
  1. R

    Does Medical Marijuana Oil Work? UAB Shares Insight Into Carly's Law Study

    The medical marijuana oil study ongoing at the University of Alabama at Birmingham is showing near across-the-board reductions in seizures for its patients. Dr. Jerzy Szaflarski, head of the Division of Epilepsy at UAB and one of the principal investigators in the CBD oil study known as...
  2. R

    Desperately Ill George Blakemore Believes Cannabis Oil Is Helping 'Cure' His Cancer

    A young man with an inoperable form of bone cancer, who was told he only had a year left to live, believes cannabis oil has given him new hope. Last August, 23-year-old George Blakemore from Torfaen was diagnosed with Stage 2 Chondrosarcoma - a rare form of bone cancer arising from the left...
  3. D

    David from Ottawa stage four colon cancer but tumours regressing!

    My interest is in medical cannabis since this might save my life. One project is to make the RS Oil. I have been takIng oil of varying strength since May. Hi and first of all thanks for your solvent question. This subject has been driving me crazy. I am tempted t try the olive oil but I also...
  4. R

    Utah Mom Chooses To Illegally Treat 3-Year-Old Daughter With Cannabis Oil

    Two small drops of cannabis oil a day is all it takes to keep 3-year-old Remie Ellett of Nephi, Utah, walking and free of side effects from a multiple of illnesses. But now, the mother of the severely-disabled girl — who suffers from thyroid disease, respiratory issues and digestive problems...
  5. R

    Canada: Licensed Cannabis Oil Too Scarce, Expensive For Medical Users

    Every two months, Chris Skidmore crushes about half a kilogram of dried marijuana, soaks it in isopropyl alcohol, then strains the liquid through a coffee filter and into a rice cooker to burn off the remaining fumes — creating his own cannabis oil. He swallows a few drops of the oil every...
  6. R

    KS: MMJ Measure Goes To Full Senate Without Provision Authorizing Medical Hemp Oil

    A bill that would lower the penalties for first- and second-time marijuana possession is headed to the full Kansas Senate, but without other provisions that would have authorized the medicinal use of hemp oil to treat certain seizure disorders. Members of the Senate Corrections and Juvenile...
  7. R

    Alabama Moms Make Passionate Plea: Legalize Medical Marijuana Oil

    Three moms, three children suffering from various forms of epilepsy, three different stories trying to share one message: Legalize medicinal oil derived from marijuana. In Alabama, that potential law has been dubbed Leni's Law and state Rep. Mike Ball, R-Huntsville, is the bill's sponsor...
  8. R

    Alabama Lawmaker Seeks To Decriminalize Medical Marijuana Oil

    Amy Young and her family moved to Oregon because the medicine her daughter needs is illegal in Alabama. State Rep. Mike Ball said he plans to introduce a bill next month to change that. And he's confident it's going to pass. "The people I've talked to about it seem very receptive to it,"...
  9. R

    Atlanta: Supporters Back Medical Marijuana Bill In Hearing

    Georgia residents made their case Monday to a committee at the Capitol to legalize the cultivation of medical marijuana. Backers say it's the logical followup to another medical marijuana bill that passed the General Assembly last year. The hearing drew an overflow crowd — mostly from...
  10. R

    Granite City Man Claims Cannabis Oil Cured His 'Incurable' Cancer

    Darren Miller is ready to enjoy his second chance at life. The 50-year-old Granite City man is putting out the word that a steady diet of cannabis oil coupled with chemotherapy wiped out what doctors had only months earlier diagnosed as "incurable, inoperable" lung and pericardial heart sac...
  11. M

    Doing the numbers

    I hope to be able to buy oil within the next month or so. So wondering how much to use? The oil will be about $150 for a months supply. 1g herbal cannabis = 6ml cannabis oil is what it says on the website. It comes in 60ml bottles with a syringe. Does this sound about right? a 60 ml...
  12. Lady Cannafan

    420 Motoco Memorial Grow - Community Journal - Tribute

    Welcome to the 420 Motoco Memorial grow journal. We are here to honor our Friend and Mentor, 420 MOTOCO (Tim), who passed away suddenly on December 19, 2015. This journal is open to all who want to grow their favorite strain for making Concentrated Cannabis Oil, or other medicinal uses as a...
  13. Teddy Edwards

    Fallen Warrior - Tim aka 420 Motoco

    Fallen Warrior - Tim '420 Motoco' Tim, aka 420 Motoco, died suddenly and unexpectedly just before Christmas 2015, at the age of 66. His key threads — "How To Make Concentrated Cannabis Oil" and "Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial - Tacking Method" — gave clear and detailed instructions on the...
  14. R

    Ottawa Boy Relies On Homemade Cannabis Oil To Calm 'Catastrophic' Seizures

    A seven-year-old Ottawa boy who uses cannabis oil to alleviate seizures caused by a rare form of epilepsy can't get the treatment from a local producer, so his mother is making it herself. Liam McKnight suffers from Dravet syndrome, a condition causing frequent and severe seizures that often...
  15. B

    Essential oil for pest control?

    So yay my seed wasn't a dud! Yesterday we had noticed the seed move up in the gross sponge of the aero garden and today we found a little seedling sitting in the pod. Just checked too and we can see the first set of true leaves already on the already inch tall seedling! Anyway, working to...
  16. R

    Why Canada's Marijuana Growers Are In A Race To Make Their Pot Taste Delicious

    For more than four decades, Smiths Falls was known as the “Chocolate Capital of Ontario” because of its iconic Hershey factory. But Hershey bolted in 2009, and a few years later, the plant was sold to a very different sort of company: Tweed Marjuana Inc. In 2014, it re-opened as Canada’s largest...
  17. B

    How long does decarboxylated weed hold its potency?

    That may sound like a silly question but here's the reason I am asking. I like to infuse cannabis buds into coconut oil which I use in place of butter. Making the medicine is a fairly involved operation - first, I need to seal the weed into plastic bags and then I start decarbing with a sous...
  18. 4

    I'm a professional grower, caregiver and activist for legalization

    I trust in cannabis cos i have used both cannabis and cannabis oil to treat debilitating conditions of patients i care for. it's a miracle plant in all respect. i have done a lot of research on its therapeutic abilities. i am particular interested in its pain relief, anti depressant and...
  19. R

    Oregon: Cannabis Oil Production Faces Legislation

    Hash oil is available at marijuana dispensaries for medical card holders only. It's a very concentrated form of T.H.C., the compound in cannabis that gets you "high." Doctors say research is showing it's an effective way to treat certain cancers. "Research shows that they can stop the...
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    UK: Cancer Survivor Who Claims Cannabis Oil Cured Him Wants To Help Others

    CANCER survivor David Hibbitt is setting up a patient support foundation — after putting his recovery down to taking cannabis oil. The 33-year-old was diagnosed with stage-three bowel cancer in July 2012, and underwent radiotherapy and chemotherapy before having surgery in March 2013. But when...
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