
  1. Katelyn Baker

    States With Medical Marijuana Laws Have Fewer Fatal Traffic Accidents, Study Finds

    Driving while stoned remains one of the biggest issues surrounding the burgeoning green rush as lawmakers grapple with how to address intoxicated motorists. While some opponents of cannabis, such as the The Automobile Club of Southern California (part of the national American Automobile...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    ACT's Medicinal Cannabis Scheme Ignites Lawyers' Concerns Over Drug Driving Laws

    Lawyers have warned the ACT government against legalising medicinal cannabis without easing the territory's controversial drug-driving laws. Assistant health minister Meegan Fitzharris has announced plans to establish a medical cannabis scheme as soon as practicable. But current...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Bill Would Strengthen Rules Against Smoking, Consuming Marijuana While Driving

    A pair of lawmakers say Prop 64 doesn't go far enough when it comes to making it illegal to smoke marijuana while driving. So they've introduced a bill to change that. California's vehicle code is clear: "it is unlawful for a person who is under the influence of any drug to drive a vehicle."...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    CA: New Bill Specifically Prohibits Marijuana Consumption For Drivers

    Bay Area, CA — A California State Senate bill introduced Thursday would outlaw driving while under the influence of marijuana in response to what the bill's sponsors say is a loophole in a recently passed state proposition which legalized recreational marijuana. Prop. 64, which was approved...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    CA: No Behind-The-Wheel Toking - New Bill Bans Cannabis Use While Driving

    Newly introduced legislation seeks to ban behavior not addressed by California's new pot law: toking while driving. It's currently illegal to have an "open container" of weed in a vehicle. It's also illegal to drive while high. But there's a technical loophole in these existing laws...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Bay Area Lawmakers Concerned About Marijuana And Driving

    Santa Clara, Calif. - Two Bay Area lawmakers say there's nothing in the newly passed Proposition 64 that says smoking pot while driving is illegal. Under Proposition 64 you can not drive with an open container of marijuana in your car. State Senator Jerry Hill of San Mateo says that's not...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    Colorado Researchers Get $2.35 Million To Study Marijuana's Effects On Driving

    Colorado's Health Department announced Tuesday the state will provide $2.35 million for research on the effects of marijuana, with most of the money aiding in two studies analyzing the impact marijuana has on driving, Denver Post reported. Research that compares driving impairment between heavy...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Colorado Gives Another $2.35 Million To Marijuana Research Studies

    The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment just announced another round of grants – totaling $2.35 million – that will fund seven studies researching the health and safety impacts of marijuana. About $1.7 million will go to projects studying how marijuana affects driving ability...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    CA: San Diego Adjusts To New Marijuana-Related Driving Laws

    In passing Proposition 64 with 56.24 percent support on election day, California legalized recreational marijuana, finally making progress on a process that began 20 years ago. While Californians age 21-and-up can now smoke in the privacy of their homes, grow six plants and possess up to an...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Breathalyzer Test Under Development, But Questions About Impairment Remain

    Days before Massachusetts voters approved legalizing marijuana, opponents seized on stoned driving as an issue, warning that law enforcement officials do not have a way to find out if a driver is impaired by the substance. Legalization supporters noted police can pull a vehicle over if they...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Danish Politicians Looking To Reduce Penalties For Driving Under Influence Of THC

    Many motorists punished for driving under the influence of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) — the active ingredient in cannabis — complain that the effect of the drug had long worn off. THC can be detected in the bloodstream for three months after the intake of cannabis. And now a new bill prepared...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    New Study Examines Medical Marijuana's Effects On Drivers

    With just a few short weeks until the November 8 election, opponents and supporters of Proposition 64 continue to make the case for and against recreational marijuana. Polls suggest a majority of Californians, support legalizing marijuana for recreational use - 58 percent, to be exact...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    New Study Examines Medical Marijuana's Effects On Drivers

    With just a few short weeks until the November 8 election, opponents and supporters of Proposition 64 continue to make the case for and against recreational marijuana. Polls suggest a majority of Californians, support legalizing marijuana for recreational use - 58 percent, to be exact...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    MA: Sobriety Tests For Marijuana A Concern As Voters Weigh Legalization

    Boston — With less than eight weeks until voters decide whether to legalize the adult use of marijuana in Massachusetts, Transportation Secretary Stephanie Pollack said Wednesday she is concerned that there is currently no way for police to test if a driver is under the influence of marijuana...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    The Difficulty Of Enforcing Laws Against Driving While High

    This story starts with a stay-at-home-mom from the Denver suburbs. Her name is Abby McLean. She's 30 and lives in Northglenn, Colo. She was driving home from a late dinner with a friend two years ago when she came upon a DUI roadside checkpoint. "I hadn't drank or smoked anything, so I was...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    AB: Police Push For Roadside Drug Testing Device Ahead Of Marijuana Legalization

    Driving impaired is driving impaired - it doesn't matter what substance a person's on, but Calgary police and their overseeing commission want to be ready when one in particular is legalized. This weekend in Ottawa, at a Canadian Association of Police Governance Conference, the Calgary Police...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    WikiLeaks Emails Expose Alcohol Industry's Paid Campaign To Stifle Pot Legalization

    When the good people at Marijuana.com went through the WikiLeaks dump of the DNC emails, they found something unrelated to the trove of damning information on the criminal Hillary Clinton. Within the mountains of email texts, was a paid segment by the Wine & Spirits Wholesalers of America...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    Michigan State Police To Begin Swabbing Drivers Suspected Of Being Impaired

    Michigan will begin a one-year pilot test program later this year that allows trained state police officers to take roadside saliva drug tests from drivers whom they suspect are driving while impaired from drugs. Five counties, to be chosen by state police from areas where the most drug-related...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    Roadside Saliva Test Coming For Toking And Driving?

    Toronto - Canadians suspected of driving while high could be required to submit to a roadside saliva test that identifies the use of marijuana, cocaine and opioids. An oral fluid test is one of the suggestions from a discussion paper released on June 30 by the Task Force on Marijuana...
  20. W

    Fox Farm pH - Please help - Driving me crazy

    Ok this is my first grow im using fox farm ocean forrest and im growing autos.. Ok the first weeks went great as it should if ffof then i started to get efficiencies so i was told to start feeding them after about 23 days.. And when i fed them i it got worste so i been tryna everything using...
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