2nd Arrest Made at 420 Protest — No Charges - Video

Police arrested and soon released a protester named Evan downtown on Sunday afternoon. He was let go after the police realized he wasn't actually in possession of marijuana.

Lt. Shane Maxfield continued his undying urging of activists to "work within the system." I was taught in school that democracy was defined as "Majority rule with minority rights." When the rights of minorities are stripped by the majority, democracy falls apart, and the time, money, and effort needed to win back just one measly right is so extreme and so costly, that activists often burn out before one victory.

The system is broken when it proves is has unlimited purview in controlling the private lives of citizens. The system is broken because it has no restrictions. The system is broken because 1000 people stealing from or enslaving 100 is not moral, even if they voted.

The system is broken, Shane. Stop following immoral orders.

YouTube - Evan Arrested at Keene Marijuana Rally

News Hawk- Ganjarden 420 MAGAZINE ® - Medical Marijuana Publication & Social Networking
Source: Free Keene
Author: Nick
Contact: Free Keene
Copyright: 2009 Free Keene
Website: 2nd Arrest Made at 420 Protest — No Charges
Can't believe they didn't do a field test on that stuff. So worth the effort to keep the streets safe...crazy daze
Can't believe they didn't do a field test on that stuff. So worth the effort to keep the streets safe...crazy daze

Take off your shoe in an airport and yell "I've got a bomb!!" See how well that goes over. You're gonna get tackled and then let go. Thats what you get for civil disobedience.
Ah I don't know...I think that scenario would get you more than let go. Prolly wind up in some secret detention camp somewhere, getting tortured to find out where you hid the bomb. If it ever happened to me I'd tell the interrogator I hid it up his partner's ass, then sit back and watch the show as they tried to find it. Kinda freaky. Of course I love this country and would never consider such a thing.
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