A Base Treatment Regimen For Cancer

High All,
Just wanted to let anyone still around know that I'm still here doing good.
The cancer in right kidney & lung got their ass kicked, still working on the liver but all lab counts are normal.
Whew, kinda bugged me for a minute.

The clinic is kicking ass & taking names. We have clients from outside the US now.
We'll have to bring a bunch of pencil pushers on board which we all saw coming. Just got here fast. Well, I never gave a shit about money anyway.

Glad to hear you're getting back on track Cajun :)
Hi Cajun and good to know you are still around :)

Hope you can help.

Long story short (and I’ll apologies for my bad English.)

My beloved mother was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer back in April 2016. Unfortunately she had ignoring several warnings from her body, and finally the Cervical tumor was grown so big, that her urine were blocked. Meaning that her kidneys creatinine number, were extremely high. When she came to the hospital her creatinine number was about 1700 (normal is below 100).

She is 65 years old, and have quit smoking and drinking.

Therefore the doctor had to install two percutaneous nephrostomy tubes and catheter, directly into her kidneys so they could tap her urine. She must to have these tubes into her kidneys all the time, because her Cervical tumor is blocking the urine passage.

Beside of her tumor, it had spread to lymph nodes between her lungs (I’ll think it’s called lymph nodes or cancer nodes).

Over the summer of 2016, she received 6 times of chemotherapy (every three weeks). The scan result showed that some of the cancer nodes between her lungs were reduces and some were gone. But they doctor had to stop giving her more chemo, because of low number of platelets in her blood.

In December 2016 she hen received 20 times of radiation, so they doctors could “freeze” her cancer from spreading.

Last Friday, she could result from scanning, and now her cancer had spread to lymph nodes between her lungs again, and now also to one of her ovaries.
I’ll believe her cancer is in stage IV, but the doctors have offered her another round of chemo, and that this time 9 times for every 1 week.

My mother has troubling walking as the chemo has done something with her feet (nerves) and her feed and toes are cold. Also my mother has high pain in her back, were the urine tubes are penetrating her skin. She is eating painkillers several times per day.

It’s hurting me to see her struggling, and so far the doctors haven’t been able to help her that much. So therefore I’ll will try to give her Cannabis oil.

I’ll have found a trustworthy source here in Denmark, and for now my mother has started to take 3% CBD oil.
She is stepping up, and the person we have bought the oil from, has told us that she needs to step up, so she is going to take 10 drops in the morning, 10 drops at midday, 20 drops in the afternoon and 50 drops just before sleep (some drops should be taken rectally for better effect).

As soon as she is comfortable with the high CBD oil amount, we are going to make stronger oil out of hemp tea. This oil contains about 27% of CBD and 4% of THC. The person told us that she needs a lot of the oils as it contains THC. She is going to take 0.5 ml and should step up to 3 ml per day. Orally and rectally. Should she also take it virginally?

My mother will receive the new chemo type for 9 times, and I will never try to talk her out of it. But I’ll hope the CBD oil can help her on chemo side effect, appetite and the pain in her back. Hope it will help her through the chemo.

She is also taking footbath with Himalayan salt, as that should help her feet, and she is on an slat cure of Himalayan Salt, that contains a lot of good menials.

She is not sleeping well because of her back pain, but I’ll hope the CBD will help. Update. The CBD is not helping her on the pain, but I'll hope the THC oil will help on her pain. She will begin on Saturday with the 4% THC.

Her kidney creatinine number, is just oer 100 at the moment.

But do you guys think that the hemp tea oil of 4% THC is enough, if there should be a chance of killing her cancer? Or should we also try the RSO oil with high % of THC? I’m open for advice that can help my mother.

And she is going to take the chemo, so I’m aware that she needs a lot of oil for a longer time. But more THC?

The tea oil is made of Finola hemp, but maybe she also should take RSO oil from Indica strains? orally, rectally and virginally?

Many thanks and just ask if you have more questions.

Pman....:hug::hug::hug: Not the frustration you were hoping for at the end of your mother's rich life, is it? Your mother probably has a better understanding of her eternal nature, which gives her more fortitude to weather these crazy waters filled with the pain of chemo. It's difficult for loved ones to stand by. I'm thankful to see you're one who doesn't care to be quiet.

No, 4% THC is like waving a red flag in front of a charging bull. You need to get the THC values up to the 20% level and get the CBD as close to that ratio as well. You want something as close to an even ratio as you can get. The CBD is a powerful component, and a necessary one in this journey, but it's the THC that encourages the lovely behaviors we seek, like cell apoptosis and an end to the blood vessels these errant cancer tumors insist on growing.

The THC is also the major pain-maintenance medication at play here. It's THC that intercepts the pain signals so your body doesn't freeze up in response to pain and block the signals the Endocannabinoid system needs to heal and to keep the progress towards homeostasis.

Her feet have lost their innervation sensitivity. We call this peripheral neuropathy. It's a dangerous and frustrating thing, and she needs to be extra careful not to go barefoot without great care. Injury to feet with neuropathy can become seriously problamatic. I'd like to recommend something a bit unorthodox here. There's a site called The Callanetics Studio that is devoted to the practice of a fitness program called Callanetics. It will cost $5 US to join for the first month. Contained within their video library is one entitled "Sandra's Daily Stretch". This little gold mine is a series of simple movements developed by one Feldenkrais. Done daily, these exercises have the ability to reconnect the pathways between the brain and those nerves that went a little off line.

I know this to be a fact, as I used these for my own husband and he noticed the re-connecting of the innervation within days of beginning. Unfortunately his health was so compromised by that time that he passed very soon after, but that small discovery excited us both. At the point where he regained feeling it'd been years of neuropathy. I believe it's worth the try for your mother.

If you haven't read the first few pages of this journal then I recommend you backtrack and get the first five into the memory banks. You'll want to introduce suppositories as soon as you can get her up to about 2-300 mg a day of cannabinoids into her system. At that point get the suppositories to carry that 75% of the cannabinoid load. You'll want to be using both Biobomb adaptations to increase bioavailibility and competitive inhibition to keep the pesky enzymes from metabolizing all the THC when the cannabinoids swing through the liver at each pass.

We have a cannabis oil study hall where we've been working out the particulars on protocols and oil mixes. Please feel free to join us over there as you work through this latest life challenge. Cajun has a clinic he's just getting off the ground in Colorado Springs, and he's working on his own pesky cancer reaccurance, so he may be a bit thinly spread out these days, and it may be a while before he responds, or even has the time to do so. He's entrusted this thread oversight to the band that prowls the Study Hall corridors. That link is at the bottom of my signature line.

So let's get to work. What other questions can we answer for you? Let's lighten that load of anxiety you're carrying around. The answers won't come from a place of fear or frustration. We all have cancer cells. Your mother's just got the wrong messages somewhere, and it's time to make the adjustment back to clear signalling. That journey begins with the realization that life is supposed to feel good and the admission that the only thing keeping you from feeling really good about this is the choice of thoughts you're making. Choose happier thoughts. We heal better in a joyful mode.

Your mother has an Endocannabinoid system, taxed with the duty of returning her body to the stage of homeostasis. This means she's designed to heal just like the rest of us. These doctors are doing all they can to convince her that they're her only ticket to healing. They're wrong. Her ECS is capable of doing that all on its own, and we're going to supplement with reserve troops to pick up the slack while she supports her system and assists it's healing. In that regard, might I suggest you also take a walk and read through my thread on supporting the ECS without cannabis. That link is at the top of my signature line.

We all die someday. Cancer, and the attending side effects of the treatments offered by conventional medicine, don't have to be the way we go. No guarantees now, understand? At the very least you'll be offering your mother some relief from pain. In the end, you're not trying to heal her anyway, just bring her some relief, so she can release more of the tension confusing the signals the ECS is listening and responding to.

Take heart, there much to be hopeful for. Keep in mind that eternal nature. It takes away most of the sense that we won't have enough time. There's always enough time. :hug: :love:

Does your mother have any concerns about euphoria?
Thanks SweetSue,

But if she takes about 3 ml of 4%, the supplier told me that she would get a high THC dosage. It's quite hard to get proper oil here in Denmark, but I'll have acces to one oil with very high THC, it's like 80%. Would that be okay and then my mother could take 27% CBD as well?

Thanks for all the information. I'll have a look at it, but right now I'll would like to know which oil she should use.

Now we have alot of 3% CBD oil drops. And tomorrow we will cook oil out of tea and this till end up as a 27% CBD and 4% THC oil.
Later on I'll can get an very stron RSO oil. But I'll haven't got access to a 1:1 oil. But can I'll just mix the one I've have access to?

I'll really hope the THC can help on the pain. The doctors offered morphine, but my mother refused. She is taking regular pain killers atm.

I've have alot of things on my mind so I'm focused to get the correct oils. That must be the first thing to do :)

Thanks alot.
Hello Pman. I understand how much you have on your mind so I'll keep it simple.

I would use blend of the 80% THC and 27% CBD oils and take it as rectal suppository or split between rectal and vaginal suppositories.
Also use the supplements listed on first page explaining the protocol.
Use 5 doses per day to keep constant pressure on cancer and steady pain relief.
Gradually increase dosage to 1 ml total per day.

I am focusing on the cancer first rather than other problems because I'm assuming your mother will beat this with cajun's regimen.

My cancer spread to lymph nodes in my lungs. I had already been through 2 rounds of chemo plus radiation. Moderate doses of CCO kept remaining tumors in check for 8 months until I had enough oil for full treatment doses. My tumors started shrinking and disappeared while I was still increasing dosage. My point is that CCO starts working to stop and kill cancer even at a fraction of recommended dosage. I was only at 200-300 mg (0.3 ml) per day when tumors showed signs of softening and 600 mg/day when then had disappeared 6 weeks later.

I was using high THC oil with very little CBD. I believe that THC is the better understood cancer killer, which is why I recommend higher THC than CBD. CBD helps kill cancer, but it's less well understood how. You may want to increase the amount of CBD, up to 1:1 but I wouldn't use more CBD than THC.

The blend of oils you have will be a little weaker than I would like. You may need to increase full dose to 1.5 ml.

CBD will help with the peripheral neuropathy. It will reduce the pain and may gradually bring back feeling. The other thing that helped my neuropathy was acupuncture with electro-stimulation.

That's a lot already. Focus on getting the high THC oil for cancer and pain. We'll work on the rest together. :hug:
Hello Pman. I understand how much you have on your mind so I'll keep it simple.

I would use blend of the 80% THC and 27% CBD oils and take it as rectal suppository or split between rectal and vaginal suppositories.
Also use the supplements listed on first page explaining the protocol.
Use 5 doses per day to keep constant pressure on cancer and steady pain relief.
Gradually increase dosage to 1 ml total per day.

I am focusing on the cancer first rather than other problems because I'm assuming your mother will beat this with cajun's regimen.

My cancer spread to lymph nodes in my lungs. I had already been through 2 rounds of chemo plus radiation. Moderate doses of CCO kept remaining tumors in check for 8 months until I had enough oil for full treatment doses. My tumors started shrinking and disappeared while I was still increasing dosage. My point is that CCO starts working to stop and kill cancer even at a fraction of recommended dosage. I was only at 200-300 mg (0.3 ml) per day when tumors showed signs of softening and 600 mg/day when then had disappeared 6 weeks later.

I was using high THC oil with very little CBD. I believe that THC is the better understood cancer killer, which is why I recommend higher THC than CBD. CBD helps kill cancer, but it's less well understood how. You may want to increase the amount of CBD, up to 1:1 but I wouldn't use more CBD than THC.

The blend of oils you have will be a little weaker than I would like. You may need to increase full dose to 1.5 ml.

CBD will help with the peripheral neuropathy. It will reduce the pain and may gradually bring back feeling. The other thing that helped my neuropathy was acupuncture with electro-stimulation.

That's a lot already. Focus on getting the high THC oil for cancer and pain. We'll work on the rest together. :hug:

What the man says. Nothing like success to lend legitimacy to the answer. :hug: :love:
I posted twice, only to find "error occurred" and my message disappeared.

My mother has finally decided to try cannabis oil.
I made a tincture with 151, then reduced it on the stovetop. It is now a tarlike consistency, to thick for syringe or eyedropper.
Sweet Sue, I see you recommended rectal suppositories in previous comment. This may be what needs to be done. Moms mouth is super sensitive to everything, from tongue cancer, surgery, chemo, radiation...

My question...How can I make this gooey stuff easier to use? It sticks to everything. It's quite the mess. I are a rice grain size yesterday and confirm, it's potent. She will need far less.

Any and all advice is much appreciated.

Peace & Love,

What I do is mix the RSO/CBD concentrate with coconut oil. You can dilute it enough to get the consistency and concentration you need and take it up in syringes for easy application. It helps if you know the ratio and percentage of THC to CBD.

A good source of disposable syringes in bulk is Amazon.
I posted twice, only to find "error occurred" and my message disappeared.

My mother has finally decided to try cannabis oil.
I made a tincture with 151, then reduced it on the stovetop. It is now a tarlike consistency, to thick for syringe or eyedropper.
Sweet Sue, I see you recommended rectal suppositories in previous comment. This may be what needs to be done. Moms mouth is super sensitive to everything, from tongue cancer, surgery, chemo, radiation...

My question...How can I make this gooey stuff easier to use? It sticks to everything. It's quite the mess. I are a rice grain size yesterday and confirm, it's potent. She will need far less.

Any and all advice is much appreciated.

Peace & Love,

Yeaster, I'm out to dinner, but I'll get back to you in a bit. You'll get the best use if you make them into biobomb sand use them as suppositories. I'll post the links later tonight.

Tell mom I said good job. :battingeyelashes: :love:
What the man says. Nothing like success to lend legitimacy to the answer. :hug: :love:

Dear SweetSue and KingstonRabbi,

I'm so glad that you are helping my mom and me. I'm so grateful. It is hard times and I'll don't want to rely only to the doctors. They are doing a great job, but let us face it, it's not enough.

SweetSue, thanks for the tips on how my mom can fix her feet etc.

I'll will continue to give her a lot of CBD drops. Yesterday she was given chemo for the first time in 4 months, but before she received, it, her pains was almost gone. And today she is feeling okay and no pain. I'll guess it must be the 100 drops per day of CBD that is starting to work :)

Tomorrow she will begin on 27% CBD and 4% THC (0.5 ml and is stepping up to 3 ml per day) and soon the RSO of 80% THC. So the final plan is to give her the weak 3% CBD by oral, and the stronger oils by rectal and vaginal suppository.

Suppository sounds to be the best solution, but I can't find any mold here in Denmark. So we must order from the US.

But what could be an alternative to suppositories? In Denmark I'll can buy empty gelatin capsules, or maybe just spray it up from a syringe?

No doubt that suppositories sounds to be the best solution. But if my mother should take 1 ml per day of CBD and THC (stepping up of course), should I'll just put the 1 ml of oils in a pot together with coconut oil or organic cocoa butter? Or will the strength of the cannabis oil be weakened by the coconut oil and therefore I'll should add more cannabis oil?

I'll will try to implementate the pre dosis:

Pre-Dosage Preparation: 30–40minutes before dosage:
80 mg Apinenin
200mg Amentoflavone(Ginko Baloba,Amentomax)
1 Mango cup

Thank you so much, and thanks for joining or battle against my moms cancer. If there is something in our plan that sounds wrong please tell :)

Best regards

Thank you for responding Traveler 70. Mixing with coconut oil is a great idea. I'm thinking I would need to put a jar of oils in a warm water bath in order to pull through a syringe.

I would love to know the thc/cbc ratios. I used Dutch Passions AutoBlueberry as this was the most Indica dominant harvested, in short notice.

If there are specific strains you can recommend, I am listening. Again, thank you!
I use gelatin capsules for my suppositories and they work fine.
Good luck and thank you for doing this for your mom.

You can also administer with a syringe. There are small volume ones available, and there are those who go his route because they find it easier than with a capsule. It's trickier to get the depth of insertion with the syringe, but it is possible.

Both you and Yeaster will benefit by processing the oil into Biobombs. This stretches the oil by increasing the bioavailability of the cannabinoids - fewer do more. We recommend you begin with a 20:1 mix and increase from there. Yeaster, the choice of strain isn't as important as the ratio and strength of the cannabinoid load.

Here are the measurements we worked up for the biobombs to attempt consistency of dose. It's important to remember that the expected cannabinoid dose is potentiated from around 12% bioavailability upwards towards 90%. That means these are much more powerful medicine than they may appear.

BioBomb Formulations

And here are the directions for making them. This post is for a 5:1 mix, an extremely potent level that I use for recreational.

BioBomb 5:1 formula

If you both read the beginning of this thread you learn that the high cannabinoid doses you administer by suppository should be preceeded with a small tack to prime the system.

Yeaster, be sure to incorporate some competitive inhibition, and I'd recommend you both choose olive oil over the coconut. This choice increases the pressure on the tumors (olive oil has important anti-tumor characteristics of its own) and avoids that first pass through the liver, thus increasing the chance of more reserve troops getting to the source of the concern.

I think I attended to everything I was thinking of. Please, ask any questions that arise. We have no problem answering without attitude. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Thanks again Sweet Sue. That all sounds great. We may skip the suppository if we do capsules. She can handle pill. A couple questions.
Please explain what you mean by "competitive inhibitions",

What flavor lecithen?

I will look into ordering, 00 capsules, cc syringe and whatever lecithen you peeps recommend.

I thank you. And Mom says thank you.

Edit: I read the first page, which answered my questions.
Concerning competitive inhibition - and I welcome input here - we never pinned this down in a way I found satisfactory. My personal feeling is that as long as you're actively treating an aggressive tumor growth you need it all the time. The apigenin and amentoflavone are cancer-fighters in their own right.

It's once you've established the upper hand and the labs come back clean. How does one adjust the supplements? Cajun's mentioned something about one week out of the month or every couple months, but that's about as deep as we ever got on this subject. With everything there's a chance of overkill. I'd like to avoid that here.

Anybody have any thoughts on this?
can you give cannabis oil to a leukemia cancer patient whilst hospitalized on chemo?
my gf was diagnosed with leukemia. she is currently hospitalized during chemo for 2 weeks and we are yet to aquire medical weed, now i got her a high quality cannabis oil of two bottles, one is 10thc/2cbd and the other 15cbd/4 thc now we asked a website that supplied similar bottles if its good being give to a leukemia patient and they said its not advised, the doctor at the hospitable said we are waiting for bureaucratic crap till we get it so basically if we had it now we could give it to her
can you give cannabis oil to a leukemia cancer patient whilst hospitalized on chemo?
my gf was diagnosed with leukemia. she is currently hospitalized during chemo for 2 weeks and we are yet to aquire medical weed, now i got her a high quality cannabis oil of two bottles, one is 10thc/2cbd and the other 15cbd/4 thc now we asked a website that supplied similar bottles if its good being give to a leukemia patient and they said its not advised, the doctor at the hospitable said we are waiting for bureaucratic crap till we get it so basically if we had it now we could give it to her

For what it is worth, I found this article for Leukemia and cannabis. The Case for Cannabis Oil and Leukemia | Constance Pure Botanical Extracts :circle-of-love::peace:
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