Accidental Light Extension In Flower Phase


New Member
ACK! :yikes:
Due to an electrical glitch perpetrated by he-whose-name-shall-not-be-mentioned, the flower room lights didn't go off when they were supposed to today and stayed on for an extra six hours before I noticed! I am worried that my one-month-into-flower mamas are going to go veg on me now.

Should I prepare myself for this scenario? :thedoubletake:
Should I start the scheduled light cycle a few hours later than usual to compensate for the shorter 6-hour darkness period that will have occured before the lights come on tonight at 8 pm.? Or do I just let it ride scheduled as usual and hope for the best?

After a smooth grow last time around, I've had countless problems with this grow. I am about ready to punch a hole in the wall (but not the flower room wall, yet!)
I've had a few glitches like you mention and nothing terrible happened. I just continued on as usual. I've also had some years where everything went wrong. Good luck to you.
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