Analgesic Effect Of The Cannabinoid Analogue Nabilone Is Not Mediated By Opioid

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(no abstract available)
Excerpt from the case report:
"(...) The patient had been suffering with severe and intractable pain in both legs caused by multiple sclerosis. The pain was eventually relieved by a low daily dose of nabilone (1 mg twice a day), after a large variety of unsuccessful trials with antineuropathic and antinociceptive treatments. (...) The VAS (initial value: 8) started to decrease 10 min after oral nabilone was taken and dropped to 0 (no pain) after 120 min; it remained unchanged for an additional 120 min and then started to return. At the time the patient left (260 min after oral nabilone intake), the pain was still reduced (VAS: 5). (...)."

Source: Clinical Studies and Case Reports
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