30-Minute Marijuana Deliveries



Amsterdam Internet Site Promises 30-Minute Marijuana Deliveries

Amsterdam, The Netherlands: An enterprising duo in Amsterdam will open
up a new internet-based marijuana delivery service on September 1st that
promises to fulfill orders within 30 minutes.
The company, iToke, will allow customers to set up a user ID (keeping
the person's name anonymous) and address profile through an internet
browser or through Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) enabled wireless
phones. The customer would then order marijuana from any participating
Amsterdam cafe through their computer or WAP and pay for their orders
with prepaid and rechargeable cards called "iTokens." Customers will be
able to order two grams (approximately four "joints" at a time.
"iToke was a no-brainer," said Tim Freccia one of iToke's two founding
partners along with Mike Tucker. "For years, Europe has been striving for
a rational, balanced policy towards marijuana. With the advent of
comprehensive e-commerce solutions, we have been able to demonstrate a
distribution system to communities that not only allays fears about
criminality, but also guarantees that users can enjoy our products safely
and responsibly. Better yet, much like the state-sanctioned lottery in
the UK, we have provided governments with a way to funnel tax revenue
back into the community."
"In the Netherlands, these two gentlemen are entrepreneurs," said Allen
St. Pierre, NORML Foundation Executive Director. "In the United States,
they would be treated as drug kingpins and subject to excessive criminal
and civil charges. This is yet another stark difference between the
United State's misguided marijuana policy and the Netherlands' effective
and pragmatic approach."
For more information, please contact Allen St. Pierre, NORML Foundation
Executive Director at (202) 483-8751 or visit www.itoke.co.uk.
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