A little late for introductions


New Member
i seem to be about 100 posts past this phase but i wanted to make it a point to stop by and say hello to our members and to great a few new comers like myself,

i want to state that the following however bizarre it may seem is my true story... and that the mind holds gifts no drug no herb no pill and no drink could ever compare to you just need to find it....

i am 25 years young, and i have smoked marijuana for more then half of my life.
i remember my first high like it was yesterday.
i was with my older brother and a friend of his, i grew up on a farm with lots of land, i would build tree forts as often as possible, believe it or not i did it because i wanted to be HIGH at all times, i loved to be deep in the forest in the canopy's of nature just enjoying my youth.
it was a regular past time for me to drift away high up on my forts for hours.. my mother was very concerned about me has a young boy, i was very anti social and ADHD, i was the typ of kid who would get lost in a daydream so deeply that even in class the teacher would yell for my attention but i wasn't there... no i was somewhere wonderful, full of magic and dreams, somewhere only a young boy could imagine you will know why shortly.

on top of my attention malfunctions and not being very social and other things i was also cursed with insomnia at an alarmingly young age, at 11 i was even prescribed Valume a drug not so easily prescribed to people, let alone a minor.. it was for experimental sleep induction, it worked... the first time... the second time not so much the third barley at all and finally my last pill the fourth did nothing but drug me.... at age 11 a doctor was willing to drug me.....
this was a common story for me, i would have a medicine prescribed to me it would take effect and it would pass, i develop tolerance to drugs rather quickly and my system simply ejects them from my body passing them threw with little to no effect, or it would counteract another drug i was taking..... nothing i wish on any child.... weather it been a depression med or attention med to sleep meds and more i have gone threw almost 36 different medications in my life between the age of 11 to 21... but nothing worked like marijuana.

the first time i smoked i was in the woods, what better place to be, i was walking along my regular path which leads to my Ewoke Village of tree forts rope swings and bridges, truly it was a sight to behold, the master craftsmanship of an imagination and art was truly at work, i only wish i had pictures.. if i described it... you wouldn't believe me, just think ewokes... ( i built my first tree fort at 6 years old with used nails and a rock for my hammer) as i came up on the master dome.. the biggest and highest of my forts being over 10ft long and wide and a near 30ft up i saw my brother and a friend of his siting atop the roof, i was very protective of my forts, it was my sanction, my retreat away from home, being part of a 4 boy family and second to youngest i needed to find my place... that place was the forest, i was alarmed and upset i started yelling at him to leave my woods or i would send the army's after his head...... at this point his friend bursts in to laughter nearly tumbling off the roof of this fort, he wasn't used to my imagination, but little did he no trumpets where sounding, men with bows and arrows, sword and shields where marching to my call the elven warriors swung threw the trees awaiting my command of attack..... my brother had to calm me, he was a tuff kid threats and fists at all times, but this was different he wanted me to join him, he asked for me to show him and his guest my kingdom and in return they would share with me a sacred herb.. an herb of enlightenment
i joind them... they rolled a joint... i smoked.... and i truly have never gone back... it was all gone, for once in my life the people stopped talking, the trees laid still, the earth ran quit and i could hear myself think....

i am one of the many people who was unfortunate enough to be born with a malfunctioning brain,.. a neuropsychiatric abnormality,... misfiring nerves in my head cause me to see things that do not exists and believe things that are humanly imposable.. you may be more familiar with the term schizophrenia, i do not have split syndrome or multiple personality's nor do i have involuntary narcissistic rage or paranoia a good reference to my condition would be professor John Nash whom you may relate to the movie "a beautiful mind" staring Russel Crow tho i lack again the paranoia ,..
now this is not to say i was cured, not by a long run.. but i found that wile intoxicated with marijuana i could think clearly, rashly and found i could actually stay attentive
i battled my conditions for many years to come but always on my side to assist me during the hardest of times was marijuana.. not my family or friend nor the drugs any doctor would loud me with but a natural herb found all over the world..

i stopped all medications at the age of 21.. i was a young man i was confident, and i was in love, being with a women and not being with her was the hardest thing i ever went threw.. i would be with her for hours yet i lost so much time, off in my head or in a half comatose daydream... i lost my relationship due to my illness and i vowed to overcome this.. im 25 years old.. i haven't left this plane of existence sines i was 22... i give all the credit to only two things, one, willpower the most powerful tool the human body has and two, marijuana at 21 years old i became a heavy smoker i began self medication with this herb and i can honestly say with all my heart that i know there was nothing on this earth that would have done for me what marijuana has done for me

im now in love again, im a blessed father of a beautiful young girl who thank heavens has no signs of my illness, and i provide for her in a way only a father who has walked my path can, with love and an open heart

that's my story, that is me.. if you can tell me marijuana cant save a life i can repeat myself...

thank you.
Linkorien Thank you for sharing your story. So happy that Cannabis is able to supply your life with well being and normalcy. I can relate in some ways. Anti-social, although mine seem to attack me as a young adult. The forest, You sound like you were a better builder than I was but it was also a great escape when I was a boy. The deeper in the woods I would go the better. All day every Saturday. Alone like I liked it often talking to myself aloud. Big Brother, He used me as a punching bag alot, And if I cryed and told mom it would be worst the next time. We are very close today though. Did you ever thank your brother for that day in your fort for the introduction to Weed? Sounds and looks like your are settling nicely here on 420, with your Girlfriend and your little girl. I think those two are very good medicine to you and anyone luckest enough to have both, Great people to love and get loved back and to be nourishing a child. A Very Calming affect. Once again thanks for sharing and saying hello to 420! (Finally) Your for sure, Family Now!
The Very Best to you and yours and Please have a Very enjoyable Holiday and wonderful 2010. See you around 420 Brother! :roorrip: :peace:
Linkorien Thank you for sharing your story. So happy that Cannabis is able to supply your life with well being and normalcy. I can relate in some ways. Anti-social, although mine seem to attack me as a young adult. The forest, You sound like you were a better builder than I was but it was also a great escape when I was a boy. The deeper in the woods I would go the better. All day every Saturday. Alone like I liked it often talking to myself aloud. Big Brother, He used me as a punching bag alot, And if I cryed and told mom it would be worst the next time. We are very close today though. Did you ever thank your brother for that day in your fort for the introduction to Weed? Sounds and looks like your are settling nicely here on 420, with your Girlfriend and your little girl. I think those two are very good medicine to you and anyone luckest enough to have both, Great people to love and get loved back and to be nourishing a child. A Very Calming affect. Once again thanks for sharing and saying hello to 420! (Finally) Your for sure, Family Now!
The Very Best to you and yours and Please have a Very enjoyable Holiday and wonderful 2010. See you around 420 Brother! :roorrip: :peace:

its funny how the forest allows so many to find such peace, im glad i share something in common with you, as for my brother.. no i never thanked him nor will i, one of the ways i found my self to a better reality was washing my hands of a family that did not welcome me, not even has a child, im better for that i wont say i hate my family, but that particular brother i do..

thanks for the warm welcome friend
Hi Linkorien, I have a son-in-law with ADHD anthe only thing that helps is a med. grade cannabis. Much Luck with your Family! :welcome: :peace:
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