
  1. Katelyn Baker

    Record National Support Gives Marijuana Activists Hope For Election Victories Read

    A record 60 percent national support is giving marijuana activists hope for victories this election in legalizing marijuana for recreational use in five states. Five states are putting recreational marijuana legalization on the ballot for this November, with an additional four states voting...
  2. Katelyn Baker

    Gallup - American Supermajority Supports Marijuana Legalization

    A super-majority of Americans support ending the country's failed prohibition on marijuana, the polling company Gallup finds just weeks before five states vote to legalize the plant. The Gallup poll released Wednesday finds support for regulating and taxing cannabis hit an all-time high of 60...
  3. Katelyn Baker

    Weed Will Win Big In November

    A month out from Election Day, it's looking like marijuana legalization is going to be a big winner. Initiatives are on the ballot in five states, including California, and all indications are that they are going to pass in all of them, with one possible exception. In what is the closest thing...
  4. Katelyn Baker

    California Marijuana Legalization Gains Historic Amount Of Support

    With election day soon approaching, California's campaign to legalize marijuana has now assembled the largest group of supporters in the issue's history. In a press conference held on Monday at San Francisco's ACLU office, Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Prop 64's large list of endorsements...
  5. Katelyn Baker

    Americans' Support For Marijuana Legalization Is Now Higher Than Ever

    Five states will vote on whether to fully legalize marijuana in November. And supporters of those initiatives just got some pretty good news: Support for marijuana legalization in the US has reached historic highs. A Pew Research Center survey of 1,201 US adults, conducted in late August and...
  6. Katelyn Baker

    FL: Poll Shows Voters Backing Rubio, Medical Marijuana

    A new poll of likely voters by the Universiy of North Florida suggests U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio and the backers of a medical marijuana initiative have something to celebrate. The poll of 696 likely voters, conducted Sept. 27-Oct. 4 and released Tuesday, shows Rubio leading with 48 percent of the...
  7. Katelyn Baker

    FL: Poll Shows Voters Backing Rubio, Medical Marijuana

    A new poll of likely voters by the Universiy of North Florida suggests U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio and the backers of a medical marijuana initiative have something to celebrate. The poll of 696 likely voters, conducted Sept. 27-Oct. 4 and released Tuesday, shows Rubio leading with 48 percent of the...
  8. Katelyn Baker

    New Mexico Voters Support Marijuana Legalization

    A majority of New Mexico voters - especially young ones - favor following Colorado's lead in making marijuana legal for recreational use by adults, according to the latest Journal Poll. Sixty-one percent of likely voters said they would support a proposal to legalize, tax and regulate...
  9. Katelyn Baker

    The War To End The War On Pot - Latest Dispatches

    Here are some of the latest dispatches in the war to end the war on marijuana. The news from the eastern front is encouraging. New polls from Massachusetts and Maine show 53 percent support for each state's legalization initiatives, versus 40 percent opposition in Massachusetts and 38 percent...
  10. Katelyn Baker

    Support Growing For Industrial Hemp In Texas

    Corpus Christi - Support is growing across Texas for legislation that would allow farmers the opportunity to grow hemp. If passed, it could bring hundreds of millions of dollars into the Texas economy. Hemp is a cannabis plant that has very small concentrations of THC, so the plant has no...
  11. Katelyn Baker

    Are Religious People Less Likely To Support Marijuana Legalization?

    People who believe that the Bible should be taken as the literal word of God may be much less likely to support the legalization of marijuana than those who believe the Bible is a book of moral fables, according to a new study. The study found that people who reported in national surveys that...
  12. Katelyn Baker

    CA: Marijuana Legalization, Tax Measures Draw Voter Support In New Poll

    A new poll from the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) has good news for several of the 17 measures on the November statewide ballot, including Proposition 64 to legalize recreational use of marijuana. Proposition 64 gets the support of 60 percent of likely voters. Sixty-five...
  13. Katelyn Baker

    Marijuana Legalization - Good News In The Latest Polls

    The latest polls on marijuana legalization are in, and they contain a lot of good news. In California, two polls show Proposition 64 passing, one of them with very strong support. A poll taken for the Los Angeles Times found that 58 percent of those surveyed favored passage of the proposition...
  14. Katelyn Baker

    Major Donors Attack Pot Legalization Nationwide

    Two major donations have come in to uphold pot prohibition in California and Arizona. In Arizona, the makers of the deadly painkiller Fentanyl gave $500,000 to defeat that state's legalization effort, which is barely polling at 50 percent. And today in California, the Los Angeles Times reports...
  15. Katelyn Baker

    TN: Dozens Protest To Decriminalize Marijuana

    Nashville, Tenn. - A group supportive of the push to decriminalize marijuana in Nashville took to the streets downtown. "Green Cross Tennessee" was the group behind the event that took place Saturday. Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall came out this week in support of a measure that would...
  16. Katelyn Baker

    Democrats Hope Marijuana Will Help Elect Hillary Clinton

    With Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton both viewed unfavorably by the majority of Americans, Democrats are hoping that if the top of the ballot doesn't excite voters this November, maybe the bottom will. Marijuana liberalization and minimum-wage hikes will get a vote in a handful of swing states...
  17. Katelyn Baker

    FL: Company Eyes Property For Medical Marijuana Store

    Bradenton - A Tallahassee company has closed on two vacant buildings on 14th Street West near downtown Bradenton for a potential medical marijuana dispensary. Trulieve currently has dispensaries in Tallahassee and Clearwater, with two more in the planning phases in Orlando and Miami-Dade...
  18. Katelyn Baker

    FL: Company Eyes Property For Medical Marijuana Store

    Bradenton - A Tallahassee company has closed on two vacant buildings on 14th Street West near downtown Bradenton for a potential medical marijuana dispensary. Trulieve currently has dispensaries in Tallahassee and Clearwater, with two more in the planning phases in Orlando and Miami-Dade...
  19. Katelyn Baker

    TN: Marijuana Decriminalization Faces Important Council Meeting

    After advancing on a procedural vote earlier this month, a bill that would reduce the penalty for possessing or exchanging small amounts of marijuana faces a crucial vote at the Metro Council next week. The 32-4 vote on first reading was important, allowing the bill to advance, but not...
  20. Katelyn Baker

    MA: No City Council Support For Allston Marijuana Dispensary

    Following the lead of Allston-Brighton's district councilor, Mark Ciommo, the Boston City Council opted to not endorse a locally run company's bid to open a medical marijuana dispensary in the Allston neighborhood. The voice vote - which appeared to be unanimous - came Wednesday at the weekly...
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