40x40x80 With Infinity Cloudline T6 Setup


Well-Known Member
Noob here looking for a little advice as to how I would set up my AC Infinity Cloudline T6 with the AC Infinity carbon filter inside or outside my 40X40X80 tent. I have the rope clip hangers but can't figure a good way to hook to the infinity T6 and the carbon filter inside the tent. Also would it be better to have passive or add my Cloudline S6 to the tent as an intake. Please any advice would be greatly appreciated.
If the dimensions are in cm, you have very little room for your plants to grow. Mount the fan outside your tent.

If the dimensions are in inches, there should be a cross bar you can suspend the fan (and filter) from using bungee cords..
40x40x80 inches, I've got it set up with very little negative pressure, its holding 74 to 75 farenheit, with intake at 2 and exaust at 4 and 1000 watt led. Everything seems to be fine and I believe it's plenty for what I need, but thanks. MrSauga has helped me so much today. This is a great forum, thanks and have an awesome week.
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