Amnesia Haze leaf problem


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm currently growing Amnesia Haze and they are in 7th week of flowering (day 43) out of aprox. 10 needed.
A few days ago I have noticed the leafs appeard wierd. There is small nut burn all over the plant, nothing serious, but what is happening now is out of my knowledge. Could someone try to help me diagnose the problem?

I'm growing in 5l pots using 70/30 coco-perlite and I'm feeding with Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom A&B with Sensyzim, Big Bud coco, B-52, Bud Candy, Rhino Skin, Cal-Mag Extra.
My pH is always around 5,8 and I'm watering dayli. Room temperature 28 degrees celzius and 55% of moisture.







I check Jorge's Cannabis Encyclopedia. A good grow book is a must. From what I can tell it might be a Phosphorous problem which can also make Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies show up. Which would show more burning. Potassium def. also show burning on edges. My GUESS is if you hit it with some bloom nutes that should get you through. This late in the game it may be best to just let them finish as they are. It might be better then having a fix f**K things up more.
Something that immediately caught my eye was "5 l pots." Maybe you're one of those guys with a pump on a timer that keeps automatically feeding the plant throughout the day so you can grow a full-size plant in a tiny pot?

Also (just picking through the info you made available...), it looks like you burned the tips of your sugar leaves two or three weeks back. Did you reduce your nutrient concentration after that? How many PPM then and how many now?

What's the light source? And how close are the damaged leaves to the light source?
I check Jorge's Cannabis Encyclopedia. A good grow book is a must. From what I can tell it might be a Phosphorous problem which can also make Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies show up. Which would show more burning. Potassium def. also show burning on edges. My GUESS is if you hit it with some bloom nutes that should get you through. This late in the game it may be best to just let them finish as they are. It might be better then having a fix f**K things up more.

Thank you I will check it out. They are getting "big bud" from advanced nutrients as bloom nutes. I hope they finish as good as possible.

Something that immediately caught my eye was "5 l pots." Maybe you're one of those guys with a pump on a timer that keeps automatically feeding the plant throughout the day so you can grow a full-size plant in a tiny pot?

Also (just picking through the info you made available...), it looks like you burned the tips of your sugar leaves two or three weeks back. Did you reduce your nutrient concentration after that? How many PPM then and how many now?

What's the light source? And how close are the damaged leaves to the light source?

I'm feeding them manually once every 24h with 12l of nutes mix for all 12 plants (1l per plant) from veg. stage already.

I reduced dosage a little bit, base nutrients from 3,85ml/l to 3,7ml/l but that is not much really. I'm actually not monitoring ppm level as my device is dead, I have to buy a new one.. I'm just following manufacturers guide, which are 4ml/l.

Light source is mars II 900w (400w draw) and one small LED light 100w. Top buds are around 20cm away from light.
I wish I could say definitively what's going on with those leaves.

Given the regular dosing schedule, nutrient level, and evidence of previous excess, I think some kind of deficiency is out. That leaves nutrient excess, which if it were me I'd treat by reducing nutes by at least a third (and buying another meter ;)). Nutrient overload is my best guess

Those relatively tiny pots make me a little bit nervous, too, but I know that people grow big plants in tiny pots with coco, so maybe you're OK there...

Are the problem areas toward the top of the plant at all, or in the center of the 900 watt's light footprint? You have a lot of light there, so that's something else that comes to mind.

Anyway, that's my two cents worth, just one grower to another. I hope you get it figured out. Those buds are looking pretty good regardless! :thumb:
I wish I could say definitively what's going on with those leaves.

Given the regular dosing schedule, nutrient level, and evidence of previous excess, I think some kind of deficiency is out. That leaves nutrient excess, which if it were me I'd treat by reducing nutes by at least a third (and buying another meter ;)). Nutrient overload is my best guess

Those relatively tiny pots make me a little bit nervous, too, but I know that people grow big plants in tiny pots with coco, so maybe you're OK there...

Are the problem areas toward the top of the plant at all, or in the center of the 900 watt's light footprint? You have a lot of light there, so that's something else that comes to mind.

Anyway, that's my two cents worth, just one grower to another. I hope you get it figured out. Those buds are looking pretty good regardless! :thumb:

I think nutrient overload was a nice and pretty accurate guess :) I have reduced them for about a third and since then I think the problem has stopped spreading. I have removed all the bad leaves and my garden looks beautiful again.

Well I thought that 5l pots for 12 plants under 1 light would be a good ratio.. bigger pots wouldn't allow me to put so many plants under 1 light, so I would have to veg longer. And coco really do its job well.

The problem was all around the plants, somewhere in the middle of the plant towards to the top.. it's also weird that there was only half of the plants (6/12) with this deficiency.

Thank you, buds indeed looks great, I'll post a picture of a single bud later :)

Thank you for sharing your opinion! It helped me out.
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