A crazy perspective.


New Member
a crazy perspective on marijuana and all drugs i thought of.

so theres some drugs you can do to enhance life or to escape reality or for whatever reason you smoke, drink, shoot, drop, eat, swallow these substances. think about the things that are enhanced when you are high on something. your imagination, sound, sight, feelings, basically your senses and whatever else is effected. i thought that maybe, if you do enough of a drug, ex. marijuana. you end up not even gettin high anymore and your just YOU, the way you are sober. you know like, youve tried to experience everything and it leads you back to your sober self. all those drugs just to show you that you dont need them to be whatever you are. never been proven but just a random n deep thought i thought one night and thought i would share it would someone.
yeah its called a tolerance your lucky that uv never even heard of that term much less be a victim of it. lol yes a victim, building up a tolerance sucks some people think its cool to have to smoke an 1/8 every night just to show how long they have been tokin for, but u spend a shit load of money. someone had a post on this the other day i think
rome420 said:
yeah its called a tolerance your lucky that uv never even heard of that term much less be a victim of it. lol yes a victim, building up a tolerance sucks some people think its cool to have to smoke an 1/8 every night just to show how long they have been tokin for, but u spend a shit load of money. someone had a post on this the other day i think
oh dude ofcourse i know what a tolerance is. i have a fuckin high one goddamit. go through so much bud. :laughtwo:
YEAH YEAHYEAH YEAHYEAH YEAH :eek: :bong: :Rasta: :eek:
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