1st time grow please help!


New Member
I'm growing in a 5x5 tent with a 1000w true blue mh in a cooled hood i'm using coco and perlite as my medium my strain is pre 98 bubba its in a 7 gallon smart part and i'm hand watering daily with
H&G cocos a and b
cal mag plus
HG roots excelurator
HG drip clean
and a beneficial micro organism tea

For the first few weeks I had no problem and saw fast green growth but lately she seems to be droopy all the time regardless of how much I water or what nutes I used I tried flushing and then fluxuated my p.h. from 5.6 to 6.0 to make sure it wasnt ph lockout but nothing has worked please help!

The ppm has been around 800-900 and i water about a liter and a half a day to the point were theres little runoff but not much i flushed it 10 days ago with RO water that i ph'd to 5.8 after i flushed it i let it dry and then transplanted it. the temps are usually around 70-80 but it has been hotter lately so its probably gotten up to 85 and the humidity is always 40-50 % i'm was doing a 18/6 schedule but i changed to straight 24 shortly after i flushed. I dont have an ec meter but i have a ppm should i check the ppm and ph of my runoff? and if you think i'm overfeeding should i feed every other watering instead of everytime?
Right buddy what I think has happened is you have got salt build up from not having enough runoff which you then fixed with the flush but then you went wrong first by using plain ph'd water and letting it dry when you flush in coco you mix a nutrient solution to the desired levels the pour it through till the runoff is the same as your putting in and you never let the coco dry out .now lower your ppm to around 600 but only use a&b and the root stim also a little cal mag then water till your runoff is the same ph and ppm as your putting in or very close ph might be a little higher and ppm might be a little lower in the runoff but that's ok it shows the plant is feeding
Then after that water every day with the that mix and give it a few days we should start to see improvement oh and ph 5.8
Hope this helps any questions just ask buddy and keep us posted on how she's going
ok so your saying I should mix a few gallons of water thats ph 5.8 and ppm around 600 and then flush until the runoff is about the same? and ive been seeing purple stems on all of my plants do you think its mag deficiency? i'll post pictures after i flush later tonight thanks for the help!
so should I water these smaller plants until there is more runoff to avoid salt buildup? and should I top them soon? they're both sativa dominant so I don't want them to get to tall

and these purple stems are phosphorus deficient then?

and my roots organic soil plants seem to have darker leaves possibly phosphorus def?


The one on the left is organic soil and the one on the right is coco
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