Advanced nutrients


New Member
there are so many formulas....the big bud, bu d blood,bud candy, iguana juice, bud factor x, bud ignitor, mother earth super tea bloom... organic b vitamin booster. How many of these things should i use together which ones should i buy?
i would decide depending on the quality of the setup and lighting. no reason to spend $1000 on nutes if lighting and soil isnt up to par.

check out their websight nutrient calculator. no matter what you pick the basic stuff will get you great buds. all the additives are just boosters.

i called the phone number on the bottle and had 30 min conversation with a mr knowitall. tell em how much you want to spend and they will suggest what to get. i tried my hardest to stump the guy or get an uncertain answer but he knew his stuff.
I run the entire line of Advanced Nutrients so here are the basics:

Start with the basics, Sensi grow A&B, Sensi Bloom A&B and get only the 1 litter bottles. That will get you at least 2 grows.

Then you MUST HAVE TARANTULA AND PIRANHA! Now in liquid form. Easier to use than the powder. Get the largest size possible you will need it. They are both used all the way from veg to bloom.

Voodoo Juice and B 52 are a must for veg and a few weeks into bloom. Again 1 litter will do.

Carbo load (liquild not powder) and Sensizym for bloom only. You will use final phase with Sensizym to flush every 2 weeks into bloom. Overdrive is a must for bloom 1 liter is good for all the above. Bud Blood and Big Bud can be bought in sample packs and if your trying to save money that would be ok but would last only one grow so I go with 1 liter size to get more than one grow.

I love Advanced because they will talk about your grows and help you every step of the way. I call the Canadian toll free number for this reason. They have a kick ass nutrient calculator so you dont have to think, just use their guide. Put in how many gallons you will be using per week and put in how many weeks for veg or bloom cycle and thats it! Follow it to the tee and your off and growing.
No other nutrient company has shown me they have their act together like Advanced and so far I am into my second grow with no issues, just big buds!!
Good luck on whatever you decide.
Now they have come out with ph perfect so you dont need to spend money on a ph meter. That will save you about $80 right there.
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