
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Atlanta Is 10th Best For Growing Marijuana

    We've got just the right amount of sunshine and rainfall to grow weed, according to a new survey. The marijuana business in the U.S. is growing like a weed, and a new survey ranks Atlanta as the nation's 10th best city for growing it. LawnStarter, a Texas-based company that produces an app...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    A Look Inside The Fascinating Cannabis Branding And Marketing Boom

    For all the stereotypes about lazy, hapless stoners out there, those peddling green in states where recreational or medical marijuana use is legal sure know how to hustle. Make no mistake: the legal marijuana industry is booming, creating huge business opportunities and massive tax revenue...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    CA: The Legal Gray Area Of Marijuana Concentrates

    California's historic medical-marijuana regulations are reshaping the state's multibillion-dollar industry - but niche areas remain in a legal limbo. Consider the Chalice California hash and glass-art bash, which went down in the high desert of Southern California earlier this month. Wu-Tang...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    Too-Stringent Cannabis Rules A Bad Idea

    It was always clear that many hurdles will have to be jumped before legal marijuana can become a reality in Canada. Pot advocates won't be too pleased with the latest one. Ottawa, which recently struck a marijuana task force led by former deputy prime minister Anne McLellan, is sending strong...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Uruguay - Historical First Harvest Of Legal Marijuana

    The application of the law regarding cannabis use continued with the harvest of its first legal plantation. Uruguay will start producing marijuana legally, announced in mid-June Juan Andrés Roballo, president of the National Drug Board (JND). "Soon will be ready the first harvest [of...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    Where Cannabis Is Legal Around The World

    We've recently been tracking cannabis laws around the United States, going deeper into which states have legalized recreational and medicinal use, including Washington, Colorado and Oregon. Cannabis is about to be big business in the U.S. Ackrell Capital, a San Francisco-based investment...
  7. 6ofOne

    USA seed banks - How are they legal?

    So I've been trying to find answers with my google foo and have come up short so I figure I will ask you guys. How are USA seed banks like fastbuds legal? I thought it was illegal to have a seedbank in the US? And how are they getting around using a shipping meathod to ship outside USA? Can...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    Two Years After Legalizing Marijuana Sales, What Has Happened?

    Two years ago the U.S. states of Washington and Colorado became the world's first legal marketplaces for recreational marijuana. In other words, people in those states can now legally use marijuana for pleasure, not just for medicine. A man VOA is calling "Ryan" is one of them. He is at a...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    Licensed Growers Must Increase Ahead Of Legalization

    The only licensed marijuana producer in New Brunswick says the number of legal growing operations in the country will need to increase before they can haldne the demand expected from recreational users legally purchasing pot. Denis Arsenault of Moncton's OrganiGram, the first licensed...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    California Could Make Billions On Legal Marijuana

    With 39 million people, and a booming 20-year-old medical marijuana trade, California politicians will soon have $1 billion a year in extra cash to spend - if the new recreational marijuana initiative passes on the November ballot. The legal medical marijuana market in the United States...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Blacks, Latinos Underrepresented In Pot-Shop Ownership

    Blacks and Latinos were disproportionately prosecuted under the War on Drugs. Washington's legal pot industry has not provided much relief, as relatively few minorities have an ownership stake in legal pot shops. Should government try to change that? Bainbridge Island author Bruce Barcott was...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    Eight States To Vote On Legal Weed In November

    New York - Eight states, including California, will vote to legalize weed either for recreational or medical purposes in November. The legalization of marijuana for recreational use will be on the ballot on Nov. 8 in California, Nevada, Arizona, Massachusetts and Maine, according to Allen St...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Recreational Marijuana To Become Legal In Canada By 2017

    Global News correspondent Monique Muise reported on Thursday morning, June 30, 2016, at 11.56 a.m. EDT, a possible change in the legal status of marijuana in works for Canada. The narcotic drug, which currently is illegal, will soon become legal. Speaking on behalf of the country’s federal...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    California May Be The 'Tipping Point' For The Battle Over Marijuana

    California will officially vote on whether to make recreational marijuana use legal this November. If approved, the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) will allow adults over 21 to possess up to an ounce of marijuana for personal use, as well as allow the cultivation of up to six plants...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    How Legalized Marijuana Is Sweeping the U.S. In One Map

    These are the states that have legalized marijuana in some form-and those voting soon. Colorado's legal marijuana sales grew more than 40% to nearly $1 billion in 2015, creating $135 in revenue from taxes and fees that the state put toward school construction and other public projects. But...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Danes Want Legal Cannabis, But Government Vows Crackdown

    A majority of Danes support legalizing cannabis at the same time the government is preparing new hardline initatives. Christiania raid spurs new debate on legal cannabis (21 Jun 16) Copenhagen police tear down Christiania cannabis market (18 Jun 16) Amidst a new debate on cannabis...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    Can My Landlord Forbid Me From Smoking Pot In My Apartment?

    I just signed a new lease on an apartment. Is it legal for my landlord to tell me I can't light up a celebratory joint? You might have to blow some smoke up to the marijuana gods for help on this one; ultimately, it all comes down to the mercy (or chill) of your building owner. Given pot's...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    The DEA's War On Cannabis Won't End With Rescheduling

    Rumor has it that on August 1, the DEA will reclassify marijuana as a Schedule 2 substance. Legal cannabis advocates are responding to this news with a steady wave of applause and excitement. But I'm still unimpressed. To be honest, the fact that the DEA — essentially a law enforcement...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Becomes Legal In Macedonia

    Belgrade — Marijuana-derived medicines became legal on Monday in Macedonia, which joined over a dozen European countries that have already authorised the products for certain patients. So far 13 European Union nations have legalised marijuana-derived medicines including Austria, Britain...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Becomes Legal In Macedonia

    Belgrade – Marijuana-derived medicines became legal on Monday in Macedonia, which joined over a dozen European countries that have already authorised the products for certain patients. So far 13 European Union nations have legalised marijuana-derived medicines including Austria, Britain...
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