4' x 7' tall tent in the garage. Temps and RH have mostly been in good ranges. Lots of ventilation. I suspect a potassium deficiency due to low PH causing a...
  13. J

    Mg deficiency

    So very new to the internet and growing the research I've done points toward a magnizium deficiency the stem connecting the fan leaves to the main stem is turning red/purple my question is will a Mg supplement designed for people work for correcting this. I'm on a tight budget and my wife is not...
  14. M

    Leaf problems - No idea what to do

    I had a busy week and hoped to make this thread sooner, but couldn't spare the time. It has been like this a couple of days now - and it seems to be getting worse. Is this a deficiency? Or a shortage of something? Amnesia Haze Auto in soil, in a 80x40x40cm tent with a 125W CFL. Growjournal here
  15. F

    Leave tips clawing down - Nitrogen toxicity?

    This is not my plant but the clawed tip looks EXACTLY what I see. I am confused since I don't see any way that the plant I grow has Nitrogen toxicity (as the article suggests where I found the image). Some of the lower leaves had turned yellowish, so I was strongly assuming N *deficiency*, but...
  16. C

    Trying to identify this deficiency

    These plants are 1 month old. Grown in organic soil and most recently fertilized with molasses and Xtreme Juice, both 1/4 tsp to a gallon. Had some nute burn earlier attempting to treat what I thought was nitrogen deficiency. Been in flower for 10 days, growth is amazing I can barely keep up...
  17. N

    Need help identifying deficiency

    I need help identifying the deficiency on my plants. It's been 1 and 1/2 week since I transferred them into the grow block. The leaves started turning yellow and some has black spots on them.
  18. smithryder

    Jack Herer - Problem

    I'm with a herer jack Seedsman bank 30 days in bloom with this deficiency out, what can this be? or its normally look im from brazil, my bed for my english
  19. S

    Not sure what the issue is with my plants - Pictures included

    Hey Folks, Well this is my first grow, I'm vegging 5 Mad Man OG clones under a T5 in 3 gallon pots with Botanicare Coco. They just finished their 3rd week a few days ago. For Nutes I'm using Advanced Nutrients Grow A + B, B52, Biothrive Root Accelerator. I feed all 5 with 1 Gallon of...
  20. J

    Problem with lower leaves

    Hello, I have several plants and they all seem to be having the same issue with lower leaves (some more then others). The leaves are getting yellow, crumbling up and dying. I sprayed them with some Epsom salt as I thought the issue may be magnesium but that didn't seem to help much. I am going...
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