
  1. Ron Strider

    Sessions Has 'Serious Concerns' About Legal Marijuana. Now States Wonder What's Next

    With thousands of jobs and billions of dollars at stake, it’s a burning question: Is Atty. Gen. Jeff Sessions preparing to mess with voter-approved sales of recreational marijuana? It’s a question of prime importance in six Western and two New England states that have legalized marijuana use...
  2. Ron Strider

    "Incomplete And Unreliable" - Jeff Sessions Is Using Bogus Weed Stats

    Washington state wants Jeff Sessions to do his homework about weed. Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson both released statements last week criticizing the U.S. attorney general for a July letter he sent them which they say used faulty information to judge the impact of...
  3. Ron Strider

    Sessions' Marijuana Crackdown May Still Be Coming

    When Attorney General Jeff Sessions convened his Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety in February, it was widely assumed to be the first step toward a crackdown on the state-level legalization of marijuana. Sessions stacked the task force with federal prosecutors and law enforcement...
  4. Ron Strider

    Task Force On Marijuana Law Offers Little On New Policies

    The betting was that law-and-order Attorney General Jeff Sessions would come out against the legalized marijuana industry with guns blazing. But the task force Sessions assembled to find the best legal strategy is giving him no ammunition, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press...
  5. Ron Strider

    WA: Sessions Raises Concerns Over Washington's Marijuana Legalization

    Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson says he's disappointed with a letter from U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions about the state's efforts to regulate marijuana. In a letter dated July 24, Sessions pointed out to Ferguson and Gov. Jay Inslee that a 2013 Justice Department memo...
  6. Ron Strider

    DC: Huff, Puff, Pass? AG's Pot Fury Not Echoed By Task Force

    The betting was that law-and-order Attorney General Jeff Sessions would come out against the legalized marijuana industry with guns blazing. But the task force Sessions assembled to find the best legal strategy is giving him no ammunition, according to documents obtained by The Associated Press...
  7. Ron Strider

    Congress Is Heading For A Confrontation With Sessions Over Marijuana

    Congress is heading for a confrontation with Attorney General Jeff Sessions over pot. Sessions is seeking to crack down on marijuana use while lawmakers from both parties are pushing legislation that would do the opposite. Measures have been attached to must-pass bills in the Senate that...
  8. Ron Strider

    Jeff Sessions Is Still Tilting At Marijuana Windmills

    One thing about Jeff Sessions, the boy is focused. A horrible marijuana plant must have done something mean to Sessions when he was a child, for the attorney general has a serious black & white TV-era reefer madness obsession. Sessions is hell-bent on re-fighting the failed war on drugs...
  9. Ron Strider

    How Jeff Sessions Could Crack Down On Legal Marijuana (And Why He Might Not)

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions is an outspoken critic of recreational marijuana, and he has the power to hobble cannabis sales in states where it's legal. But for now, business owners and advocates say they don't think he'll actually do it. As the head of the Justice Department, Sessions has...
  10. Ron Strider

    Ex-Jets Player Sues Jeff Sessions To Legalize Marijuana

    Former Jets defensive end Marvin Washington is now tackling Attorney General Jeff Sessions – suing the head of the Department of Justice to decriminalize marijuana. Washington is one of five plaintiffs in a new Manhattan federal lawsuit against Sessions, the DOJ and the Drug Enforcement...
  11. Ron Strider

    Jeff Sessions Prepping For Medical Marijuana Crackdown

    Next week, the Task Force on Crime and Public Safety led by President Trump is expected to release a report linking cannabis in general to violent crimes. Activists fear that the report is going to snowball into tougher sentences on possession, growing and selling marijuana and a general medical...
  12. Ron Strider

    Trump Cracks Down On Marijuana Users, Campaigners Say

    A new Department of Justice report on violent crime and marijuana will pave the way for the Trump administration to crack down on the drug, campaigners and lawmakers say. The Trump administration's Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety, led by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, is to...
  13. Ron Strider

    Dem Senator: Administration Crackdown On Marijuana Is 'Backward And Inhumane'

    Sen. Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii) on Sunday slammed the Trump administration's crackdown on marijuana users, calling it "backward and inhumane." "This is backward and inhumane," Schatz tweeted. "I hope every third-party voting progressive remembers this. There's a real difference between R's and...
  14. Ron Strider

    Trump's DOJ Gears Up For Crackdown On Marijuana

    The Trump administration is readying for a crackdown on marijuana users under Attorney General Jeff Sessions. President Trump's Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety, led by Sessions, is expected to release a report next week that criminal justice reform advocates fear will link...
  15. Ron Strider

    Political Risk Increases For Medical Marijuana

    The policies of the Trump Administration pose a growing risk to all companies involved in the cannabis sphere. Attorney General Sessions is an implacable foe of all things cannabis and can make life difficult in the legal, government approval and finance areas. GW Pharmaceuticals is furthest...
  16. Ron Strider

    Surprise! Sessions Wants To Trample States' Rights And Prosecute Medical Marijuana

    The green rush is upon us. According to a recently released report from Marijuana Business Daily entitled "Marijuana Business Factbook 2017," legal marijuana sales -- this includes recreational and medical pot -- are slated to grow by 30% in 2017, about 45% next year, and catapult a total of...
  17. Ron Strider

    Three-Quarters Of Americans Want Trump To Respect State Marijuana Laws

    A majority of Americans want the Trump administration to leave state marijuana laws alone. Seventy-six percent of American adults want President Trump to leave state marijuana laws as they are, according to a new poll from Survey USA. Reform group Marijuana Majority commissioned the poll...
  18. Ron Strider

    Jeff Sessions Is Coming For Medical Marijuana

    In a letter that became public on Monday, June 12, it was revealed that U.S. Attorney Jeff Sessions personally asked Congressional leaders last month to end funding that restricts the Department of Justice from spending money to affect state medical-marijuana laws. What does that mean...
  19. Ron Strider

    DC: Pot Activists Have Been Holding Their Breath For Months On Jeff Sessions

    Attorney General Jeff Sessions does not like marijuana. He has called regular marijuana use "only slightly less awful" than heroin dependence. He once made a joking comment about not minding the KKK until he found out they smoked marijuana. And as a senator, he was one of the most avowed...
  20. Ron Strider

    Al Franken And Rand Paul Join Forces To Protect Medical Marijuana From Jeff Sessions

    Contrary to what you might think, Jefferson Beauregard "Jeff Sessions" Sessions did not appear one day out of thin air when a melancholy racist wished upon a star for a glimpse of what the world would have looked like had the south won the Civil War. However, he is now our Attorney General...
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