homegrown cannabis co

  1. Super Silver Crack

    Super Silver Crack

    What's Crack-A-Lacking Grow Mars Hydro SP3000 Day 59, Day 9 Flower and Week 5 Flower: Mo, Larry, Curly Super Silver Crack Photoperiods and a Deelite Auto
  2. copperrein

    Copperrein's Sponsored BESTVA LED & Homegrown Cannabis Co Triathlon Of Sativa

    Ohai there! Before I start my normal manic rambling, let me get the details out of the way: I'll be growing 3 plants in a homebrewed drip/kratky system. The system consists of three 5 gallon buckets from my old DWC set up. They hold 6" net pots in the lid and through the bottom I've set 2" PVC...
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