(Advice) Protection from the police


New Member
I'm the type of person who likes to learn things, experience things through reading so later on when an event happens, similar too or maybe even exact I want to know how to handle the situation. I'm 18 now so I'm not very knowledgable about a regular citizens rights and what the police can do and can't do. Can someone supply a website or just answer right here for some of the following questions.

-Can a cop ask me to empty my pockets?
-Can he search me?
-Can he empty a backpack I would be carrying?

I'm interested now because my buddy told me a story about him and a few people that were down near the riverside.

So they're just sitting their tokin in public, it's real dark and no one is around. A officer pulls up and gets out of his car. (The joint was thrown and is now out) He asks everyone if they're carrying and asks this chick (angela) to empty her purse. He asks them to get into a line or w/e so he can talk to them all at once. My buddy who was carrying threw his 3g's in a bush that was right there as the pig pulled up. The officer said, if you're carrying just tell me now because it's gunna be worst if I search you and find some. Since the weed was in the bush they all said "fine search us w/e, we aint got shit" being defensive and all. they didnt get in trouble but I can't remember the end of the story because I was drunk at the time of learning the story.

So I just want to read about my rights and what officers can do, and can't do. And if they were to do something that they can't legally do, what's next for me?
Go here... NORML.org - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws - NORML.org - Working to Reform Marijuana Laws

The cops can pretty much stop, question, and search you for little or no reason other than suspicion alone. The more suspicious you look, the more likely you are to be stopped. All you can do is make it well known that you are protesting the search so it can be brought up later just incase. Oh, and never answer their questions. Especially if you know youre doing something wrong. You DO NOT have to incriminate yourself, penalties are the same whether you cooperate or not. Possesion is possesion, no matter what. MOST OF ALL be respectful and polite. I used to be a mouthy bastard to all authority before i figured out that it only creates negative progress and makes you look like a hoodlum. The moral of the story is: NEVER CONSENT TO SEARCH, DO NOT INCRIMINATE YOURSELF, BE RESPECTFUL.
hells yes dont incriminate yourself, cuz if u get caught thats there job, and your supposed to make it harder for them to prove not easier!
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