A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

OM... :hug: Our hearts are with you. Know that to be true every step of the way. :hug:

The body resets the endocannaboid receptors in 72 hours. Cannabis will potentiate opioids so discontinuing before any move to hospice that won’t accomodate that reality is a smart move.

Much love. We’re always here. :circle-of-love:
Good morning, people.

I'm posting this morning on behalf of a friend from work whose youngest daughter (33) was diagnosed with breast cancer in August.

The cancer was found in her lymph nodes and she's had a double mastectomy and is currently in Germany undergoing chemo and radiation.

Her family decided that Germany had a more palliative approach to working with cancer patients.

Her dad sent me a link to a place to buy cannabis online and asked for my recommendations. I'm thinking she might need the whole cannabis cancer cure and I'm thinking about sending him a link to this thread.

Recreational marijuana is still illegal in Germany although medical is available. That said, I suspect that any cannabis treatment wouldn't happen until she was back home in Canada but I don't really know. I'll have to talk to him a little bit more.

Anyways, I told him I would give him some recommendations but I'm not really sure what I should be recommending. He's looking for something to help with the nausea, no appetite, pain, etc. but if I could provide him with the cancer cure as well, that would be awesome.

Many thanks.


Good morning, people.

I'm posting this morning on behalf of a friend from work whose youngest daughter (33) was diagnosed with breast cancer in August.

The cancer was found in her lymph nodes and she's had a double mastectomy and is currently in Germany undergoing chemo and radiation.

Her family decided that Germany had a more palliative approach to working with cancer patients.

Her dad sent me a link to a place to buy cannabis online and asked for my recommendations. I'm thinking she might need the whole cannabis cancer cure and I'm thinking about sending him a link to this thread.

Recreational marijuana is still illegal in Germany although medical is available. That said, I suspect that any cannabis treatment wouldn't happen until she was back home in Canada but I don't really know. I'll have to talk to him a little bit more.

Anyways, I told him I would give him some recommendations but I'm not really sure what I should be recommending. He's looking for something to help with the nausea, no appetite, pain, etc. but if I could provide him with the cancer cure as well, that would be awesome.

Many thanks.



“In the lymph nodes” says to me that the bioavailability of BioBombs would certainly merit a look. Those formulations are meant to be used as suppositories, so if you’re thinking of using them as an oral dose I suggest following Cajun’s original recipe, which is in my first post in that thread.

I’d also point them to the first 3-4 pages of this journal for a deeper understanding of the importance of increasing bioavailability. Cajun also lays out the regimen in very plain terms in the first two posts.

The rule with any cannabis therapy is still to start sub-therapeutically, slowly and thoughtfully increasing the dose until you find the sweet spot. With oral meds that’s the point that’s one step back from where the patient cannot adapt comfortably to euphoria.

Alternatively, you begin with a balanced ratio, again sub-therapeutically, with a maximum goal of THC concentrations in mind, typically 10 mg, which is the safe point for most patients.

Then you increase CBD ratios to 1:2, 1:3, and lastly 1:5. From there you can ratchet up THC in balance with CBD, until you begin to see the positive test results. Stay there until you have a darn good reason to adjust the dose up or down.

This approach pretty much eliminates the problems some have with euphoria and allows a higher THC concentration. It’s THC that forces cell apoptosis (cellular suicide without damage to surrounding healthy cells).

Cautions are pretty much restricted to such high doses of CBD that they aren’t common, but once you enter the realm of CBD in the hundreds of milligrams you watch for drug interactions and intestinal distress. The drug interactions are something we always need to be cautious of, the intestinal distress is the body’s way of saying “Too much!”

The presence of b-caryophyllene is always a plus for cancer meds. It does a job on inflammation that may rival CBD, and cancer brings a wagonload of inflammation with it.

Most cancers are responding best to doses no higher than 300 mg of total cannabinoids a day. Our BioBombs are an unusual step that we believe gives the patient another key to success.

A start Hash Girl. There will be more questions we’ll find answers to. :hug:
Need everyone’s help again. For those that know me , my sister has stage 4 metastasis disease. She did the 60 grams in ninety days and finished that back in June of 2017. She made the choice to return to work and was unable do do the maintenance plan. Now I am very sad to report the cancer is back and has spread to her lungs. She was admitted to the hospital last night and I am planning to fly out Saturday morning to be with her. I want to get her back on the oil as soon as possible. My question is do we start back at the beginning with just the small dose and work our way up or have ideas changed in the last year about dosing. Should we try the biobombs right away and if so, what strength? Trying to stay strong, but feeling pretty scared. I know she is on oxygen and she is getting fluids. She has been able to eat for several days. Not sure what else they are doing for. It is a 4 hour flight for me so will know more about her condition Saturday evening. Thanks for any advice or guidance.
Hello, again. Sorry I've been away so long. I've had a bit of soul searching to do, and yes Sue, by that I mean the cancer came back, but shrinking rapidly now, so don't worry. And I've found some of the answers I was looking for. But in the interim my confidence was shaken. I felt like I didn't understand what I thought I did before, and I was flat out afraid of taking on the responsibility of advising others when my own treatment was in question. The cannabis was apparently doing something, because the tumor was growing slowly for my type of cancer, but it wasn't doing enough anymore.

Last January my scan found a new tumor in a new area of my lung plus a smaller one on the lymph node nearby. None of the dozen or so tumors from before returned and no other new ones appeared. I returned my dosage to 1 gram/day, but the one kept growing steadily and started invading my bronchial tube.

At this point I believe the main problem was the oil I was using was too old, and some of it was from my lesser quality batches from my early grows. Three months ago I made a fresh batch of oil (from my premium stash that had set aside for recreational use that I had forgotten about because I was using the Fresh Harvest Infused Oil that Sue, I and fellow lab rats experimented making the summer before, but I digress.)

Point is I used everything I've learned here (including dry ice to super-cool solvent below -25 degrees F, thank you Sue!) to make some of the best quality oil I've ever made. I also bought a mini electric hand mixer to make sure I fully blended the biobombs. I could feel the difference immediately. It absorbed better and I could feel it working like I hadn't since about the time we found the new tumor.

Lessons learned:
a) oil needs to be made fresh and not stored for months even under the best conditions, although apparently herb stored in air tight containers for a year can still make quality oil if it was top shelf to begin with. Biobombs should be stored in the refrigerator to ensure lecithin bonds don't separate.
b) quality matters more than quantity. If that seems obvious I admit in hindsight that I was extremely foolish. But when you experience the kind of response I had in my first successful treatment with cannabis oil it's easy to get overconfident.

Final disclosure: Because this tumor started threatening my airways and aorta I decided to start treatments with pembrolizumab also (a monoclonal antibody immunotherapy drug). The 3 treatments I received so far probably contributed to my scan results today. I plan to do three more treatments before my next scan. If that scan is clear as I expect it to be (I'm more than halfway there) I'll probably stop pembro and rely on cannabis oil only again, but this time older and wiser.
Hello, again. Sorry I've been away so long. I've had a bit of soul searching to do, and yes Sue, by that I mean the cancer came back, but shrinking rapidly now, so don't worry. And I've found some of the answers I was looking for. But in the interim my confidence was shaken. I felt like I didn't understand what I thought I did before, and I was flat out afraid of taking on the responsibility of advising others when my own treatment was in question. The cannabis was apparently doing something, because the tumor was growing slowly for my type of cancer, but it wasn't doing enough anymore.

Last January my scan found a new tumor in a new area of my lung plus a smaller one on the lymph node nearby. None of the dozen or so tumors from before returned and no other new ones appeared. I returned my dosage to 1 gram/day, but the one kept growing steadily and started invading my bronchial tube.

At this point I believe the main problem was the oil I was using was too old, and some of it was from my lesser quality batches from my early grows. Three months ago I made a fresh batch of oil (from my premium stash that had set aside for recreational use that I had forgotten about because I was using the Fresh Harvest Infused Oil that Sue, I and fellow lab rats experimented making the summer before, but I digress.)

Point is I used everything I've learned here (including dry ice to super-cool solvent below -25 degrees F, thank you Sue!) to make some of the best quality oil I've ever made. I also bought a mini electric hand mixer to make sure I fully blended the biobombs. I could feel the difference immediately. It absorbed better and I could feel it working like I hadn't since about the time we found the new tumor.

Lessons learned:
a) oil needs to be made fresh and not stored for months even under the best conditions, although apparently herb stored in air tight containers for a year can still make quality oil if it was top shelf to begin with. Biobombs should be stored in the refrigerator to ensure lecithin bonds don't separate.
b) quality matters more than quantity. If that seems obvious I admit in hindsight that I was extremely foolish. But when you experience the kind of response I had in my first successful treatment with cannabis oil it's easy to get overconfident.

Final disclosure: Because this tumor started threatening my airways and aorta I decided to start treatments with pembrolizumab also (a monoclonal antibody immunotherapy drug). The 3 treatments I received so far probably contributed to my scan results today. I plan to do three more treatments before my next scan. If that scan is clear as I expect it to be (I'm more than halfway there) I'll probably stop pembro and rely on cannabis oil only again, but this time older and wiser.
We have crossed paths over the years, but never really chatted.
I am so relieved and feel incredibly excited everytime I read about finding a way with cannabis to heal someone.
Your spirit is strong and thank you for sharing.
We are here for you :hug:
KR... :hug:

I knew that was why you went quiet. Lol! I was just thinking yesterday that it might be time to seek you out. I’m going to San Diego in about 2 weeks to visit DrDoob for a bit and was thinking how far that was from you. So close, but not close enough to wrap you up in loving arms. :hug::hug::hug:

Thank you for having the courage to come back and share all this valuable information. I do believe it may be time to start a new thread on effective oncology treatment with cannabis, what about you? Both you and Cajun proved that this isn’t a cake walk and there are fine points we’re still working out.

One of those fine points is the reality that cannabis and chemotherapeutic drugs seem to be more effective when used together than they are when used alone.

Sometimes it sucks to be out here on the cutting edge, eh? Lol! Most times it’s heady and rewarding. Hey....it wasn’t failure, it was just a little detour, and I for one am mighty glad your ECS caught on and grabbed control again. You have too much ahead buckaroo.

Damn! It’s good to hear from you again my friend. :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
Welcome back, Kingston. Sorry to hear your cancer returned but it sounds like you've gotten back on track with the treatment of it so hope to hear soon that it's gone.

KR, speaking for the wonderful plants and people here in the spirit of healing, the team is rooting for you and all here, for the little miracles that make up our days and bring us peace and hope. :circle-of-love:
Has anyone here experimented with Cannabis roots for treating Ailments or illnesses? I recently dehydrated mine for 24hrs and grinded them into my nutribullit:confused:. Did not go quite grind to a powder like i hoped but close enough. Not sure what a beneficial dosage would be or what method i should use :hmmmm:. I was think about placing a tablespoon in my Smoothie or place in a Teabag with my Green tea. Any Ideas would be greatly appreciated.

Roaming around Cannabis Root Salve over at michiganmedicalmarijuana I found this list of benefits. There was also mention somewhere of tumor destruction, but only in passing.

The conversation devolved into a bit of nastiness. *sigh* Still, there’s a wealth of historical info on cannabis roots one of the members dug up.

In much of the world, the main methods of preparation have been remarkably consistent through time, as have the various complaints it is credited with helping. The root is either applied raw, dried, boiled, soaked, roasted or occasionally reduced to ash. If boiled for a short time it can be drunk as a tea; if boiled for a longer time it reduces to a thick, dark extract resembling pitch or heavy oil. If it is dried - or roasted - and ground it forms a powder that can be rendered into salves or poultices; soaking it (usually after deconstructing it into its long component fibers) can produce a soothing, moist bandage for inflamed, burned or irritated skin.

I also found this bit by a young lady in Washington state, but I can’t find her original article. I offer it as an example of dosing strategy. Obviously we know a little more about roots, cannabis components, and cannabis therapeutics than she did in 2013.

Darcy Stoddard

Site Owner

Posts: 229

Is Cannabis Root Edible? The Long Debate may be at an end. Here's an article to explain;

The CBD Cannabis Root Experience

Posted May 9, 2013 by twicebakedinwashington in Using Medicinal Cannabis.

This week I was given a totally different way to try cannabis. Dried, activated, aeroponically grown cannabis root. I’d never heard of such a thing either. I was told it was super high in CBDs (cannabinoids): the anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressive, antibacterial, antispasmodic (among other things) part of cannabis that makes it such a valuable medicine. I was also told that I would not be getting high from this and that it would counteract the effects of any medicine that had THC in it. I was ready to try it.

There were two things that I wanted to experiment with. First, I wanted to see how it affected me and if it was good for pain and discomfort. Second, I wanted to see if the CBD root would actually counteract a dose of THC.

I will be honest and tell you that I kind of did my experimenting a little backward. I did the THC part first, as I’m sure you can guess why. It’s seemed like it would be more interesting.

Day 1:

6:30am- I ate a healthy dose of cannabis concentrate that was high in THC. I decided that it was a good idea to see if the CBD root would counteract the THC that I had taken.

11am- I was still feeling the effects of my morning concentrate and decided to take the first dose of cannabis root, 1 tsp. I poured a little in my hand and ate it dry with a snack bar chaser and some water. It didn’t have much flavor but was not super easy to get down only because it was so dry.

12:30am- I took a second 1tsp dose. This time I poured it into my smoothie. I was left feeling relaxed and possibly a little more quiet than I normally am. The bottom line, I was fairly medicated all day. Can I say that the CBD took down the THC? I’m honestly not sure but it was a pleasant experience nonetheless.

I decided to do the second half of my experimenting the next day without THC involvement.

Day 2:

6am- I took a 2 tsp dose of cannabis root in my smoothie. Around
7:30am I could feel it kick in. Early morning back pain melted away and I was left feeling relaxed and good without a THC ‘high.’ This lasted for a large portion of the day. I felt perfectly medicated for daytime activities, energetic, happy, and physically feeling good. Funny how much better things work when you take them as instructed.

I’m not sure that you will be able to find cannabis root at a collective near you but it is an interesting and noteworthy thing to see how people are continuing to find new ways to use the cannabis plant.

From the little I read it seems to me that the therapeutic value of roots has little if anything to do with cannabinoids, since there appear to be none when tested in a lab setting, but there appears to be great value in the components one does find in roots.
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