50 watt LED

From my experance I'd say 50 watts is very low. I'm using LED's and have gotten good results from clone to flower, but I'm running 5 watt high output LED's. I built my own setup, and I am getting 213 watts of power at the LED's, but still I'm going to step it up another 75 watts. Everything I've read about LED's I've come to a conclusion that about 1/4 to 1/3 of the power you would get from HPS, or MH lights gives the results you are looking for. So don't waste your money on a little 50 watt system, that's only equal to about 150 watts of other types of lighting. Also make sure you get an LED setup with more than just red and blue.
From my experance I'd say 50 watts is very low. I'm using LED's and have gotten good results from clone to flower, but I'm running 5 watt high output LED's. I built my own setup, and I am getting 213 watts of power at the LED's, but still I'm going to step it up another 75 watts. Everything I've read about LED's I've come to a conclusion that about 1/4 to 1/3 of the power you would get from HPS, or MH lights gives the results you are looking for. So don't waste your money on a little 50 watt system, that's only equal to about 150 watts of other types of lighting. Also make sure you get an LED setup with more than just red and blue.

Thanks man....I appreciate it. I'm a noob, so i'll probably start with HPS or MH before moving on....

Thanks again.
if i was building a new light system i would look at a low watt [below 250] CMH bulb [ceramic metalhalide] with some red LED panels o9r a warm CFL to attenuate red for flowering
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