A neglected cry for help


New Member
High everyone; I just went thru a relationship breakup and failed to pay close attention to my baby girls. Now they are very sick and it's my fault. They have been attacked by spider mites. Frist black mites,then litttle white scales. Treaded them with a mixer of Murhys soap.caiann pepper,garlic and water. Boiled to blend well,sprayed and wipe every single leaf. I think it brunt them. Also found out that I over watered them cause I was spending to much time away from them. Damn women.
Re: A negelted cry for help

Sorry to hear about the domestic issues.

I have heard that cayenne pepper can burn them if used at too high of a rate. My neighbor used it (in combination with some other ingredients) on some basil, thyme and sage that got the clap and it burned them.

Re: A negelted cry for help

It's my understanding that running a sulfur pot will kill them. I asked for advice on sulfur pots in this forum recently, but no one bothered to answer me.
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