Albany Commissioners Vote to Get Rid of Drug Paraphernalia

Jim Finnel

Fallen Cannabis Warrior & Ex News Moderator
GA: Albany city leaders say some stores are aiding illegal drug use which leads to other crimes. Commissioners voted to force stores to be more responsible, hoping a new ordinance will help get drugs off the streets.

Commissioners unanimously passed an ordinance to make it illegal to sell, use or distribute drug paraphernalia Tuesday night. Right now many stores knowingly sell items that can be used to smoke marijuana.

Commissioners passed the ordinance with some worries that it could lead to costly legal challenges. Commissioner Bob Langstaff worries about challenges from store owners who may claim the ordinance is unconstitutional but he says the city needs to take action now to get the ball rolling.

"I'm hopeful it'll stick and it works. But it's one of those things like a sign ordinance or a noise ordinance. You learn from your mistakes and you're constantly changing it and adapting it to the current case law or current changes in the law," said Langstaff.

Mayor Willie Adams told commissioners that many crimes are connected to drug use and the city had to do something even if the law is challenged in court. Violators face a maximum penalty of $1,000 and up to 6-months in jail.

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Source: WALB
Author: Len Kiese
Copyright: 2008 WorldNow and WALB
Website: News, Weather and Sports for Albany, Valdosta and Thomasville. Leading the way for South Georgia. | Albany commissioners vote to get rid of drug paraphernalia
I use a miniature corn cob pipe like you buy at the stuckies. I got an idea lets throw all the stuckies owners in jail for selling drug stuff. I have seen some people use aluminum foil maybe we should put alcoa people in jail. A friend of mine carved a peace pipe using hickory wood maybe we should ban growing hickory trees. They know this is bs and against our rules and freedoms but they do not care. It is the dog waging the tail again. The right wing conservative followers of Christ want us in jail and they are winning. We need to get a plan where the majority rules one more time in the land of the free!

Give me liberty or give me death!
Exactly the way I feel but you can’t use the N word already tried that founder thinks it attracts the wrong element. But these people do use lies and propaganda to control sounds like N--- to me. The amazing thing to me is so many people believe and follow these people. What makes them think a law that puts people in jail is good unless they commit a crime against another human? We screwed up back in the 30s when they started making laws against freedoms not crimes. They said our freedom of choice was a crime and if we make our own decisions they would put us in jail. Loosing the freedom of choice was a major loss and we let it go because in the 30s they used it only against blacks so no one cared. Now in the day of racial equality we also put poor whites in jail for non-crimes they are used as slaves just like the black folks. Our own race has decided if you are poor and powerless your rights are not important. While our President our commander in chief gives himself and all his cronies a blanket pardon for crimes committed against the American people. We should be up in arms already demanding our rights be returned and crimes without victims should be stricken form the book they have no place there. The main problem is overcoming the lies and propaganda that has confused some into thinking we have the right to infringe on others rights. Because they are poor or black or both some feel if they do not act and do as we suggest lets put them in jail and enslave them. Just like the N---. In past times that did not work and neither will our system of selective and prejudicial application of laws and rights?

Give me liberty or give me death!
Exactly the way I feel but you can't use the N word already tried that founder thinks it attracts the wrong element.

My sarcasm was about Czarist Russia. There's not too many present-day skinheads trying to relive the Russian revolution :)

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