A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

Please i need some advice. My mother has liver cancer diagnosed in October 2017. Done 2 chemoembolisations and three monts Cannabis oil in suppositories, also and cbd oral in that time. Tumor shrank by 40%. Just to scedule thirh chemoembolisation on CT it showed blood clot(trombus) in right atrium. Treated with anticoagulants (sintrom and clexane, after that replaced with xarelto. Done MR on heart 2 days ago and doctor said it is not trombus in herat but mets in heart(tumor). The question is because the heart is now the biggest problem, should we go suppositories or oral. I know her liver cancer best are suppositories, but now mets are in heart also. Please i need advice.Thanks.
Please i need some advice. My mother has liver cancer diagnosed in October 2017. Done 2 chemoembolisations and three monts Cannabis oil in suppositories, also and cbd oral in that time. Tumor shrank by 40%. Just to scedule thirh chemoembolisation on CT it showed blood clot(trombus) in right atrium. Treated with anticoagulants (sintrom and clexane, after that replaced with xarelto. Done MR on heart 2 days ago and doctor said it is not trombus in herat but mets in heart(tumor). The question is because the heart is now the biggest problem, should we go suppositories or oral. I know her liver cancer best are suppositories, but now mets are in heart also. Please i need advice.Thanks.

@iceman77, I'm sorry this was overlooked yesterday. Take a deep breath and let that fear go. You'll find it easier to find the answers you seek if fear isn't blocking the inspiration. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:

To answer your question, if it were my mother, I'd be setting up a regimen that used both suppositories and oral meds. I'd also see if there was any way to get a topical into the mix. You wouldn't think there'd be a place for a good cannabis topical, but I've learned there always is. If nothing else, apply it to the upper back, at the top of the spine so it can help her keep her spirits calm and relaxed.

So..... Was the regimen stopped at some point, or has she been on cannabis medicines all along?

I have a couple thoughts:

* We have a formulation we call Biobombs. You'll find the thread Here, This formula adds the concentrated cannabis oil to olive oil, a carrier oil that gets absorbed into the lymphatic system. By doing so you gain more time for cannabinoids to find cells that need signalling before they get to the liver and get metabolized. It also incorporates liquid sunflower lecithin.

Together, the lecithin and olive oil make the cannabis oil more bioavailable. It takes the cannabis medicines from around 20% bioavailability and pushes it up to the neighborhood of 80% or higher. With less medicine you'll get better effect.

The oil you mix as biobombs can be used in capsule form orally or anail administration, using the capsules as suppositories or simply using 1ml syringes to dose.

* Read the first couple pages of this thread to gain more understanding of the importance of using either apigenin or amentoflavone to distract the liver enzymes, in hopes of gaining more time for the cannabinoids that squeek past to circulate again, seeking out cancer cells that need their signalling.

We've learned through experience that two Apignen capsules prior to the cannabis dose is a minimum dose for maximum competitive inhibition.

* Most cancers have been responding favorably to a medicine balanced in the major cannabinoids, a 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD. I don't know what the ratio of your oil is, but I'd give this a closer look. If I were going to increase one cannabinoid over another it'd be CBD first.

Once I got to a 1:3 THC:CBD ratio I'd start slowly increasing the cannabinoids in a balanced way until labs came back with the results I wanted to see. I'd be doing that increasing very slowly and thoughtfully.

We come at the cancer with a sledgehammer, when the endocannabinoid system responds most willingly to a more gentle touch. We're so afraid of the cancer that we forget the human body is designed and evolved to heal spontaneously.

* Do your best to find a copy of Kelly Turner's Radical Remission and remind yourself that we were meant to heal. Incidentally, I firmly believe we heal most efficiently when we can be joyful. I'll leave you to figure out that one on your own. :battingeyelashes:

* If you can afford the consultation price, contact Aunt Zelda's. They have years of clinical experience using cannabis oils to treat cancer, and they have a tremendous understanding of the process. No one on see pages is a trained medical professional. We study and we work together to find better ways to use cannabis as a medicine, but there's not a licensed medical professional among us. Aunt Zelda's has experienced cannabis doctors.

* You may already be aware that a cannabis dose 30 minutes before chemotherapy will potentiate the chemo drugs and protect healthy cells.

That's enough to hit you with on an initial response. Please, ask questions so we can help you find the answers that bring peace and understanding. We'll be more alert to your posts going forward.
Hey guys, been a wee while – hope everyone okay. We're still soldiering on in Glasgow. We seem to have seen off the gastro problem after about three months of constant in and out of hosp, which has made a big difference to morale. We've had the little girl on a regimen of 50:50 THC/CBD for the past six weeks or so, 250mg/250mg separated out every day. We'll get a good steer as to whether it's working in about two weeks. What a haul!

But my main reason for writing just now is a woman with terminal cancer has been in touch with me asking for advice. I'm going to talk to her later this week. I know it's pancreatic but don't have many details. Wondered what the best regimen is thought to be for this kind of illness. Also do let me know if there are other questions it would be useful to ask her first?

Thanks as always

Hey guys, been a wee while – hope everyone okay. We're still soldiering on in Glasgow. We seem to have seen off the gastro problem after about three months of constant in and out of hosp, which has made a big difference to morale. We've had the little girl on a regimen of 50:50 THC/CBD for the past six weeks or so, 250mg/250mg separated out every day. We'll get a good steer as to whether it's working in about two weeks. What a haul!

But my main reason for writing just now is a woman with terminal cancer has been in touch with me asking for advice. I'm going to talk to her later this week. I know it's pancreatic but don't have many details. Wondered what the best regimen is thought to be for this kind of illness. Also do let me know if there are other questions it would be useful to ask her first?

Thanks as always


Week hey there OM. :hug::hug::hug: So good to hear from you, and oh my goodness, what wonderful news about your darling daughter. I'll be watching for the next update. Sending lovingly expectant thoughts your way. :battingeyelashes:

I have no experience with pancreatic cancer myself, but there are a number of resources online that can help. I'm at the end of a long day and was headed to bed, so I'll get back to you on this tomorrow, after I've gotten some rest and can focus in on it for you.

Until then, I found this excellent write-up that I haven't had time to completely critique, but I glanced through it enough to know it'll be helpful.

Gather your questions. I'll be back tomorrow. :battingeyelashes:

Medical Marijuana and Pancreatic Cancer
I talked to the woman's husband this morning. Sounds like she's in a really bad way. Doctor says she has weeks maybe a couple of months at best. He's asking whether it's worth giving it a shot at this late stage. What do you guys think? This is a couple aged 70 or something. By the time she's built up a decent tolerance...?
Hey Sweetum's , Could you lead me to the page where you had a diagram describing the medial dorsal rami and the recipe for the topical Magnus8 suggested?, I may need to treat the father-in -law of a good friend of mine who has a brain tumor which started in the frontal lobe and his grew towards the side where his sphenoid and temporal bone would be. The tumor is slow growing but is 8 cm. If anyone out there has treated someone with brain cancer, tumors etc.. please chime in. The first time treating someone with a brain tumor so would greatly appreciate some do's and don'Ts. Was going to start him on the initial protocol that the Great man Cajun recommended(suppositories,bio-bombs etc) getting a little Low on my cannatonic CBD oil, so it will be mainly a THC treatment until i harvest my CBD blue blood. Thanks so Much.
[QUOTE = "Nixie, bericht: 4059630, lid: 311124"] OK!

Dit is mijn dosiserprotocol van Mara Gordon, overgenomen uit een zijn:

"Ik vroeg of ik mijn protocol kon places with the mensen of Mara Gordon. dosis, hoe jongere persoon zal, ook specifiek voor eierstokkanker, vandaar de nadruk op CBD, hoeveelheden zijn voor het actieve ingrediënt. "

80 mg THC, waarvan het grootste deel 's nachts wordt ingenomen, en slechts 8 mg van zo in de ochtend, het eerste.
140 mg CBD per dag, sublinguaal in 2 doses; 70 mg 3 uur na de ochtend THC en 70 mg 3 uur later.

THS (THC). Mara Gordon maakt de THC en de CBD te scheiden. Ik wil niet betekend dat is het twee elkaar aanvullen, maar het lijkt iets te maken met de beschikbaarheid van receptoren; Ik veronderstel dat je elke stof een gelijkmatigere dosis krijgt, ze niet in competitie zijn. Als je een besluit wilt nemen, zou je het effect van de THC overweldigend kunnen vinden zonder de CBD. Ik neem de mijne twee uur voor het slapen gaan in en val uit.

Mara Gordon lijkt niet te geloven in anale / vaginale applications, but they have these to the first of the or treat with the lecithine. Meestal neem ik het gewoon in, omdat de olie die ik tot nu toe heb gemaakt vrij zwak is; het werkt, maar ik moet het bij de lepel pakken. Ik volg Cajun / Sweet Sue's advies om te voorkomen dat de cannabinoïden verwerkt en uit de cannabis worden genomen.

Dieet is belangrijk maar wat is het beste? - Ik heb het advies gekregen om kanker te proberen, maar dit is totaal anders dan veganistic diëten die anderen aanbevelen; ECHT laag - en je leeft meestal op een en olieachtig voedsel, dat de kanker niet kan worden gebruikt. Ik eet rood vlees en sommige zuivelproducten (fruit, kaas, maar geen melk, tenzij lactose vermindering) - fruit is echter zo hoog in koolhydraten dat ik niet veel fruit mag en groen groenten kan me over mijn koolhydraatlimiet heen duwen. Maar ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben mijn dieet versoepeld, misschien een beetje te veel.

Ik volg mijn dieet - of in elk geval dat ik deed - met "Cronometer" - zoek het online - het is erg goed, maar tijdrovend.

Je lijkt een enorme dosis cannabinoïden te nemen en dat doe je al heel lang. Ik weet dat het niet gebruikelijk is om kankerpatiënten te vertellen over een pauze in hun receptoren opnieuw in te stellen - maar in jouw positie zou ik het doen! (In feite heb ik dat.) Als we sterven, zouden we ons kunnen laten opereren, zou het ziekenhuis ons drie weken duren voor de operatie van chemotherapie afhouden! Doen dat ik het 3 dagen kan volhouden en de verbeterde efficiëntie zou het waard moeten zijn. Dat je niet door de cannabis wordt gedragen zoals je vroeger was, suggereert dat je eraan te veel gewend bent. Als alternatief, wat dacht je van het proberen van verschillende soorten cannabis? Ik ben verbaasd over hoe anderen kunnen zijn in their. (Iemand is aan het woord - was het Sweet Sue?)

Ten slotte - andere dingen. Er zijn veel andere, aanvullende behandelingen die er zijn. Ik kijk naar de infrarode sauna en heb me voor het eerst in een sportschool, om te zien van gerichte lichaamsbeweging helpt (ik denk van wel).

Plus: je hebt dit boek nodig!
Dit is het Frans en Duits - maar het is also in other languages as this niet geschikt zijn.


Fanny - houd contact! We zitten in een moeilijke positie - misschien in 5 jaar tijd kunnen we elkaar ontmoeten in een café in Nederland en een kopje koffie en een koekje hebben - onze "onderhoudsdosis" voor ons voortbestaan! Chin, meisje! [/ CITAAT]

Goede avond iedereen, heb vandaag het boek van Kelly Turner ontvangen, ik begin er morgen aan!
Nu ik zit met een vraagje, heb zo juist THC gekregen en nu gemengd met olijfolie ... ongeveer 1-½ gr. In flesje met druppelteller van 10 ml de rest aanvulling met olijfolie, nu mijn vraag: hoeveelheid druppels moet THC nemen. Om aan de 80 Mg / dag te komen (misschien domme vraag maar ik weet het echt niet)

Wat CBD betreft, hoe sterk moet die zijn, want die moet ik kopen / bestellen via Nederland in België is deze nog niet beschikbaar)
[QUOTE = "Nixie, bericht: 4059630, lid: 311124"] OK!

Dit is mijn dosiserprotocol van Mara Gordon, overgenomen uit een zijn:

"Ik vroeg of ik mijn protocol kon places with the mensen of Mara Gordon. dosis, hoe jongere persoon zal, ook specifiek voor eierstokkanker, vandaar de nadruk op CBD, hoeveelheden zijn voor het actieve ingrediënt. "

80 mg THC, waarvan het grootste deel 's nachts wordt ingenomen, en slechts 8 mg van zo in de ochtend, het eerste.
140 mg CBD per dag, sublinguaal in 2 doses; 70 mg 3 uur na de ochtend THC en 70 mg 3 uur later.

THS (THC). Mara Gordon maakt de THC en de CBD te scheiden. Ik wil niet betekend dat is het twee elkaar aanvullen, maar het lijkt iets te maken met de beschikbaarheid van receptoren; Ik veronderstel dat je elke stof een gelijkmatigere dosis krijgt, ze niet in competitie zijn. Als je een besluit wilt nemen, zou je het effect van de THC overweldigend kunnen vinden zonder de CBD. Ik neem de mijne twee uur voor het slapen gaan in en val uit.

Mara Gordon lijkt niet te geloven in anale / vaginale applications, but they have these to the first of the or treat with the lecithine. Meestal neem ik het gewoon in, omdat de olie die ik tot nu toe heb gemaakt vrij zwak is; het werkt, maar ik moet het bij de lepel pakken. Ik volg Cajun / Sweet Sue's advies om te voorkomen dat de cannabinoïden verwerkt en uit de cannabis worden genomen.

Dieet is belangrijk maar wat is het beste? - Ik heb het advies gekregen om kanker te proberen, maar dit is totaal anders dan veganistic diëten die anderen aanbevelen; ECHT laag - en je leeft meestal op een en olieachtig voedsel, dat de kanker niet kan worden gebruikt. Ik eet rood vlees en sommige zuivelproducten (fruit, kaas, maar geen melk, tenzij lactose vermindering) - fruit is echter zo hoog in koolhydraten dat ik niet veel fruit mag en groen groenten kan me over mijn koolhydraatlimiet heen duwen. Maar ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben dol op ik ben mijn dieet versoepeld, misschien een beetje te veel.

Ik volg mijn dieet - of in elk geval dat ik deed - met "Cronometer" - zoek het online - het is erg goed, maar tijdrovend.

Je lijkt een enorme dosis cannabinoïden te nemen en dat doe je al heel lang. Ik weet dat het niet gebruikelijk is om kankerpatiënten te vertellen over een pauze in hun receptoren opnieuw in te stellen - maar in jouw positie zou ik het doen! (In feite heb ik dat.) Als we sterven, zouden we ons kunnen laten opereren, zou het ziekenhuis ons drie weken duren voor de operatie van chemotherapie afhouden! Doen dat ik het 3 dagen kan volhouden en de verbeterde efficiëntie zou het waard moeten zijn. Dat je niet door de cannabis wordt gedragen zoals je vroeger was, suggereert dat je eraan te veel gewend bent. Als alternatief, wat dacht je van het proberen van verschillende soorten cannabis? Ik ben verbaasd over hoe anderen kunnen zijn in their. (Iemand is aan het woord - was het Sweet Sue?)

Ten slotte - andere dingen. Er zijn veel andere, aanvullende behandelingen die er zijn. Ik kijk naar de infrarode sauna en heb me voor het eerst in een sportschool, om te zien van gerichte lichaamsbeweging helpt (ik denk van wel).

Plus: je hebt dit boek nodig!
Dit is het Frans en Duits - maar het is also in other languages as this niet geschikt zijn.


9 Wege in ein krebsfreies Leben

Fanny - houd contact! We zitten in een moeilijke positie - misschien in 5 jaar tijd kunnen we elkaar ontmoeten in een café in Nederland en een kopje koffie en een koekje hebben - onze "onderhoudsdosis" voor ons voortbestaan! Chin, meisje! [/ CITAAT]

Goede avond iedereen, heb vandaag het boek van Kelly Turner ontvangen, ik begin er morgen aan!
Nu ik zit met een vraagje, heb zo juist THC gekregen en nu gemengd met olijfolie ... ongeveer 1-½ gr. In flesje met druppelteller van 10 ml de rest aanvulling met olijfolie, nu mijn vraag: hoeveelheid druppels moet THC nemen. Om aan de 80 Mg / dag te komen (misschien domme vraag maar ik weet het echt niet)

Wat CBD betreft, hoe sterk moet die zijn, want die moet ik kopen / bestellen via Nederland in België is deze nog niet beschikbaar)

We need to translate this. Anyone have a program that’ll do that?
Good evening everyone, today I received the book from Kelly Turner, I will start tomorrow!
Now that I have a question, I just received THC and now mixed with olive oil ... about 1 ½ gr. In bottle with dropper of 10 ml the rest supplement with olive oil, now my question: amount of drops must take THC. To get to the 80 Mg / day (maybe stupid question but I really do not know)

As far as CBD is concerned, how strong should it be, because I have to buy / order via the Netherlands in Belgium this is not yet available),

This is my dosing protocol from Mara Gordon, taken from an earlier post:

"I asked if I could post my protocol from Mara Gordon's people - it changed a couple of times but ended up as follows, bearing in mind this is for a woman in her 60s. Apparently the older the patient the lower the dose; a younger person will need a much higher dose. Also this is specifically for ovarian cancer; hence the emphasis on CBD. Quantities are for the active ingredient."

80mg THC, with most of it taken at night and just 8mg or so in the morning, first thing.
140mg CBD daily, sublingually in 2 doses; 70mg 3 hours after the morning THC and 70mg 3 hours later.

This was to be introduced gradually (especially the THC). Mara Gordon makes a point of separating the THC and the CBD. I didn't understand this at first as it is known that the two complement each other, but it seems to be something to do with the availability of receptors; I suppose you get a more even dose of each substance so that they are not in competition. If you decide to try this you might find the effect of the THC overwhelming without the CBD. I take mine two hours before bedtime and crash out.

Mara Gordon doesn't seem to believe in anal / vaginal applications, but people on here have used them successfully, especially when the oil is combined with lecithin to help the body absorb it. Mostly I just ingest it as the oil I have made so far is quite weak; it works, but I need to take it by the spoonful. I follow Cajun's / Sweet Sue's advice to take apigenin prior to taking the cannabis, to keep the liver busy and so to prevent it from processing and removing the cannabinoids.

Diet is important but what is the best? - I was advised to try the ketogenic diet for cancer but this is totally different to the vegan-type diets which others recommend; basically you keep protein low, carbohydrates REALLY low - and you live mostly on fats and oily foods, which the cancer cannot utilise to feed itself. I do eat red meat and some dairy (sour cream, cheese, but not milk unless lactose-reduced) - however fruit is so high in carbohydrates that I am not allowed much fruit and even green vegetables can push me over my carbohydrate limit. Yet I understand that lemons and tomatoes can help to heal cancer and I love salads - plus I felt I was losing too much weight, so I have relaxed my diet, maybe a bit too much.

I track my diet - or at least I did - using "Cronometer" - search it online - it is very good, but time-consuming.

You seem to be taking a massive dose of cannabinoids and have been doing so for a long time. I know it is not usual to tell cancer patients to take a break to re-set their receptors - but in your position, I would do it! (In fact I have.) If we were to have that surgery, the hospital would take us off chemotherapy for maybe 3 weeks before the operation! Therefore I suspect we can manage 3 days and the improved efficiency should be worth it. That you are not affected by the cannabis in the way that you used to be suggests that you have become too used to it. Alternatively, how about trying different varieties of cannabis - I have been amazed by how different they can be in their effects. (Someone on here also recommended that - was it Sweet Sue?)

Lastly - other things. There are lots of other, additional treatments out there. I am looking at infra-red sauna and have joined a gym for the first time in my life, to see if targeted exercise helps (I think it does).

Plus: you need this book!
Here it is in French and German - but it is also in other languages if these are not suitable.


9 Wege in ein krebsfreies Leben

Fanny - keep in touch! We are in a similar position - maybe in 5 years time we can meet in a cafe in Holland and have a cup of that strong coffee and a cookie - our "maintenance" dose for our continued survival! Chin up, girl!

Helo NIXI,
Thank you for all your information , i was hoping to here Some News from Sweet Sue or other ones to my early questions. (I was forget to traduced in English , but I did it after and posted again .... because I didn’t have any answer I went to look at internet after a other Oncoloog to help me in Belgium with the oil .
And Today I was by a new Dokter , he also helps with CBD/THC... but he only believe that it helps pain, not to cure...
He gives me letter for the pharmacies to buy the oil, but it is only 2% of each (CBD/THC).
My question is, is that good enough because before I have 1gram THC and 1 gram CBD.
You said that :

I copy/paste :

80mg THC, with most of it taken at night and just 8mg or so in the morning, first thing.
140mg CBD daily, sublingually in 2 doses; 70mg 3 hours after the morning THC and 70mg 3 hours later.c

Please can you explain what is 80 mg THC in % .?
140 mg CBD. in %?

When I will buy the oil the always have it of % not in mg ....

I Also buye the book you told me to.....(Kelly Turner);not finished them ☺️)

See you
Hey guys

I hope everyone doing okay. Alas the news is not brilliant at our end. We found out on Monday that our little girl has a new tumour on her spine in the same place she had one in January. This is so disappointing, particularly since we had a very good June and July and were beginning to think we were winning.

The doctors' plan now is to give her a second round of radiotherapy – she previously got some in Feb, which seemed to eradicate what was there before. She's going to receive some more chemo into the spinal fluid, and there's an outside chance they will try her with checkpoint inhibitors – though they say they have no evidence these drugs can work in that part of the body. In short, things are looking pretty bleak.

My question of course is what can we do to turn this around. I think it's quite likely that her cannabis regimen has slowed the progress of the disease and stopped it from spreading, but it's clearly not doing the rest of the job. She's now been on cannabis since Feb. Since the beginning of June, the regimen has been 250mg CBD/day and 250mg THC/day – we give it as 50mg THC first thing in the morning, two 125mg doses of CBD throughout the day, and a 200mg dose of THC before bed. Half an hour before every dose we give her parsley and thyme as sources of apigenin and myrcene. The THC is mixed with EVOO and liquid sunflower lecithin, while the CBD is mixed with hemp oil.

You may recall we've wrestled with the problem of the best way of getting it into her system. We still give it through her feeding tube mixed with veggie milk. Sub-lingual is not an option and suppositories feel almost impossible, too. We used to supplement the parsley and thyme with coconut oil to distract the liver, but she's had bad gastro problems and that may have been contributing, so we've had to live without it. The same has basically been the case with NutriBullet smoothies – one nightmare after another.

Where do you guys suggest we go from here? In particular:
1. Are there any alternative liver distractors to coconut oil that might be worth trying?
2. Is there anything we can add in that helps get cannabinoids over the blood brain barrier?
3. Should we rethink the regimen? We're kind of following a Zeldas plan with that at present.
4. Should we be looking at something different, such as curucumin?

All thoughts super welcome.
Lots of love to you all
Any thoughts on the below guys – SweetSue, KingstonRabbi, anyone else???
Hey guys

I hope everyone doing okay. Alas the news is not brilliant at our end. We found out on Monday that our little girl has a new tumour on her spine in the same place she had one in January. This is so disappointing, particularly since we had a very good June and July and were beginning to think we were winning.

The doctors' plan now is to give her a second round of radiotherapy – she previously got some in Feb, which seemed to eradicate what was there before. She's going to receive some more chemo into the spinal fluid, and there's an outside chance they will try her with checkpoint inhibitors – though they say they have no evidence these drugs can work in that part of the body. In short, things are looking pretty bleak.

My question of course is what can we do to turn this around. I think it's quite likely that her cannabis regimen has slowed the progress of the disease and stopped it from spreading, but it's clearly not doing the rest of the job. She's now been on cannabis since Feb. Since the beginning of June, the regimen has been 250mg CBD/day and 250mg THC/day – we give it as 50mg THC first thing in the morning, two 125mg doses of CBD throughout the day, and a 200mg dose of THC before bed. Half an hour before every dose we give her parsley and thyme as sources of apigenin and myrcene. The THC is mixed with EVOO and liquid sunflower lecithin, while the CBD is mixed with hemp oil.

You may recall we've wrestled with the problem of the best way of getting it into her system. We still give it through her feeding tube mixed with veggie milk. Sub-lingual is not an option and suppositories feel almost impossible, too. We used to supplement the parsley and thyme with coconut oil to distract the liver, but she's had bad gastro problems and that may have been contributing, so we've had to live without it. The same has basically been the case with NutriBullet smoothies – one nightmare after another.

Where do you guys suggest we go from here? In particular:
1. Are there any alternative liver distractors to coconut oil that might be worth trying?
2. Is there anything we can add in that helps get cannabinoids over the blood brain barrier?
3. Should we rethink the regimen? We're kind of following a Zeldas plan with that at present.
4. Should we be looking at something different, such as curucumin?

All thoughts super welcome.
Lots of love to you all
Hello. Ive been trying to get some info but possibly was on the wrong thread. I asked a few questions in the thread Cannabis Oil under “New to all this” but i may have done something wrong ? Any help would be appreciated.
Any thoughts on the below guys – SweetSue, KingstonRabbi, anyone else???

Stay Strong.. have you taking a break from the cannabis oil at all? Maybe trying laying off of the CCO for a week and re-introduce it to the system( Receptors maybe be getting overloaded).. Also, the reason for not doing suppositories ? is it a physical issue or more of a comfort issue?.. Suppositories imo are a necessity, if there is anyway you can possibly introduce this method then i would highly recommend it. My prayers are with you.
Any thoughts on the below guys – SweetSue, KingstonRabbi, anyone else???

Give me a few minutes to look this over OM. Sorry about the quiet in this room. I can't track this one as efficiently as my own, and I'm considering starting another thread for triage to keep on top of it better

I'm moving to New Orleans next month....just a bit distracted as I pack up my life. :battingeyelashes:
Ok OM, I'm caught up now. It's easy to get scared by the test results, isn't it? I try my best to see them only as a marker, not as a prediction of anything less than good ahead of us.

I'm going to agree with panacea and suggest you give suppositories a try again, possibly using a syringe to inject the biobomb formulation instead of capsules or formed suppositories. I can appreciate the discomfort with administration, but you have to keep in mind that it's not something she'll have to do for the rest of her life.

Have you tried amentoflavone? It's used by body builders, so a local fitness store may have it. It's one of the supplements that'll help with competitive inhibition. Is there some reason I've forgotten why you're not using apignen capsules?

Myrcene is the terpene believed to be most adept at getting cannabinoids past the BBB, but be forewarned, it's also the one that brings on the most lethargy and sleepiness. When treating cancer Myra recommends b-carypophyllene be the most abundant terpene in the medicine. I find that to be excellent advice.

I'm unfamiliar with curcumin and its use. I'll give it a perusal and get back later on this point.

As to the regimen, Myra's team knows their game. I'd be hesitant to stray any further than to introduce an increased load through at least two daily anal administrations. It appears she needs more THC and she's already taking a lot through her gut. Suppositories let you ramp it up without the euphoric side effects.

Have you called for another consultation with Aunt Zelda's? If so, what were their recommendations?

I feel like I may have skipped over something, but I'll be watching closely for your response. All is well OM. You said at the beginning you thought the regimen was working. Your belief is a valuable asset. The vibration of your belief finds its way to your precious daughter's ECS and assists its journey back to health and wholeness. Stay strong. Find the vibration of absolute belief in her recovery and refuse to be dissuaded from it.

There are no guarantees, but I have absolute faith in the power of love. No chemo or radiation without cannabinoids 30 minutes prior to the treatments, agreed? Give her the best chance to come out ahead.
Hey SweetSue/Panacea
Many thanks for these thoughts. Let me answer as best I can:
1. Resetting the receptors with a week off: sounds a great idea, my only worry is that we'll have to go back to tiny doses and it took a while to get up to where we are. Maybe the trade-off is worth it? Are you back to square one when you resume?
2. Suppositories: I've avoided because 1) I know it will smell and we're in and out of hospital pretty regularly for overnights and we were already under investigation by the social workers because we're in the UK and it's added stress, particularly for my wife. And 2) our little girl can be a tyrant, switching over would involve a lot of capsules every day and I don't honestly think she'd let us. But maybe we now need to at least try this – syringes do sound easier, and I know you're saying it doesn't have to be all or nothing.
3. Amentoflavone – we never tried this, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere it potentially had a bad interaction with something our girl is taking, so I didn't risk it. I'll take another look...
4. Apigenin capsules – no reason we're not taking them, we use dried parsley which is supposed to be extremely high in the stuff. You think the capsules are better?
5. B-carypopyhellene – I have not heard of this advice before. You're saying I'd have to source a strain that was rich in this, or I can add it to her pre-med by getting it from another source?
6. We did have another consultation with Zelda's. They simply said to increase the THC/CBD dose by 20% to 300mg/300mg a day. I found it a little disspiriting, since I find it hard to believe that 300/300 is going to do a lot more than 250/250, but we've upped the dose anyway.
7. Belief: I'm hanging on to it the best I can. Having new things to try is a good way to reignite it!

Thanks again
Hey SweetSue/Panacea
Many thanks for these thoughts. Let me answer as best I can:
1. Resetting the receptors with a week off: sounds a great idea, my only worry is that we'll have to go back to tiny doses and it took a while to get up to where we are. Maybe the trade-off is worth it? Are you back to square one when you resume?
2. Suppositories: I've avoided because 1) I know it will smell and we're in and out of hospital pretty regularly for overnights and we were already under investigation by the social workers because we're in the UK and it's added stress, particularly for my wife. And 2) our little girl can be a tyrant, switching over would involve a lot of capsules every day and I don't honestly think she'd let us. But maybe we now need to at least try this – syringes do sound easier, and I know you're saying it doesn't have to be all or nothing.
3. Amentoflavone – we never tried this, I'm pretty sure I read somewhere it potentially had a bad interaction with something our girl is taking, so I didn't risk it. I'll take another look...
4. Apigenin capsules – no reason we're not taking them, we use dried parsley which is supposed to be extremely high in the stuff. You think the capsules are better?
5. B-carypopyhellene – I have not heard of this advice before. You're saying I'd have to source a strain that was rich in this, or I can add it to her pre-med by getting it from another source?
6. We did have another consultation with Zelda's. They simply said to increase the THC/CBD dose by 20% to 300mg/300mg a day. I found it a little disspiriting, since I find it hard to believe that 300/300 is going to do a lot more than 250/250, but we've upped the dose anyway.
7. Belief: I'm hanging on to it the best I can. Having new things to try is a good way to reignite it!

Thanks again

Thanks for the heads up through my profile page. :hug:

Resetting the receptors allows you to get the same or better results with lower doses. She may be able to start back at a maximum dose up to 50% what she was using.

If she has tolerances this’ll make more receptors available. My big hesitation is stopping the regimen altogether, but the reassurance is we’re only talking 72 hours.

An alternative is to switch between chemovars, a challenge at best in today’s restricted market.

It’s one of those things you’ll want to take a deep breath and look at as objectively as you can. Any fear that it’ll set her back has to be squelched. In truth a reset is always a good thing. You just have to be thoughtful about a slow taper back in.

You’d be surprised what a few more cannabinoids in each dose can do. When we micro dose we can get dramatic results Witt as little as 5 mg increases, and some seniors are dosing at 5mg or less total cannabinoids per dose and seeing wonderful results.

We come in with a big stick. The ECS prefers a feather’s touch. The Rick Simpson protocol of a gram a day is something we’ll be explaining away for many years to come.

I hear you on the hospital visits and the smell of the suppositories. I’d suggest you find some essential oils that’ll mask the smell and add medicinal value as well. It’s a trial and error process but it may be your much-needed solution.

If you know she’ll be hospitalized skip the dose before and wait until she’s home to resume. The body will adapt to the flexible dosing.

Be cautious about contraindications with the amentoflavone, and I’d appreciate knowing which med this compromises and in what way. These tiny gems of information are golden.

B-caryophyllene is typically found in high concentrations in the purple buds. Granddaddy Purple is one of the finer sources, but any purple will do in a pinch. B-caryophyllene mimics much of the behavior of CBD and it’s speculated in some circles that it may be a cannabinoid and not simply a terpene. It’ll tamp down inflammation, and a patient with cancer is almost guaranteed to be inflamed through the entire gut, from lips to anus.

You may be able to source it somehow as a terpene, and teach yourself how to do measured additions, but you may be able to get around that by including it in her diet. It’s a component of black pepper, among other foods. Get pepper into her diet if you can.

I’d figure the apigenin capsules would deliver a much higher concentration than a food item would.

I think I hit all the points OM. If not, I’m here. :hug::hug::hug:
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