Airy new growth 4 weeks flowering


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Hey all I have an issue with my plants that I was hoping to get some advice on. From what I have read, I believe I am looking at a heat stress issue, but of course all thoughts are welcome. Here are the specs

Strain - Indica Purple Urkle
# of Plants - 4
Grow Type - Soil
Grow Stage - Flowering just into week 5
Bucket Size - 3 Gallon
Lights - (1) 600 Watt HPS with a 300w LED on the side
Nutrients - Fox Farm
Medium - Fox Farm Soil Ocean Forest
PPM - not sure
PH - not sure
RH - 50% to 55%
Room Temperature -72 to 78
Room Square Footage - 4.5' x 4.5'
Pests - None Known

The HPS is non cooled and was probably getting close to 12 inches from the plants, which is why I was thinking it could be heat stress. I moved the light up to hopefully solve that problem. I also probably over watered, as I got some compost tea and needed to get it to the plants quickly, and so possibly over watered. Let me know what ya'll think!
Yeah lighting schedule is 12/12, its on a digital timer so we should be good there, but I will check it to see if that is an issue, I hadn't thought of that, thanks!

I was using grow big during veg, and then I did give the plant a little bit of the grow big a few watering's ago. That may have been a huge mistake, as this problem is only affecting some of the top nugs, so it could very well be due to that. Should I give it a good flush and see if that will help? Will this set me back timewise when it comes to flowering?

Big flushes are hard on the plant and deplete the Benificials from the soil. If it were me I would water with 1 gallon straight water, wait a hour and water with 1 gallon with 1/4 strength micro and bloom then repeat the next 2 watering. This will help flush small amounts of unwanted salts and add nutrients that your plant is crsving. Also FFOF has enough nutrients to feed your plant for 1 month in veg.
I'll have to grab some more pics and post them, I vegged the plants for about a month and a half. All throughout veg they were a deep dark green, and looked really healthy. This is my first grow so after this first one, I will dial everything in, maybe give hydro a go.

Thanks Marz!

Well I reset my timer, it was on the on position, and it was supposed to be on the auto position, so that was probably messing me up. I know I accidentally hit the timer and I think I moved it to the On position. So i gave the girls just regular water (no nutrients) and reset the timer. Hope that squares things away.

Here are some other bud pics I have of the ladies.

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