A Pilot Study Of Orally Administered THC For Carcinoma Of The Bronchus

Julie Gardener

New Member
A pilot study of orally administered Δ1-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol in the management of patients undergoing radiotherapy for carcinoma of the bronchus​
B. H. Davies, R. M. Weatherstone, J. D. P. Graham, and R. D. Griffiths
Br J Clin Pharmacol. 1974 August


1. Δ1-trans-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ1-THC; 10 mg) or a placebo was given orally on 7 days to two groups of six patients on a cross-over pattern with 7 days rest between.

2. The patients were hospitalized, suffering from inoperable bronchogenic carcinoma, subjected to radiation therapy, and anxious.

3. Self-rating mood scales were filled in before, and 2 and 6 h after ingestion on the first and seventh day of medication.

4. Records of sleep, pain, general well-being, temperature, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal parameters were kept.

5. Δ1-THC caused drowsiness and improved night sleep, reduced pain, increased fatigue and confusion and reduced elation and vigour; it caused slight tachycardia and hypotension as also did placebo.

6. The effects of Δ1-THC were stronger after 2 h than 6 h and no tolerance had developed at 7 days.

7. The management of stressful patients was considered to have been improved by the drug.

Source: A pilot study of orally administered
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